House speaker index

Letter: P

  • Pang, B. (PC, Markham—Unionville)

    • Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
    • Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
    • Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
    • Agriculture - temporary foreign workers, COVID-19
      • government funding, 8283
    • Alcohol retail
    • Arts and culture industry
      • economic impact, 9492
    • Autism services - reform
      • autism advisory panel, 5562
    • Behaviour analysts
      • regulation of
    • Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
    • Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115)
    • Broadband infrastructure development
    • Broadband infrastructure development programs
      • Improving Connectivity for Ontario (ICON), 12496
      • Up to Speed program, 12496
    • Broadband infrastructure - expansion
      • government funding
        • Improving Connectivity for Ontario (ICON) program, 10894
    • Broadband services
    • Budget 2019
    • Budget 2020
    • Budget speech 2020 (November 5, 2020)
    • Business - COVID-19
      • economic impact
      • government supports
        • Digital Main Street program, 10807
        • financial assistance
    • Business - COVID-19, government response
      • financial assistance
      • general remarks, 10872
    • Business - main street recovery plan
    • Business - small and medium-sized
    • Business - taxation
      • education tax rates, 10807
    • Cannabis consumption - location restrictions
      • alignment with tobacco regulations, 1367
    • Cannabis - legalization
      • general remarks, 1367
    • Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36)
      • second reading, 1367
    • Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
    • Charities and non-profits
    • Charities and non-profits - COVID-19
    • Chinese-Canadian relations, 1844–1845
    • Civil forfeiture - proceeds of crime
      • to fund victim supports, 8344
    • Class sizes
      • in other provinces, 4599
    • Class sizes - adjustment
      • consultation process, 4599
      • general remarks, 4599
    • Climate change impact
    • Climate change mitigation
      • general remarks, 873
    • College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario
      • behaviour analysts
        • regulatory framework
          • implementation timeline, 13173
    • Colleges and universities - degree-granting authority
    • Commercial tenancies
      • and COVID-19
        • Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy
    • Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
    • Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
      • third reading, 8466
    • COVID-19
      • government communications, 8282
      • virtual roundtables, 7972
    • COVID-19 - child benefits
      • COVID-19 Child Benefit, 12342
      • Support for Learners program, 10807
    • COVID-19 - economic impact
    • COVID-19 - economic recovery
      • committee
        • general remarks, 8283
    • COVID-19 - emergency orders
      • general remarks, 7972
    • COVID-19 - financial supports
      • provincial
        • general remarks, 8642
    • COVID-19 - government response
    • COVID-19 - provincial reopening
    • COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency
    • COVID-19 - public gatherings
    • COVID-19 - public response to, 7875, 7886, 7972–7973, 10871
    • COVID-19 - testing
      • capacity, 8281
      • contact tracing
        • notification app, 8282
        • staff allocation, 8282
      • strategy, 8282
    • COVID-19 - vaccination
    • COVID-19 - vaccination, data collection
      • use and retention, 13173
    • Crime
    • Curriculum - health and physical education (2015), repeal of
      • general remarks, 160
    • Cycling safety
      • dooring collisions, reporting, 13072
    • Driving - stunt driving and street racing
    • Education
      • math scores, 4599
      • staff-to-student ratio, 4599
    • Education - COVID-19
      • school closures, 8283
      • school reopening
        • government funding, 9536
    • Education funding
      • general remarks, 4600
      • Grants for Student Needs (GSN)
      • special education, 4576
      • transportation programs
        • children and youth in care, 4575
        • Student Transportation Grant, 4576
    • Education - online learning
      • general remarks, 4575
    • Education - post-secondary
    • Education programs
      • Focus on Youth Summer Program, 4575
    • Education reform
      • general remarks, 4576
      • mandatory e-learning, 4575
    • Electric vehicles
      • government strategy, 4998
    • Electricity rates - reduction
      • business
        • renewable energy contract subsidy, 10807
    • Emergency first responders
    • Employment
      • support programs
        • Self-Employment for Persons with Disabilities, 2316
    • Employment - COVID-19
      • sick days
        • job protected leave, 8283
    • Energy generation
      • types, environmental impact, 2719
    • Estate administration
      • virtual service delivery
        • witnessing of documents, 12338
    • Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
      • second reading, 4189
    • Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, 2019 (Bill 116)
    • Getting Ontario Moving Act (Transportation Statute Law Amendment), 2019 (Bill 107)
