House speaker index

Letter: D

  • Des Rosiers, N. (LIB, Ottawa—Vanier)

    • Addictions
    • Alcohol retail - expansion
      • The Case for Change: Increasing Choice and Expanding Opportunity in Ontario's Alcohol Sector (2019), 5423
      • and employment, 5422–5423
      • social responsibility, 5422
    • Appreciation
      • McMurtry, Roy, 1583
    • Basic Income Pilot
      • and employment, 635
    • Basic Income Pilot cancellation
    • Beer Store, The
      • bottle return program, 5423
    • Beer Store, The - master framework agreement cancellation
    • Better Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 5)
      • third reading, 828
    • Blair, Brad
    • Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115)
    • Business investment
      • Invest Ontario program, 2570
    • Cabinet ministers
      • mandate letters, 636
    • Canadian Bill of Rights, SC 1960, c 44, 2529
    • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
    • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s.33: notwithstanding clause
      • and democracy, 981
      • future use of, 982
      • government use of, 980, 982
      • historical use, 980–981, 984
      • re Toronto City Council downsizing
      • threshold for use, 984
    • Cannabis
    • Cannabis consumption
      • and addiction, 1409
      • health effects, 1409
      • impact of increased availability, 1409
      • normalization, 1410, 1412, 1629
      • permit-but-discourage model, 1409
    • Cannabis consumption - location restrictions
      • alignment with tobacco regulations, 1410, 1412
    • Cannabis - legalization
    • Cannabis - medicinal
    • Cannabis - regulatory enforcement
    • Cannabis - regulatory framework
    • Cannabis retail
      • public-ownership model
        • general remarks, 1409
    • Cannabis retail - licensing
      • quantity caps
        • on retail store authorizations, 1410, 1629
    • Cannabis retail - physical stores
    • Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36)
    • Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
    • Cap-and-trade
      • revenue from May 2018 auction, 568
    • Cap-and-trade cancellation
      • compensation, 568
      • consultation, 1324
      • legal challenges to
      • process and timeline, 173
    • Cap-and-trade cancellation - economic impact
      • analysis of, 174
    • Cap-and-trade cancellation - environmental impact
      • Western Climate Initiative, 149
    • Charter Rights Transparency Act, 2018 (Bill 49)
    • Children and youth in care
    • City of Toronto et al. v Ontario (Attorney General), 2018 ONSC 5151
      • appeal of, 982
    • Clean technology industry
      • business environment, 1740, 2289
      • in other jurisdictions, 2288
    • Climate change
      • warming rates, 4995
    • Climate change - cost of
      • insurance rates, 4995
    • Climate change mitigation
    • Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario (COSSARO)
    • Community housing
      • government strategy, 89
      • retrofit programs, funding, 173
    • Community housing - supply, 89
    • Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
    • Controlled substances
      • decriminalization, permit-but-discourage model, 1408–1409
    • Correctional services
      • government funding, 5077
    • Correctional services - segregation
    • Crime prevention
    • Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (CICB)
      • dissolution of, 4597
    • Crown liability
      • general remarks, 5247
      • historically, 5247
      • policy vs. operational decisions, 5247–5248
      • scope, 4555
      • scope of liability
        • general remarks, 5247
        • in other provinces, 5248
        • retroactive application, 5248
    • Culture and cultural identity
      • role of language, 2539
    • Curriculum - health and physical education
      • student safety and well-being, 149
    • Curriculum - health and physical education (2019)
    • Debates re answers to question period
    • Democracy
      • balance of powers, 5248
    • Department of Justice Act, RSC 1985, c J-2, 2529
    • Discrimination
      • general remarks, 4142
    • Efficient Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 31)
    • Election Fundraising Transparency Act, 2019 (Bill 85)
    • Elections/by-elections
      • general election 2018
        • vote distribution, 2793
    • Electric vehicles - charging stations
      • in new-build homes, 4995
    • Electronic products - right to repair
      • impact on business environment, 4733
    • Endangered species
      • protection of, 5039
        • general remarks, 5534
        • government funding
          • general remarks, 5534
        • temporary suspensions, 5534
    • Endangered Species Act, 2007, SO 2007, c 6
    • Endangered species - species-at-risk
      • designation process
      • protection of
        • ministerial response statements, 5038
    • Environmental Bill of Rights
      • general remarks, 1324
      • and public consultation, 568, 1324
    • Environmental protection
    • Environmental Registry
      • posting of government bills
        • cap-and-trade cancellation, 568
    • Filipino community
      • heritage month, 5472
    • French-language debates
      • Affaires d'intérêt public émanant des députées et députés
        • Clause « nonobstant », 1912
        • International language studies, 2539
        • Loi de 2018 sur la transparence relative aux droits garantis par la Charte, projet de loi 49
        • Loi de 2019 sur la Journée de commémoration et d'action contre l'islamophobie, projet de loi 83
          • deuxième lecture, 4143
      • Débat sur le discours du trône
      • Déclarations des députées et députés
        • Abus d'opioïdes, 1529
        • Aide sociale, 642
        • Discours du trône, 89
        • Journée du rétablissement d'Ottawa, 934
        • La francophonie, 5072–5073
        • Mois de la Fierté, 5524
        • Mois de l'histoire des Noirs, 3248
        • Mois du patrimoine philippin, 5472
        • Tribunal des droits de la personne de l'Ontario, 2777
        • Violence faite aux femmes, 2146
      • Déclarations ministérielles et réponses
        • Journée de l'équité salariale, 4239–4240
        • Journée internationale des personnes handicapées, 2781
        • Journée nationale de l'habitation, 2525–2526
        • La violence et le harcèlement à caractère sexuel, 5223–5224
        • Mois de la prévention de la violence faite aux femmes, 2358
