House documents

To view Hansard transcripts, Orders and Notices, and Votes and Proceedings, start by selecting the Parliament and session to view sitting dates.

The Hansard transcript is the official record of House debates. A typical Hansard issue includes a table of contents, a transcript of what is said, divisions (votes), a list of members and their ridings, and a list of committees and committee members.

Orders and Notices is the official agenda of the House. It includes what is scheduled for consideration in the House that day and what could be called for business before the House at any time. It also shows the status of all business that has been introduced to date.

Votes and Proceedings is the official record of the proceedings of the House. Entries in Votes and Proceedings record how the House dealt with any items of business on a given sitting day. Any proceeding and decision made by the House is recorded, including the names of members and how they voted during divisions in the House.

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Parliament Start date End date
42nd Parliament, 1st Session July 11, 2018 present
41st Parliament, 3rd Session March 19, 2018 May 8, 2018
41st Parliament, 2nd Session September 12, 2016 March 15, 2018
41st Parliament, 1st Session July 2, 2014 September 8, 2016
40th Parliament, 2nd Session February 19, 2013 May 2, 2014
40th Parliament, 1st Session November 21, 2011 October 15, 2012
39th Parliament, 2nd Session March 8, 2010 June 1, 2011
39th Parliament, 1st Session November 28, 2007 March 4, 2010
38th Parliament, 2nd Session October 11, 2005 September 10, 2007
38th Parliament, 1st Session November 19, 2003 September 19, 2005
37th Parliament, 4th Session April 30, 2003 September 2, 2003
37th Parliament, 3rd Session May 9, 2002 March 12, 2003
37th Parliament, 2nd Session April 19, 2001 March 1, 2002
37th Parliament, 1st Session October 20, 1999 March 2, 2001
36th Parliament, 3rd Session April 22, 1999 May 4, 1999
36th Parliament, 2nd Session April 23, 1998 December 18, 1998
36th Parliament, 1st Session September 26, 1995 December 18, 1997
35th Parliament, 3rd Session April 13, 1993 December 9, 1994
35th Parliament, 2nd Session April 6, 1992 December 10, 1992
35th Parliament, 1st Session November 19, 1990 December 19, 1991
34th Parliament, 2nd Session April 25, 1989 June 28, 1990
34th Parliament, 1st Session November 3, 1987 March 2, 1989
33rd Parliament, 3rd Session April 28, 1987 June 29, 1987
33rd Parliament, 2nd Session April 22, 1986 February 12, 1987
33rd Parliament, 1st Session June 4, 1985 February 12, 1986
32nd Parliament, 4th Session March 20, 1984 December 14, 1984
32nd Parliament, 3rd Session April 18, 1983 December 16, 1983
32nd Parliament, 2nd Session March 9, 1982 February 23, 1983
32nd Parliament, 1st Session April 21, 1981 December 18, 1981
31st Parliament, 4th Session March 11, 1980 December 12, 1980
31st Parliament, 3rd Session March 6, 1979 December 20, 1979
31st Parliament, 2nd Session February 21, 1978 December 15, 1978
31st Parliament, 1st Session June 27, 1977 December 16, 1977
30th Parliament, 4th Session March 29, 1977 April 29, 1977
30th Parliament, 3rd Session March 9, 1976 December 16, 1976
30th Parliament, 2nd Session January 15, 1976 January 16, 1976
30th Parliament, 1st Session October 28, 1975 December 18, 1975
29th Parliament, 5th Session March 11, 1975 July 18, 1975