    • Government notices of motion
      • Extension of emergency declaration
      • Order of business
      • Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
        • amendment
    • Government record
      • Liberal (2003-2018)
        • transportation and transit, 7972
      • NDP (1990-1995)
      • PC (1995-2003)
        • transportation and transit, 7972
    • Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
      • second reading, 1768
    • Greenhouse gas emissions - reduction
      • large emitter standards, 4998
      • outcomes, 4997
    • Gun violence
      • government strategy, 636
    • Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
      • financial management
      • general remarks, 13172
      • implementation timeline, 13173
      • register of information
      • stakeholder response, 13172–13174
    • Health care services - delivery
      • coordination of care, 3339
    • Health care system - COVID-19
      • government funding, 10807
    • Health care system - reform
    • Homelessness - youth
    • Hospital funding
    • Hospitals - COVID-19
      • capacity and overcrowding, 8282
      • government funding, 10807
    • Immigration and refugee policy
      • Canada-United States Safe Third Country Agreement
        • federal renegotiation request, 4167
      • entry at non-designated points, 4167
    • Infrastructure development - funding
      • general remarks, 9319
    • Innovation and technology sector
    • Interprovincial trade
    • Judicial appointments
    • Legislative procedure - COVID-19
      • proceedings, 7972
      • voting procedure, 7972
    • Long-term care - beds
      • development and redevelopment
        • geographic allocation, 12461
    • Long-term care - funding
    • Long-term care - staff
    • Long-term care - standards of care
      • government funding, 10807
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19
      • facility outbreaks, 8281
      • risk assessment
        • incident management system, 8283
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, government response
      • general remarks, 8283
    • Lupus
    • Lupus Awareness Day Act, 2021 (Bill 112)
      • first reading, 4922
    • Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
    • Members' statements
      • 360°kids, 9683
      • Across U-hub, 2641
      • Autism treatment, 5562
      • Chinese-Canadian relations, 1844–1845
      • COVID-19 immunization, 13264
      • COVID-19 response, 8375
      • Events in Markham–Unionville, 7875
      • First responders, 6226
      • Health care, 4038–4039
      • Heartbeat of the Yellow River, 2818
      • High-tech industry, 3930–3931
      • Long-term care, 10446, 12461
      • Lunar new year, 12131
      • Lunar New Year, 3481, 7203–7204
      • Lupus Awareness Day, 14187
      • Made in York Region, 1734
      • Markham–Unionville community barbeque, 842
      • Mid-Autumn Festival, 1331
      • Ontario Legislature virtual tour, 13264
      • Police, 3530
      • Self-Employment for Persons with Disabilities program, 2316
      • SSE Care Solutions, 10851
      • Unionville seniors affordable housing development, 9054
      • Veterans, 5216
      • Violence against women, 2863
      • Volunteers, 13031
      • Witness—Canadian Art of the First World War, 1687
      • World Vision, 9451–9452
      • Yellow Brick House, 2211
      • York University Markham Centre campus, 415
      • York University Markham Centre Campus, 9207
    • Members'/ministers' constituencies
    • Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 160–161
    • Members'/ministers' privileges
      • wearing of paraphernalia
    • Members'/ministers' remarks
    • Mental health and addictions services
      • during COVID-19, 12374
        • general remarks, 8489
      • and equity-seeking populations, 6441
    • Mental health conditions and addictions
    • Minimum wage increase - to $14
      • impact on business, 2578
    • Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021 (Bill 282)
    • Multiculturalism
      • economic impact, 9492
    • Natural gas
    • Natural gas rates
      • general remarks, 1472
    • 1549408 Ontario Inc. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr19)
      • first reading, 5962
      • second reading, 6902
      • third reading, 6902
    • Ontario Carbon Trust
      • clean technology investment, 4998
    • Ontario College of Trades (OCOT)
      • dissolution of, 1839
    • Ontario Health teams
      • general remarks, 4039
    • Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
      • operations shutdown/start-up
        • timelines for, 2935
    • Ontario Power Generation (OPG) - collective bargaining (2018)
      • strike, prohibition of
        • general remarks, 2935
    • Opioid addiction
    • Opioid addiction - government strategy
      • general remarks, 6414
    • Opioid manufacturers/wholesalers
      • class-action lawsuit against
    • Opposition day motions
    • Paramedics
      • community paramedicine, 10446
    • The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
      • second reading, 3583
    • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
      • procurement of
        • Ontario manufacturers, 10851
    • Personal support workers (PSWs)
      • clinical integration, 13174
      • recruitment and retention, 8466