        • Semaine de la prévention du crime, 2103
      • Dépôt des projets de loi
        • Loi de 2019 sur la Francophonie, projet de loi 126
          • première lecture, 5565
      • Jour de l'opposition
        • Changement climatique, 4995
      • Loi de 2018 abrogeant la Loi sur l'énergie verte, projet de loi 34
        • troisième lecture, 2289
      • Loi de 2018 annulant le programme de plafonnement et d'échange, projet de loi 4
      • Loi de 2018 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne le cannabis, projet de loi 36
      • Loi de 2018 pour des administrations locales efficaces, projet de loi 31
        • deuxième lecture, 982
      • Loi de 2019 pour plus de logements et plus de choix, projet de loi 108
      • Loi de 2019 pour protéger l'essentiel (mesures budgétaires), projet de loi 100
        • troisième lecture, 5247
      • Loi de 2019 sur la refonte complète des services de police de l'Ontario, projet de loi 68
      • Loi de 2019 sur la transparence du financement électoral, projet de loi 85
        • première lecture, 3673
      • Période de questions
      • Pétitions
    • Gender-based violence
      • prevention via education, 149
      • survivor services, 1680
    • General Motors (GM)
    • Government contracts
      • cancellation of
        • impact on business environment, 5423
    • Government downsizing
      • consultation process
        • Toronto City Council, 828
      • as fiscal policy, 981
    • Government notices of motion
    • Government orders
      • Standing orders
        • amendment to the amendment (lost)
    • Government record
      • Liberal (2003-2018)
        • independent members, 2788
    • Green economy
      • general remarks, 4995
    • Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
    • Green Ontario Program (GreenON) cancellation
      • contract eligibility deadline, 568
    • Greenhouse Gas Reduction Account (GGRA)
      • use for social housing retrofit programs, 173
      • use of, 1324
    • Health care - primary
      • preventive care
    • Holocaust
      • commemoration, 4671
    • Homelessness
      • data collection, 2525
    • Housing
      • government strategy, 2525
    • Housing development
      • inclusionary zoning, 5037
      • secondary suites
        • general remarks, 5037
    • Housing development - development charges
      • general remarks, 5039
      • impact on housing affordability, 5533
    • Housing Supply Action Plan
    • Human rights
      • Ontario as model for other jurisdictions, 2530
    • Human Rights Code Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 35)
      • first reading, 1237
    • Human Rights Tribunal
    • Human trafficking - awareness of
    • Independent Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner Appointment Act, 2019 (Bill 95)
      • first reading, 4085
    • Indigenous children
      • Jordan's Principle, 5464
    • Indigenous communities
      • language and culture
    • Indigenous Culture Fund
      • funding review, 3027
    • Indigenous relations
      • government strategy, 89
      • resource revenue-sharing agreement, 3027
    • Judiciary
      • policy development, role in, 981
    • Juries Statute Law Amendment Act (Juror Eligibility), 2018 (Bill 52)
    • Justice - administration of
      • French-language services, 1583
    • La Francophonie Act, 2019 (Bill 126)
      • first reading, 5565
    • Law Enforcement Complaints Agency
      • independence of, 3215
    • Legal proceedings
      • against government
        • cost of, 5248
        • discovery exemption, 5248
        • leave to proceed, 5248
        • scope of liability, 4597
    • Legislative drafting
      • Charter analysis, 2529–2530
      • Ontario as model for other jurisdictions, 2530
      • technical briefings, 5039
    • Legislative procedure
      • matters before the court (sub judice), 949
      • recognized party status, 2793–2795
    • Legislative procedure - order and decorum
    • Legislative process
    • LGBTQ+ community
    • Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT)
    • Members' statements
      • Black History Month, 3248
      • Filipino Heritage Month, 5472
      • Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, 2777–2778
      • Opioid abuse, 1529
      • Recovery Day Ottawa, 933–934
      • Sexual violence and harassment, 3831
      • Social assistance, 642
      • Speech from the throne, 89
      • Violence against women, 2146
    • Members'/ministers' constituencies
    • Members'/ministers' correction of record, 3428
    • Ministerial statements
      • Children and Youth in Care Day
      • Crime Prevention Week
      • Equal Pay Day
      • Holodomor
      • International Day of Persons with Disabilities
      • National Housing Day
      • Police Week
      • Pride Month
      • Sexual violence and harassment
      • Woman Abuse Prevention Month
    • Ministry of Correctional Services Amendment Act (Limits on Solitary Confinement), 2019 (Bill 113)
      • first reading, 4982
    • More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108)
    • Municipal Act, 2001, SO 2001, c 25
      • memorandum of understanding
        • re provincial-municipal consultation, 828
    • Municipal and regional governments
      • relationship with province, 828
    • Municipalities
      • memorandum of understanding
        • re provincial-municipal consultation, 828
    • Occupational health and safety
    • Ontario Building Code
      • electric vehicle compatibility, 5038–5039
      • harmonization with other provinces, 5038
    • Ontario Medical Association (OMA)
      • contract negotiations, 2138
    • Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) - commissioner
    • Opioid addiction
      • overdoses and fatalities, 1529
    • Opposition day motions
      • Climate change
    • Pay equity
      • wage reporting
        • general remarks, 4240
    • Persons with disabilities
      • human rights framework, 2777
    • Petitions
    • Police officers
    • Police services
    • Police services oversight
    • Police services oversight - disciplinary process
      • evidentiary standard, 3217
    • Police services oversight - reform
      • and First Nations police services, 3215
      • overlap with Safer Ontario Act, 2018, 3215
      • Tulloch report (2017), recommendations, 3216
    • Political fundraising
    • Poverty
    • Private members' public business
      • Charter Rights Transparency Act, 2018 (Bill 49)
      • Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Right to Repair Electronic Products), 2019 (Bill 72)
        • second reading, 4733
      • Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia Act, 2019 (Bill 83)
      • International language studies
      • "Notwithstanding" clause
    • Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
    • Public education campaigns - accessibility
      • International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 2781
    • Public education campaigns - children
      • Children and Youth in Care Day, 5077
    • Public education campaigns - community development
    • Public education campaigns - culture
      • Black History Month, 3248
      • Filipino Heritage Month, 5472
    • Public education campaigns - health
    • Public education campaigns - historical/national
      • National Holodomor Awareness Week, 2475
    • Public education campaigns - national/historical
    • Public education campaigns - occupations
    • Public education campaigns - racism and discrimination
      • Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia, 4143
    • Public education campaigns - safety
      • Crime Prevention Week, 2103
    • Public education campaigns - violence, sexual violence, and harassment
      • Sexual Assault Prevention Month, 5223
      • Women Abuse Prevention Month, 2146
    • Public education campaigns - women
    • Question period
    • Racism
    • Renewable energy contracts
    • Renewable energy contracts - cancellation
    • Renewable energy projects
      • approval requirements, issue/renewal of, 1739, 2288
      • in northern and rural Ontario, 2289
    • Renewable energy projects - siting
    • Rental housing
      • rent control
        • general remarks, 2525
    • Safer Ontario Act, 2018, S.O. 2018, c. 3
      • postponement of, 148
    • Schmidt v Canada (Attorney General), 2016 FC 269, 2534
    • Sexual violence and harassment
      • on campus
        • prevention and services, 5224
      • general remarks, 5223–5224
      • in the workplace
        • response protocols, 4163
      • workplace protocols, 3831, 5224
    • Smart Serve training
      • content
        • bystander intervention, 2358
    • Social assistance programs
      • report, Income Security: A Roadmap for Change, 642
    • Solicitor-client privilege
      • owner of privilege, 2534
    • Special Investigations Unit (SIU) - investigative process
    • Standing Orders by order
    • Statements by stakeholders
    • Taxation - low-income individuals and families tax credit
    • Throne speech
      • use of French language, 89
    • Throne speech debate
    • Toronto Catholic District School Board
      • international languages program, 2539
    • Toronto City Council downsizing
      • as constitutional issue, 980
      • timing of, 828
    • Toronto City Council downsizing - legal challenge
    • Toronto City Council - election (2018)
    • Transition Child Benefit
    • Tributes
      • Manning, Joel, 4158
      • Pitman, Walter, 5202
    • Violence against women
    • Violent crime
    • Wildlife management
      • biodiversity, importance of, 5038, 5534
    • World War II
      • D-Day anniversary, 5586
  • Downey, Hon. D. (PC, Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte)

    • Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
    • Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
    • Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal
      • decisions re Drainage Act, 1990
        • delivery method, 4468
    • Agriculture industry
      • products payment system
        • administration by board, 4468
      • regulatory environment, 4468
    • Agriculture industry - COVID-19
      • government response
        • Enhanced Agri-Food Workplace Protection Program, 9893
        • financial supports, 9893
        • general remarks, 9893
    • Agriculture industry - support programs
      • loan guarantee programs, 3751
      • Wildlife Damage Compensation Program, 4468
    • Agriculture - temporary foreign workers
      • regulation of
        • housing conditions, 9893
    • Agri-food industry
      • economic impact, 1858
    • Alcohol consumption
      • in public
    • Alcohol retail
    • Alcohol retail - expansion
    • Appreciation
      • Bloom, Howard, 137
      • Helmond, Jason, 4502
    • Arts and culture industry
      • and local business, 2891
    • Auditor General
    • Automobile insurance reform
      • consumer choice, 4513
      • default benefit limit
        • for catastrophic injuries, 4513
        • for catastrophically injuries, 4470
      • electronic documentation, 4469
      • general remarks, 4469–4470
      • public consultation, 4513
      • regulator, 4514
    • Automotive industry
    • Bail and bail hearings
      • and COVID-19
      • general remarks, 11429
    • Beer Store, The
      • delivery services
        • during COVID-19, 9896
    • Beer Store, The - master framework agreement
    • Bees Act, RSO 1990, c B.6
      • inspector notices and orders
        • digital delivery, 4467
    • Better Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 5)
      • second reading, 717
    • Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115)
    • Bullying and cyberbullying
      • non-consensual distribution of images
    • Business
    • Business - COVID-19, government response
      • general remarks, 9899
      • PPE funding, 9892
    • Business - small and medium-sized
    • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
    • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s.33: notwithstanding clause
      • general remarks, 14101
      • inclusion of, 14101
      • re Toronto City Council downsizing
        • legal community, response of, 951
      • use of
    • Cannabis
      • education
    • Cannabis consumption - youth
      • age restrictions, 1361
    • Cannabis - legalization
    • Cannabis - regulatory framework
    • Cannabis retail
      • dispensaries operating pre-legalization, 1350
      • in Indigenous communities, 1364
      • market analysis, data sources, 1350
      • packaging, 1361
      • pricing, 1361
      • products, 1362
    • Cannabis retail - licensing
      • enforcement, 1361
      • facility requirements, 1361
    • Cannabis retail - Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS)
      • delivery requirements, 1364
      • general remarks, 1361
    • Cannabis retail - physical stores