    • Personal support workers (PSWs) - compensation
    • Personal support workers (PSWs) - education and training
      • government funding, 9415
    • Persons with disabilities
      • employment support
        • Self-Employment for Persons with Disabilities program, 2316
    • Petitions
    • Physician assistants
      • and controlled acts, 13173
      • regulation of
      • regulatory framework
        • implementation timeline, 13173
      • title protection, 13173
    • Police services
      • general remarks, 3323
    • Police services oversight
    • Police services - resources
      • general remarks, 636
    • Private members' public business
      • Broadband is an Essential Service Act, 2020 (Bill 226)
      • Education
      • Lupus Awareness Day Act, 2021 (Bill 112)
      • Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 285)
      • Senior Volunteer Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 270)
    • Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 269)
    • Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
    • Public education campaigns - community development
    • Public education campaigns - cultural
      • Somali Heritage Week, 9492
    • Public education campaigns - health
    • Question period
      • Community safety
        • presented, 636
      • COVID-19
      • COVID-19 response
      • Economic development
        • presented, 529
      • Health care
      • Immigration and refugee policy
      • Infrastructure funding
      • Interprovincial trade
      • Labour dispute
      • Mental health and addiction services
      • Ontario College of Trades
      • Ontario economy
      • Opioid abuse
      • Public transit
      • Religious communities
      • Tenant protection
      • Workplace safety
    • Racism
      • government denunciation of, 10655
    • Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
      • third reading, 8506
    • Regulations - reduction
      • as COVID-recovery strategy, 10872
    • Regulatory reform
    • Rental housing - COVID-19
      • rent freeze
      • rental assistance, 9268
    • Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
    • Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57)
      • second reading, 2602
    • Retirement homes - COVID-19
      • emergency funding, 8282
    • Road safety
    • Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
      • second reading, 2364
    • Schools
      • Internet access, 4575
    • Senior citizens
      • housing communities
        • development funding, 9054
      • Seniors' Home Safety Tax Credit, 10807
      • volunteer work, 14045–14046
    • Senior Volunteer Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 270)
    • Service animals - in schools
      • policies governing, 2364
    • Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
      • second reading, 6977
      • third reading, 8344
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission
      • eligible services, 9635–9636
      • financial assistance
        • general remarks, 9637
        • grant amounts, 9637
      • general remarks, 9635
      • reporting structure, 9637
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission - reform
    • Somali community
      • general remarks, 9492
      • notable Somali Canadians, 9492
    • Somali Heritage Week Act, 2020 (Bill 180)
      • third reading, 9492
    • Statements by stakeholders
      • Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority, 13172–13174
      • road safety, 13072
    • Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
    • Teachers
      • attrition protection funding, 4576, 4600
      • surplus notices, 4599
    • Throne speech debate
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
      • streetcars
        • illegal passing, camera enforcement, 13072
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - acceleration
      • general remarks, 7972
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - funding
      • federal share, 5558
    • Towing industry
    • Transit funding
      • by region
    • Transportation enforcement officers
      • enforcement powers, 13074
    • Trucks - commercial
      • emissions testing, 4997
    • Veterans
      • appreciation for, 9635
      • mental health and suicide, 9635
      • support services
    • Veterans - support services
      • cross-organization coordination, 9637
      • mental health care, 9636
    • Violent crime
      • increase in, 636
    • Volunteers
    • Waterfront Toronto development
      • Sidewalk Labs project
        • economic impact, 529
    • Women's shelters
      • government funding, 2863
    • World War I
    • York University
      • Markham campus
        • economic impact, 415
        • general remarks, 9207
    • Youth programs
  • Park, L. (PC, Durham)

    • Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
    • Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
    • Affordable housing
      • and alternative housing models, 3363
    • Agri-food premises - security from trespass
      • animal protection zones
        • general remarks, 7058
      • owners/occupiers
        • right to reasonable force, 7058
      • vs. right to protest, 7060
      • stakeholder consultation, 7057, 7060–7061
    • Animal protection system - reform
      • general remarks, 7058
    • Animal welfare offences
    • Appreciation
      • Kemp family, 137
    • Arts and culture - funding
    • Attorney General of Ontario
      • role of, 2532
      • solicitor-client privilege
        • application to relationship with government, 2532
        • waiver of, 2532
    • Automotive industry
    • Automotive workers
      • employment and retraining services, 6225
    • Behaviour analysts
    • Better Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 5)
      • second reading, 705
    • Broadband infrastructure development
      • government funding, 12374
    • Broadband infrastructure - expansion
      • government funding
        • Up to Speed program, 10896
    • Broadband services
      • access
        • northern and rural Ontario, 10896
      • and COVID-19, 10896
      • regulation
        • jurisdiction over, 10896
    • Broader public sector
      • as non-construction employers, 3993
    • Budget 2021
    • Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171)
      • second reading, 7132
    • Bullying and cyberbullying
    • Business - COVID-19
      • government supports
        • Digital Main Street program, 10498
        • tax reform, 10500
    • Canadian Women's Hockey League (CWHL)
      • dissolution of, 4169
    • Cannabis - regulatory framework
      • stakeholder consultation, 1363
    • Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36)
      • second reading, 1363
    • Cap-and-trade
      • purchase of credits from Quebec and California, 143
    • Cap-and-trade cancellation
      • general remarks, 680
      • review by Financial Accountability Officer, 1586
    • Carbon tax (federal)
    • Charities and non-profits
    • Chief Electoral Officer
      • procedural recommendations
    • Child care
      • CARE tax credit
    • Civil forfeiture - proceeds of crime
    • Civil liability - COVID-19
    • Colleges and universities
      • campus safety, 3662
    • Colleges and universities - degree-granting authority
    • Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
    • Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
    • Concussion prevention and management
    • Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
    • Correctional services
      • sentencing
        • intermittent sentences, 9660
    • Court administration
      • French-language services
      • virtual proceedings, 8925–8926
      • warrant applications, 8926
    • COVID-19
      • detection in waste water, 11343
      • mental health and addictions
        • general remarks, 8947
        • government strategy, 8948
      • and places of worship, 13364
    • COVID-19 - child benefits
      • COVID-19 Child Benefit, 12372
      • Support for Learners program, 10498
    • COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197)
    • COVID-19 - emergency orders
    • COVID-19 - provincial reopening
      • general remarks, 8305
    • COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency
    • COVID-19 - public response to, 8304–8305
    • COVID-19 - vaccination
      • government communications, 11449
      • government funding, 12370
    • COVID-19 - vaccination, data collection
      • disclosure to ministry
        • socio-demographic data, 13182
      • governance framework
    • COVID-19 - vaccines
    • Crime prevention
      • Proceeds of Crime Front Line Policing Grant, 12371
    • Cyberbulling
      • non-consensual distribution of images
        • right of victims to sue, 8973
    • Daylight saving time
      • biannual time change
        • elimination of, 9667–9668
        • impact on energy consumption, 9668
        • impact on health, 9668
        • in other jurisdictions, 9668
    • Debates re answers to question period
      • Access to justice
      • Sexual abuse
    • Durham Regional Police Service, 3197, 3776
      • funding
        • guns and gangs, 6982
    • Election offences
      • financial
        • collusion
    • Elections/by-elections
      • electronic voting
    • Electoral process - polling stations
      • advanced polling days
    • Electoral reform
    • Electricity generation
      • relative costs, 7497
    • Electricity rates
      • government strategy, 16
    • Electricity rates - reduction
    • Electricity supply
      • supply mix
        • nuclear energy, 7496
    • Employment - COVID-19
      • general remarks, 10500
      • Ontario Jobs Training Tax Credit, 12372
    • Employment standards reform (2018)
      • overtime, averaging, 3992
      • overtime, ministry approval, 3992
      • posting of rights by employer, 3992
    • Energy policy
    • Environmental protection
      • administrative penalties, 6051
    • Estate administration
    • Faith-based organizations
      • government funding, 13354
    • Family law
      • mediation
        • and family violence, 9583
      • parenting coordinators, 9599
    • Family law reform
    • Family law reform - alternative dispute resolution
    • Family law reform - digital services
    • Family law reform - terminology and definitions
    • Farmers
      • mental health of
        • government strategy, 7058
    • Farms - security from trespass
      • and biosecurity, 7059
      • consultation with indigenous communities, 7060
    • Gaming industry - charitable
      • regulatory reform, 9702
    • General Motors (GM)
      • investment in Durham, 10380
    • General Motors (GM) - Oshawa plant closure