      • municipal opt-out
    • Cannabis retail - unlicensed dispensaries
      • closure orders
        • general remarks, 1362
      • corporate liability, 1362
      • penalties
    • Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36)
    • Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
    • Cap-and-trade
    • Cap-and-trade - economic impact
    • Carbon tax (federal)
      • cost of
        • disclosure
      • general remarks, 3750
      • government response to, 853
      • impact on emissions, 1837
      • rebate, 1837
    • Certificates of birth, marriage and death
    • Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
    • Chief Electoral Officer
      • procedural recommendations
        • political advertising, monitoring of, 14098
        • voting technology, 12590
      • special report on election administration (2020)
    • Child custody and visitation
      • child access services
        • government funding, 9448
      • guardianship applications for children's property
    • Cider and cideries
      • general remarks, 9896
      • and interdependent economies, 9896
      • on-site retail
        • crop acreage requirements, 9896
    • City of Toronto et al. v Ontario (Attorney General), 2018 ONSC 5151
    • Civil forfeiture - proceeds of crime
    • Civil liability - COVID-19
    • Civil liability exemptions - COVID-19
    • Civil Remedies Grant Program, 11671, 13699
    • Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
    • Construction industry
      • and COVID-19
    • Consumption and treatment services
      • rehabilitation services, 5778
    • Corporate law
      • Business Law Advisory Committee, 4467
    • Court administration
    • Court administration - civil
    • COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197)
    • COVID-19 - essential service workers
    • COVID-19 - government response
      • second-wave planning
        • Keeping Ontarians Safe: Preparing for Future Waves of COVID-19, 9892
    • COVID-19 - provincial reopening
    • Credit unions and caisses populaires
      • syndicated loans
        • regulatory reform, 3091
    • Curriculum - math
    • Death investigation system
      • strategic planning, 7488
    • Debates re answers to question period
      • Fundraising
      • Government accountability
      • Government spending
    • Dental care
    • Eabametoong First Nation
    • Economic development by region
      • northern Ontario, 1328
    • Economic development - northern Ontario
      • government strategy, 4625
    • Education - post-secondary, COVID-19
      • government funding, 9895
      • student mental health, 9895
    • Efficient Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 31)
      • second reading, 951
      • time allocation motion
    • Election offences
    • Elections Ontario
    • Electoral process
    • Electoral process - COVID-19
    • Electoral process - polling stations
    • Electoral reform
    • Electricity rates
      • affordability, 2271
    • Electricity rates - impact by area
      • industrial consumers
    • Electricity supply - surplus
    • Energy generation
    • Estate administration
    • Estate administration tax
    • Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017, SO 2017, c 22
      • general remarks, 2462
    • Family law
    • Family law reform
    • Family law reform - alternative dispute resolution
    • Family law reform - digital services
    • Family law reform - terminology and definitions
    • Financial professionals
      • title protection, 4466
    • Financial technology
    • Firefighters
      • volunteer
        • double-hatters, 2918
    • Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
    • Forensic pathology units
      • Hamilton closure, 7487
    • Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, 2019 (Bill 116)
    • French-language debates
      • Loi de 2020 pour un système judiciaire plus efficace et plus solide, projet de loi 161
        • troisième lecture, 8309
    • Government debt
      • general remarks, 3058
    • Government debt - annual deficits
    • Government downsizing
      • as fiscal policy, 951
    • Government orders
      • Legislative reform (as amended)
      • Standing orders
        • amendment to the amendment (lost)
    • Government record
      • Liberal (2003-2018)
      • PC (2018-present)
    • Government services
      • digital delivery, 4467
    • Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
    • Health care workers
      • appreciation, 9891
      • supportive care workers
        • government funding, 9892
    • Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
      • second reading, 9255
    • Hospitality industry - COVID-19
    • Hospitals - COVID-19
      • liability insurance
        • coverage exclusions, 8792
    • Human trafficking
    • Human trafficking - government strategy
    • Human trafficking - survivor services
      • general remarks, 11670
      • government funding, 13699
      • Indigenous services, 11671
      • legal services, 13699
      • victim witness workers, 11670
    • Hunting and angling
    • Indigenous communities
      • economic development, 1328
    • Indigenous relations
    • Judges
    • Judicial appointments
    • Judicial appointments - Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee
    • Judicial officers
      • appointment transfers
      • misconduct by
    • Jurors
      • protection of privacy, 8310
    • Justice - administration of
    • Justice system
    • Justice system - COVID-19
    • Justice system - reform
    • Justices of the peace
      • appointment process
        • Justices of the Peace Appointments Advisory Committee
          • data collection and reporting, 11421
      • appointment process reform
        • applicant demographics, publication of, 8789
        • digital applications, 8789
        • general remarks, 8788–8789
        • selection committee
          • virtual meetings, 8789
        • selection criteria, 8789
    • Land development
      • subdivision of land
        • applications for
          • differential treatment of entities, 5379
        • held by holding company, 5379
        • lot conveyance
          • order of, 5379
          • release of interest by joint tenant, 5383
        • reversion following death of joint tenant, 5379
        • in succession planning, 5378–5379
    • Land expropriation
    • Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
      • and Indigenous rights, 11980
    • Landlord and Tenant Board
    • Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)
      • digital case management, 12124
    • Law and legal policy
      • government strategy, 11428
    • Lawyers
      • professional misconduct
    • Legal aid services
    • Legal aid services - clinics
    • Legal aid services - delivery model
    • Legal and identity documents
    • Legal proceedings
    • Legal services
    • Legions
      • property tax exemption, 2917
    • Legislative procedure
    • Legislative procedure - independent members
      • general remarks, 12590
      • participation in proceedings
        • ministerial statements, 1057
    • Legislative procedure - proceedings
      • opposition days, 1057
    • Legislative procedure - sessional day
    • Legislative process
      • dilatory motions, 1055
    • Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO)
      • delivery services
        • during COVID-19, 9896
    • Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT)
    • Long-term care - COVID-19 review commission
    • Long-term-care facilities
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, infection control
    • Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47)
      • second reading, 2060
    • Marriage solemnization
    • Math skills, 3693
    • Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs)
    • Members' statements
      • Arts and culture businesses, 2891
      • Battle of Britain, 1035
      • Bells of Peace, 1844
      • Bloom, Howard, 137
      • Burl's Creek Event Grounds, 781
      • Elmvale Maple Syrup Festival, 4082–4083
      • Fierté Simcoe Pride, 415
      • Helmond, Jason, 4502
      • Kempenfest, 4669
      • Phone It Forward campaign, 2264
      • Seniors' Light Tour, 2980
      • Terry Fox Run, 843
      • Toronto Blockchain Week, 4719
    • Members'/ministers' constituencies
      • Barrie–Springwater–Oro-Medonte, 26, 2980, 4669
    • Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 26–27
    • Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 27
    • Members/ministers quoting
      • Binnie, Ian, 4101
      • The Case for Change: Increasing Choice and Expanding Opportunity in Ontario's Alcohol Sector (2019), 5399–5400
    • Members'/ministers' remarks
    • Members'/ministers' travel
    • Mental Health and Addictions Centre of Excellence
      • standardization of care, 5778
    • Mental health and addictions services - funding
      • allocation
    • Mental health and addictions strategy
    • Midwifery
    • Minimum wage increase
      • indexed to inflation, 3750
    • Minimum wage increase - to $14
      • effect on employment, 3750
    • Mining industry
      • government strategy, 5365
      • Indigenous participation in, 9061
    • Moving Ontario Family Law Forward Act, 2020 (Bill 207)
    • Municipal and regional governments
      • wards, number of
        • alignment with provincial ridings, 717
    • Municipal elections
      • nomination and registration forms
      • ranked ballot procedure
        • restrictions on use, 9899
      • third-party advertisers
    • Municipal finances
      • Municipal Modernization and Accountability Fund, 4469
    • Municipalities
      • modernization fund, 3709
    • Natural gas
    • Natural gas expansion
    • Natural Gas Grant Program (NGGP)
    • New Brunswick
      • provincial election (2020), 9004
    • News media
      • Ontario News Now, 4694
    • Office of the Children's Lawyer
    • Ontario College of Teachers (OCT)
      • disciplinary hearing decisions, 3692
    • Ontario College of Trades
      • membership fees, 2918
    • Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
      • application administration, 4102
    • Ontario Energy Board (OEB) - governance reform
      • general remarks, 3877
    • Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC)
      • appointment process
        • criteria, 7547
        • memorandum of understanding, 7664
      • Arsenault, Randall, appointment of, 7547, 7664
      • independence, 7664
    • Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
    • Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)
    • Ontario Public Service
    • Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
    • Opioid addiction
      • left untreated, cost, 5778
      • overdoses and fatalities, 5778
    • Opioid manufacturers/wholesalers
    • Opioid supply
      • prescription opioids, 6853
    • Paralegals
      • professional misconduct
    • Personal injury - slip-and-fall lawsuits
      • statute of limitations
        • on private property, 5615
    • Personal property securities
      • chattel paper, 4467
      • registration system
    • Personal protective equipment
      • Ontario Together web portal, 9892
      • production
        • general remarks, 9895
    • Personal support workers (PSWs)
      • general remarks, 9892
    • Personal support workers (PSWs) - compensation
      • wage enhancement
        • general remarks, 9892
    • Planning Act, RSO 1990, c P.13
    • Planning Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 88)
      • first reading, 3768
      • consultation process, 5379
      • scope of, 5383
      • stakeholder response, 5379
    • Police services oversight - reform
      • general remarks, 8115
    • Police services - reform
      • general remarks, 3239
    • Political advertising
      • determination of, 14099
      • monitoring periods, 11715
    • Political advertising - third-party
    • Political campaigning
    • Political fundraising
    • Political fundraising - campaign finances
    • Political fundraising - personal donations
    • Political fundraising - per-vote subsidy
    • Political parties
      • monitoring periods, 14212
    • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
      • awareness day, 4466
    • Premier's Office
    • Private members' public business
      • Lower Automobile Insurance Rates Act, 2019 (Bill 90)
      • Magna Carta Day Act (In Memory of Julia Munro, MPP), 2020 (Bill 201)
      • "Notwithstanding" clause
      • Occupiers' Liability Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 118)
        • second reading, 5615
      • Planning Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 88)
    • Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
    • Protecting Ontario Elections Act, 2021 (Bill 254)
    • Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
    • Public accountants