    • Getting Ontario Moving Act (Transportation Statute Law Amendment), 2019 (Bill 107)
      • second reading, 5036
    • GO Transit
      • service increase, Lakeshore line, 3768
    • GO Transit expansion by region
    • GO Transit stations
      • Oshawa, parking, 3768
    • Golden Girls Act, 2019 (Bill 69)
      • first reading, 3036
    • Government debt
    • Government downsizing
      • consultation process
        • Toronto City Council, 705
    • Government finances
    • Government notices of motion
      • Extension of emergency declaration
      • Natural gas pipeline
    • Government orders
      • Government policies
      • Legislative reform (as amended)
      • Standing orders
        • amendment to the amendment (lost)
    • Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
    • Health care funding
    • Health care system - COVID-19
    • Health care system - reform
      • digital and technological reforms, 7347
    • Home and community care
      • legislative framework for, 7347
    • Home and community care - reform
      • complaints, right to appeal, 7343
      • general remarks, 7347
      • Ontario Health teams, 7349
      • stakeholder response, 7349
    • Home co-ownership agreements
      • recognition under Planning Act, 1990, 3362, 3367
      • between senior citizens, 3362
      • social impact, 3362
    • Hospital beds
      • government funding, 12370
    • Hospital construction by site
    • Hospital funding
      • capital projects
        • Health Infrastructure Renewal Fund (HIRF), 7709
      • operational, 4497–4498
    • Hospital funding by site
      • Bowmanville Hospital, 11246
    • Hospitals - COVID-19
    • Human trafficking
      • awareness and prevention, 8974–8975
      • general remarks, 8314
      • regional police programs
      • restraining orders, 11702
      • victim support services, 9154
    • Human trafficking - awareness of
    • Human trafficking - government strategy
    • Human trafficking - hotels
    • Human trafficking - survivor services
    • Hydrogen technologies
    • Indigenous communities - justice
    • Indigenous women
      • violence prevention, 12371
    • Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP)
      • funding streams
        • general remarks, 3924
    • Judges
    • Judicial appointments
      • application process
        • digital platforms, 11476
      • candidate recommendations
      • reform, 11476, 11479
      • reform, stakeholder response, 11476, 12253
      • role of Attorney General, 11555
    • Judicial appointments - Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee
    • Judicial officers
    • Judiciary
    • Jurors
      • protection of privacy, 6976
    • Justice - administration of
    • Justice system
    • Justice system - COVID-19
    • Justice system - reform
    • Land expropriation
      • inquiry hearings
    • Landlord and Tenant Board
    • Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)
      • hearings
    • Law Enforcement Complaints Agency
    • Lawyers
      • professional misconduct
    • Legal aid services
    • Legal aid services - delivery model
    • Legal and identity documents
      • online verification of, 8315
    • Legislative drafting
    • Legislative procedure
      • closure motions, 1150
      • reasoned amendments
        • restrictions on, 9202
      • speech should relate to matter being discussed, 2249
    • Legislative procedure - debate
      • bills and substantive motions
        • closure motions
          • vote, deferral of, 9200
    • Legislative procedure - federal government
      • take-note debates, 9201
    • Legislative procedure - independent members
      • participation in proceedings
        • ministerial statements, 1149
        • question period, 9202
    • Legislative procedure - private members' public business
      • role of, 9200
      • scheduling
        • Monday mornings, 9200
      • time allotment, 1150
      • votes
    • Legislative procedure - proceedings
      • question period
        • party allotment, 9202
      • reports by committee
        • report-stage debate, 9202
      • substantive motions
    • Legislative procedure - sessional day
      • night sittings, 1149
    • Legislative process
    • Long-term care - beds
      • development and redevelopment
        • geographic allocation, 12371
    • Long-term care - COVID-19 review commission
      • commencement date, 11407
      • government transparency, 11407
      • hearings and consultations
      • interim reports
      • mandate extension, 11407
    • Long-term care - funding
    • Long-term care - staff
      • education and training
      • recruitment and retention
        • general remarks, 11408
        • government funding, 11408
        • personal support workers, 13184
        • staffing study and strategy, 11408
      • working conditions
    • Long-term care - standards of care
    • Long-term-care beds
    • Long-term-care facilities
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19
      • facility access
        • essential caregivers, 11409
        • visitor policies, 11409
      • infection control
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, emergency orders
      • staffing support, 8305
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, government response
    • Macdonald, Sir John A.