      • accounting standards
        • alignment with other Canadian jurisdictions, 11426
      • Public Accountants Council
    • Public accounts 2017-2018
      • review by Auditor General, 3058
    • Public education campaigns - accessibility
      • Phone It Forward, 2264
    • Public education campaigns - health
      • PTSD Awareness Day, 4466
    • Public education campaigns - historical/national
    • Question period
    • Racism
    • Regulations - reduction
    • Regulatory environment
    • Regulatory reform
    • Remembrance Day, 1844, 2091
    • Renewable energy contracts
    • Renewable energy projects
      • municipal consultation, 61, 70, 2272
      • in northern and rural Ontario, 2271
    • Rental housing - COVID-19
    • Rental housing - evictions
    • Rental housing - tenant protections
      • general remarks
        • general remarks, 9255
    • Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
    • Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57)
    • Retirement homes - COVID-19
    • Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
    • School boards - directors of education
      • qualifications, 8791
    • September 11, 2001 attacks
      • anniversary, 834
    • Service animals - in schools
    • Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
    • Solar panels
    • Special Investigations Unit (SIU)
    • Sports - amateur
      • mentorship and volunteering, 9893
    • Standing Orders
    • Standing Orders by order - 2009
      • XV. Public Bills
        • S.O. 81: three readings for all bills
          • (c): bill cannot be considered both morning and afternoon
    • Standing Orders by order - 2020
      • I. Conduct of Business
        • S.O. 2: accessibility, 6556
      • III. Meetings of the House
        • S.O. 7: parliamentary calendar
          • (c): evening sittings, 6557
        • S.O. 9: Meeting times
          • (a) weekly meeting schedules
            • members' statements, 6557
      • IV. Order and Decorum and Conduct of Members
        • S.O. 22: electronic devices, 6555
      • VI. Rules of Debate
        • S.O. 24
          • (d): recognition of independent member, 6557
        • S.O. 27: questions on speeches, 6556
      • VIII. Daily Routine
        • S.O. 34: introduction of visitors, 6557
        • S.O. 35: question period
          • (e): responses to questions, 6557
      • XV. Public Bills
        • S.O. 72: private members' bills
          • (a): co-sponsorship, 6556
      • XX. Committees
        • S.O. 116: committee membership
          • (e): temporary substitutions, 6557
    • Standing orders reform
    • Statements by stakeholders
      • COVID-19
      • judicial appointments reform, 12119
      • mental health, 5777
      • political advertising, third-party, 14100
    • Supply Act, 2019 (Bill 81)
    • Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
    • Teachers - sexual misconduct
    • Terry Fox Run, 843
    • Throne speech debate
    • Time allocation motions
      • Efficient Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 31)
      • Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
    • Toronto
      • amalgamation (1998), 717
    • Toronto City Council
      • legislative process, 1022
    • Toronto City Council downsizing
      • alignment with provincial ridings, 717
      • public response to, 1022
    • Toronto city councillors
      • response to council downsizing, 1022
    • Toronto (City) v Ontario (Attorney General), 2018 ONCA 761
      • decision re stay, 1021
    • Treaties with First Nations
      • recognition of, 5951
    • Tribunals
      • appeals process
      • digital services
        • case management system, 12124
      • general remarks, 12123
      • government funding, 12124
    • Urgent Priorities Act, 2018 (Bill 2)
    • Veterans - commemoration
    • Victim Quick Response Program (VQRP)
      • government funding, 6002
    • Victim Services Awards of Distinction, 12700
    • Visually impaired persons
      • assistive technology
      • pay equity, 2264
    • War in Afghanistan
    • Water testing
      • results delivery method, 4467
    • White Pines Wind Project
      • local opinion, 245
      • notice to proceed, 245
    • Wills
      • digital wills, 12122
      • revocation on marriage
      • validation by courts
    • Wind turbines
      • general remarks, 2271
    • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - COVID-19
      • claims
        • exempted from civil liability protection, 9890, 10398
    • York University strike
      • student impact, 245
  • Dunlop, Hon. J. (PC, Simcoe North)

    • Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
    • Adoption
    • Adoption services
    • Affordable housing
      • "affordable," definition of, 5041
      • and alternative housing models, 5042
      • availability of, 5041–5042
      • and housing supply, 5042
    • Amazon
      • fulfillment centre, Caledon, 374
    • Animal protection system
      • enforcement entities
        • bylaw officers, 6075
    • Animal welfare inspectors
    • Appreciation
    • Apprenticeship training programs
    • Apprenticeships
      • availability of, 2140, 2441
      • general remarks, 515
      • journeyperson-to-apprentice ratio, 2441, 2443, 2466
      • Ontario Adult Apprenticeship Program, 13458
    • Apprenticeships - occupational health and safety
      • journeyperson-to-apprentice ratio, 2042
    • Autism services
      • funding
    • Autism services - reform
      • general remarks, 3706
    • Black community
      • appreciation of, 7218
    • Black Youth Action Plan
    • Budget 2019
    • Budget 2021
    • Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021 (Bill 288)
    • Bullying and cyberbullying
    • Business - Digital Main Street program
      • government funding, 12838
    • Business environment
      • government strategy, 2441
    • Carbon tax (federal)
      • government response to, 1028
      • impact on public services, 4999
    • Child abuse
    • Child abuse and neglect
      • duty to report, 8669
    • Child care
      • federal program, 13418
      • and women's workforce participation, 8555
    • Child care - COVID-19
      • government strategy, 12535
    • Child care funding
    • Child protection system
    • Child protection system - reform
      • general remarks, 9067
    • Children and youth in care
      • and COVID-19
      • fatalities, 6866
        • disclosure of, 8820
      • human trafficking, 13703