      • statue in Victoria, BC, 807
    • Manufacturing industry
    • Marriage solemnization
      • officiants, choice of, 7390
    • Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs)
      • social media accounts
    • Members' statements
    • Members'/ministers' conduct
      • remarks by official opposition re Attorney General, 1003–1004
    • Members'/ministers' constituencies
    • Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 459–461
    • Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 460
    • Members'/ministers' privileges
      • wearing of paraphernalia
    • Mental health and addictions services
      • government strategy, 2308
    • Mental health and addictions services funding
    • Moving Ontario Family Law Forward Act, 2020 (Bill 207)
    • MUSH sector
      • as non-construction employers
    • Names, legal
      • changes to
        • restrictions on, 9326
    • Natural gas expansion
    • Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 285)
    • Nuclear energy
    • Nuclear energy industry
      • economic impact, 7497
      • government strategy, 5846
    • Nuclear generating facilities
      • small modular reactor development
        • economic impact, 7497
        • general remarks, 7497
        • interprovincial MOU, 7497
        • Small Modular Reactor Roadmap (federal), 7497
    • Nuclear generating facilities - refurbishment
    • Nuclear generation facilities
      • small modular reactor development
    • Occupational health and safety
      • general remarks, 3994
    • Ontario College of Trades
      • dissolution of, 2097
    • Ontario history
      • public awareness, 807
    • Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
    • Opioid addiction
      • overdoses and fatalities, 12091
    • Opioid addiction - government strategy
    • Opposition day motions
    • Palliative care facilities
    • Paralegals
      • professional misconduct
    • The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
      • second reading, 3586
    • Personal support workers (PSWs)
    • Personal support workers (PSWs) - education and training
    • Personal support workers (PSWs) - recruitment and retention
    • Persons with disabilities
      • community centres, 12371
    • Petitions
    • Physician assistants
      • regulation of
    • Pipelines
    • Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
    • Police officers
    • Police service boards
      • member training, 3198
      • role and duties
        • diversity plan development, 3198
    • Police services
    • Police services - government funding
      • Proceeds of Crime — Frontline Policing Grant, 9154
    • Police services oversight
      • general remarks, 3197
    • Police services oversight - reform
      • general remarks, 3777
      • Tulloch report (2017), recommendations, 3777
    • Political advertising - third-party
      • spending limits
        • application period, 11805
    • Political campaigning
      • social media
        • candidate and member accounts, 11805
    • Political fundraising - per-vote subsidy
    • Port Perry
    • Private members' public business
      • Broadband is an Essential Service Act, 2020 (Bill 226)
      • Change of Name Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 206)
        • second reading, 9326
      • Charitable gaming
      • Charter Rights Transparency Act, 2018 (Bill 49)
      • Climate change
      • Convenience Store Week Act, 2021 (Bill 262)
      • Golden Girls Act, 2019 (Bill 69)
      • Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 285)
      • "Notwithstanding" clause
      • Nuclear energy
      • Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day Act, 2019 (Bill 154)
        • second reading, 6675
      • Time Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 214)
    • Pro Bono Ontario
    • Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020 (Bill 229)
    • Protecting Ontario Elections Act, 2021 (Bill 254)
    • Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 269)
    • Provincial offences
      • general remarks, 8925
    • Public education campaigns - community development
      • Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week, 13354
      • Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day, 6675
    • Public education campaigns - justice
    • Public education campaigns - violence, sexual violence, and harassment
      • Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week, 8974
      • Victims and Survivors of Crime Week, 10851
      • Woman Abuse Prevention Month, 10851
    • Public safety
      • Community Safety and Policing Grant, 6982
    • Question period
    • Regulations
      • "red tape," definition of, 4003
    • Regulatory environment
      • impact on business environment, 3992
    • Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
    • Royal Canadian Legions
      • charitable gaming, 9702
    • Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
    • School facilities
      • infrastructure funding, 10498
    • School facilities - maintenance and repair