      • leaving care
      • transition out of care
    • Children's aid societies (CASs)
    • Class sizes
      • in colleges and universities, 4600
    • Climate change impact
      • impact assessment, 4999
    • Climate change mitigation
      • government strategy, 1555
    • Colleges and universities
    • Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
    • Community festivals
      • economic impact, 533
    • Community housing
      • Community Housing Renewal Strategy, 5042
      • wait-lists, 5042
    • Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
    • Coroners
      • investigative authority, 3396
      • residency requirement, 3396
      • seizure of items during investigation, 3396
    • COVID-19 Action Plan for Vulnerable People, 8821
    • COVID-19 - economic impact
    • COVID-19 - economic recovery
    • COVID-19 - essential service workers
    • COVID-19 - financial supports
      • provincial
        • residential relief fund, 10920, 13718
        • Social Services Relief Fund, 9721, 10920
        • support organizations
          • gender-based violence, 8329
      • by sector
        • residential services, 8821
    • Developmental services
    • Domestic violence
    • École Polytechnique massacre (December 6, 1989)
    • Education funding - post-secondary
      • general remarks, 1948
    • Electricity rates
    • Electricity rates - impact by area
      • industrial consumers
    • Emergency first responders
      • Public Safety Radio Network (PSRN), 1521
      • recruitment of women, 7432
    • Employment - COVID-19
    • Ethiopia
      • air disaster (March 10, 2019), 3569
    • Farmers
      • Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program
        • regulatory requirements, 1233
    • Farms
      • electronic registration, 4008
    • Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
    • Flooding
      • electricity reconnection fees, 4912
    • Food banks - COVID-19
    • Food security
    • French-language debates
      • Déclarations des députées et députés
        • Lalonde, Martin, 4339
      • Déclarations ministérielles et réponses
        • Anniversaire du rapport sur la situation de la femme au Canada, 11139–11140
        • Journée de sensibilisation à la traite des personnes, 7041–7042
        • Mois de la prévention du mauvais traitement des enfants, 10041
        • Mois de l'histoire des Noirs, 7219
        • Prévention de l'intimidation, 7219
        • Traite des personnes, 9066
      • Government orders
        • Politiques du gouvernement, 513
    • Gasoline prices
      • impact of cap-and-trade cancellation, 1028
    • Gender equality
    • Gender-based violence
    • Government debt
    • Government orders
    • Government record
      • Liberal (2003-2018)
        • women's issues, 7546
    • Green Energy Act, 2009, S.O. 2009, c. 12, Sched. A
      • impact on employment, 1553
      • provisions to be re-enacted, 1555
    • Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
    • Health care
      • equity of access, 4780
    • Health care funding
      • front-line services, 4338
    • Health care system - reform
      • consultation process, 4780
      • general remarks, 4779
    • Home co-ownership agreements
      • general remarks, 5042
    • Hospital funding
    • Housing
      • average cost over time, 5041
      • general remarks, 5041
    • Housing development
      • secondary suites
        • general remarks, 5042
    • Housing development - development charges
      • deferral for rental and non-profit, 5042
    • Housing Supply Action Plan
    • Human trafficking
    • Human trafficking - awareness of
    • Human trafficking - government strategy
    • Human trafficking - law enforcement
    • Human trafficking - sex trafficking
    • Human trafficking - survivor services
    • Humboldt, Saskatchewan accident
    • Hunting and angling
      • general remarks, 4759
      • moose tag draws, 2637
      • trapping industry
        • government funding, 3377
    • Hydro One leadership - compensation reform
      • approval and amendment authority, 83
      • consultation on, 83
      • disclosure requirements, 83
      • rates reflecting executive salaries, 83
    • Indigenous communities
      • Indigenous Women's Advisory Council, 9067
    • Indigenous communities - health care
      • general remarks, 4780
    • Indigenous communities - youth
      • human trafficking
        • Indigenous-Led Initiatives Fund, 9066–9067
        • Speak Out: Stop Sex Trafficking campaign, 9066
    • Indigenous women
    • Indigenous youth
      • suicide inquiry, 6866
    • Legions
    • LGBTQ+ community
    • Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT)
    • Long-term care - beds
      • development and redevelopment
        • geographic allocation, 3760
      • new, geographic allocation, 4780
    • Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47)
    • Medical laboratory services
      • Penetanguishene, 3766
    • Member appreciation
      • Wynne, Kathleen (Don Valley West), 7553
    • Members' statements
      • Boys and Girls Clubs of North Simcoe, 2212
      • Bullen, Fayne, 3346–3347
      • Events in Simcoe North, 1894
      • Georgian Bay Hunters and Anglers, 4759
      • Graham, Frank Edward, 182
      • Kelly, Leonard "Red," 1733
      • Labour dispute, 2982
      • Lalonde, Martin, 4339
      • LifeLabs, 3766
      • March Mudness, 4315
      • Music festivals in Simcoe North, 533
      • Ontario's Best Butter Tart Festival, 5563–5564
      • Orillia Perch Festival, 4982
      • Palliative care, 3034
      • Rehhorn, Angela, 3569–3570
      • Renewable energy, 5602
      • Seniors events in Simcoe North, 1644
      • Skilled trades, 890–891
      • Tiny township charity golf tournament, 22
    • Members'/ministers' constituencies
    • Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 512–515
    • Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 515
    • Members'/ministers' privileges
      • wearing of paraphernalia
    • Mental health and addictions services
    • Military personnel
    • Ministerial statements
    • Ministry of Children and Women's Issues
      • federal/provincial/territorial counterparts, 6873
    • Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
      • advisory councils
        • Indigenous health council, 4780
    • Missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG)
    • More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108)