      • funding sources, 3691
    • Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
    • Select Committee on Financial Transparency
    • Senior citizens
    • Senior citizens - COVID-19
      • Guaranteed Annual Income System, 10497
    • Sex offenders
      • legal name change, 9326
    • Sexual violence and harassment
      • on campus
        • student survey, 3662
    • Skilled trades
      • government funding, 9571
    • Skilled tradespeople
    • Small business
      • tax rate reduction, 6259
    • Small Business Support Grant
    • Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
    • Social assistance - COVID-19
      • Ontario Community Support Program, 10497
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
    • Solicitor-client privilege
      • as constitutional right, 2532
      • defined, 2532
    • Special constables
    • Special Investigations Unit (SIU) - investigative process
      • initiation criteria, 3777
    • Sporting events
      • Ontario Parasport Games, 3297
    • Standing Orders
      • amendment (2018)
        • general remarks, 1149
    • Standing Orders (2009-2020) by order
      • S.O. 6(b): meetings of the House, motion to extend hours of meeting towards the end of the Fall and Spring meeting periods, 1149
      • S.O. 35: ministerial statements
        • (e) opposition comments, 1149
      • S.O. 47(b): time allocation motions, vote and 10 minute bell, 1150
      • S.O. 98: private members' public business
        • (e) suspension, 1150
    • Statements by stakeholders
    • Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day Act, 2020 (Bill 154)
    • Throne speech debate
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
      • stakeholder consultation, 7132
    • Tourism industry - COVID-19
      • Ontario Tourism and Travel Small Business Support Grant, 12372
    • Toxic substances - regulation of
    • Toxics Reduction Act, 2009, S.O. 2009, c. 19
    • Trade with United States
      • National Governors Association meeting, 3243–3244
      • tariffs, steel and aluminum
        • government response to, 3243
    • Transit funding
      • Durham region, 9450
      • in northern and rural Ontario
        • Community Transportation Grant, 3923
    • Transit system expansion
      • general remarks, 6312
    • Veterans
    • Victim Quick Response Program (VQRP)
    • Victim/Witness Assistance Program
      • general remarks, 6153
    • Violence against women
      • government funding, 12371
      • government strategy, 5068
      • housing, 12371
      • prevention and eradication, 10851
    • Volunteers
      • Ontario Volunteer Service Awards, 12034
    • Wildfire management
      • general remarks, 8263
    • Wills
    • Women in politics
    • Women's shelters
  • Parsa, M. (PC, Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill)

    • Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
    • Accessibility for persons with disabilities
      • government strategy, 2687
    • Affordable housing
      • and housing supply, 5087
    • Agriculture industry - support programs
      • loan guarantee programs, 3791
    • Agriculture - temporary foreign workers, COVID-19
      • health and safety, 8180
    • Alcohol retail
      • in other jurisdictions, 5427
    • Alcohol retail - expansion
      • The Case for Change: Increasing Choice and Expanding Opportunity in Ontario's Alcohol Sector (2019), 5426
      • in convenience stores, 3876
      • economic impact, 5426
      • general remarks, 5401
      • social responsibility, 5427
    • Algoma University
      • degree-granting authority
      • economic impact, 3736
    • Animal protection system
      • captive wildlife, site inspections, 6097
      • general remarks, 5354
    • Animal protection system - reform
    • Animal welfare inspectors
      • case management system, 6096
      • outreach and education, 6097
      • training
    • Animal welfare offences
      • general remarks, 6097
      • offenders
        • and interpersonal violence, 6096
      • reporting process
    • Appreciation
    • Apprenticeships
      • availability of, 1955
      • journeyperson-to-apprentice ratio, 1955
    • Automobile insurance reform
      • general remarks, 2093
    • Automotive industry
      • government strategy, 11135
    • Autonomous vehicles
    • Beer Store, The - master framework agreement
      • general remarks, 5426
    • Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
    • Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115)
    • Broadband infrastructure development
    • Budget 2019
    • Budget 2021
    • Budget speech 2021 (March 24, 2021)
    • Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171)
    • Business
    • Business - COVID-19
    • Business environment
      • government strategy, 1955
    • Business - small and medium-sized
      • general remarks, 9756
      • taxation
        • corporate tax rate, 7451
    • Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
    • Cap-and-trade
      • public consultation, 494
    • Cap-and-trade cancellation