    • Motor vehicle dealers
      • economic impact, 2545
    • MUSH sector
      • as non-construction employers
        • and open tendering, 4008
    • Natural gas expansion
    • New Democratic Party (NDP)
      • health and long-term care, 4781
    • Ontario Autism Program (2019)
      • government funding, 14118
    • Ontario College of Trades
    • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
    • Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, SO 1998, c 15, Schedule B
      • amendment of
        • re rates incorporating executive compensation, 83
    • Ontario Energy Board (OEB) - governance reform
    • Ontario Water Resources Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 128)
    • Ontario Works (OW)
    • Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
      • general remarks, 4210
    • Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan - refinancing
    • Opposition day motions
    • Palliative care facilities by site
      • Mariposa House Hospice, 3034
    • Pay equity - gender wage gap, 7554
    • Petitions
    • Police officers
      • working conditions, 3964
    • Police service boards
      • role and duties
        • diversity plan development, 3396
    • Police services
    • Police services oversight - disciplinary process
      • general remarks, 3217
    • Police services oversight - reform
      • consultation process, 3395–3396
      • and First Nations police services, 3396
      • general remarks, 3395
    • Police services - reform
    • Poverty
    • Pre-apprenticeship training programs
      • enrolment
      • government funding, 13458
      • Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)
        • government funding, 13458
      • Skills Ontario, 13458
    • Private members' public business
      • Cutting Red Tape for Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2018 (Bill 50)
        • second reading, 2545
      • Fostering Privacy Fairness Act, 2021 (Bill 237)
      • Intimate Partner Violence Disclosure Act, 2021 (Bill 274)
      • Safer School Buses Act, 2021 (Bill 246)
      • Skilled trades
      • Waste diversion
    • Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
    • Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 269)
    • Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
      • second reading, 4600
    • Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 (Bill 136)
    • Public education campaign - community development
    • Public education campaigns - accessibility
      • World Down Syndrome Day, 3713
    • Public education campaigns - children
    • Public education campaigns - community development
    • Public education campaigns - culture
      • Black History Month, 7218
    • Public education campaigns - justice
      • Human Trafficking Awareness Day, 7041, 11396
    • Public education campaigns - racism and discrimination
      • Trans Day of Remembrance, 6181
    • Public education campaigns - violence, sexual violence, and harassment
    • Public education campaigns - women
    • Question period
    • Racism
    • Regulations
    • Regulatory environment
      • general remarks, 2442, 4001
      • impact on business environment, 4005
    • Renewable energy
      • impact on global adjustment fee, 1554
    • Renewable energy contracts
      • cost of, 1553
      • feed-in-tariff (FIT), 1555
    • Renewable energy projects - siting
    • Rental housing
      • affordability, 5041
      • rent control
    • Rental housing - development
    • Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
    • Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57)
      • second reading, 2560
    • Ryerson University
      • Brampton campus
    • Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
    • School buses - safety
    • Schools
      • Student Nutrition Program, 11008
    • Senior citizens
      • population growth, 3760
    • Sexual violence and harassment
    • Shelters
      • COVID-19 supports, 10920
    • Skilled trades
    • Skilled trades - education
    • Skilled tradespeople
    • Skilled tradespeople - recruitment
    • Skills gap
      • general remarks, 1948
      • government strategy, 2140
      • post-secondary education, role in, 1949, 2443
    • Small Business Support Grant
      • government funding, 12838
    • Social assistance - COVID-19
      • COVID-19 Action Plan for Vulnerable People, 11098
    • Social assistance programs
    • Social assistance recipients
      • workforce re-entry, 13538
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission - governance and administration
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission - reform
    • Special Investigations Unit Act, 2019, SO 2019, c 1, Schedule 5
      • administration by Attorney General, 3395
    • Special Investigations Unit (SIU)
    • Special Investigations Unit (SIU) - investigative process
    • Statements by stakeholders
    • Steel industry
      • government strategy, 1929
    • Students - sexual abuse of
    • Suicide - child and youth
      • in Indigenous communities, 6866
    • Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
    • Taxation - low-income individuals and families tax credit
      • eligibility, 2560
      • general remarks, 2560
    • Teacher candidates
    • Teachers
    • Teachers - sexual misconduct
    • Throne speech debate
      • participation, 154
    • Time allocation motions
      • Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
    • Transgender persons
      • discrimination and violence against, 6181
    • Transitional housing
      • government funding, 13718
    • Tributes
    • United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) - impact on industry
      • agriculture industry, 1483
    • Vehicles
      • digital dealer registration, 2545
    • Veterans
    • Veterans - commemoration
      • in education curriculum, 10182
      • Remembrance Day, 10183
    • Veterans - support services
    • Violence against women
    • Waste diversion - textiles
      • donation and recycling
        • general remarks, 3547
        • programs, charity/corporate, 3547
        • programs, municipal, 3547
    • Water power
      • regulation of, 5602
    • Watershed management
    • Wilfred Laurier University
      • Milton campus
    • Wind turbines
      • environmental impact, 1762
      • impact on aquifer, 1553
    • Women
    • Women's shelters
    • York University
      • Markham campus
Last updated