      • general remarks, 382
    • Carbon tax (federal)
      • general remarks, 4130
      • government response to, 3567, 5063
      • impact on cost of living, 4129
      • impact on post-secondary institutions, 3567
    • Child care
    • Child care - COVID-19
      • and economic recovery, 12136
      • government funding, 12137
    • Civil liability exemptions - COVID-19
      • application
        • general remarks, 10013
        • youth and amateur sport, 9991
      • general remarks, 10005
      • in other jurisdictions, 9900, 10013
    • Climate change mitigation
    • Colleges and universities by region
      • northern Ontario, 3736
    • Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
    • Comptroller General
      • creation of office, 11886
    • Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
    • COVID-19
      • government communications, 7661
      • mental health and addictions
        • general remarks, 8893
    • COVID-19 - child benefits
    • COVID-19 - economic impact
      • general remarks, 7661
    • COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197)
    • COVID-19 - financial supports
      • provincial general remarks, 11987
    • COVID-19 - government response
      • general remarks, 7661
      • government communications
    • COVID-19 - provincial reopening
      • health and safety
        • workplace guidelines, 8180
    • COVID-19 - testing
      • COVID Alert app, 11886
      • government strategy, 13155
    • COVID-19 - vaccination
    • Craft breweries
      • retail expansion, 5427
    • Disaster relief
    • Economic conditions
    • Education - post-secondary
      • student mental health
        • government funding, 11987
      • Virtual Learning Strategy
    • Electoral process - ranked ballot system
      • general remarks, 9991
    • Electricity conservation programs
      • cancellation, 4113
      • centralization, 4113
    • Electricity rates
    • Electricity rates - reduction
    • Electricity supply
      • surplus
        • sale to other jurisdictions, 3140
    • Electricity system
      • greenhouse gas emissions, 4113
    • Emergency first responders
      • mental health services, 11133
    • Emergency services
      • worker mental health
    • Employment
    • Employment - annual leave days
      • general remarks, 1955
    • Employment standards reform (2018)
    • Estate administration tax
    • Facial differences
    • Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017, SO 2017, c 22
      • repeal of provisions, 1955
    • Farms
      • electronic registration, 3791
      • as live/work environment, 8150
    • Finance bills
      • concurrence in supply, 7450
    • Financial legislation
    • Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
    • Getting Ontario Moving Act (Transportation Statute Law Amendment), 2019 (Bill 107)
      • second reading, 4903
    • Government debt
    • Government debt - annual deficit
    • Government expenditures
      • budget allocations
        • public sector compensation, 7451
      • enterprise risk management, 11886
      • Planning for Prosperity consultations, 1227
      • transfer payment agreements, 7678
    • Government expenditures - estimates, 11885–11886
    • Government finances
      • fiscal cycle, 7449–7450
      • fiscal policy, 7451
      • government strategy, 6311
      • Planning for Prosperity consultation
        • government response to, 7451
    • Government finances - line-by-line review
      • general remarks, 1227
    • Government notices of motion
    • Government orders
    • Government procurement
    • Government record
    • Government services
      • Digital First strategy, 7678
    • Government services - COVID-19
      • Ontario Onwards: Ontario's COVID-19 Action Plan for a People-Focused Government, 10034
    • Government services - digital delivery
    • Gun violence
    • Health care system - reform
      • digital and technological reforms, 7678
      • general remarks, 3509
    • Health care workers - COVID-19
      • recruitment and retention
        • government funding, 11987
    • Home ownership
    • Homelessness
      • Coldest Night of the Year, 7087
      • fundraising events, 3347
    • Hospital beds
      • government funding
    • Hospital construction by region
    • Hospital construction by site
      • Cortelucci Vaughan Hospital, 12362
    • Hospital funding
    • Hospitals - COVID-19
      • government funding, 12365
    • Housing Supply Action Plan
    • Indigenous Institutes
    • Judicial appointments
    • Judicial officers
      • associate judges
    • Justice system
    • Land expropriation
      • regulatory reform, 12260
    • Legislative Assembly
    • Legislative process
      • House schedules
    • Legislative process - COVID-19
    • Life insurance
    • Light rail transit (LRT) - Eglinton Crosstown
      • west extension, 5790
    • Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT)
    • Long-term care
      • government strategy, 11191
    • Long-term care - beds
      • development and redevelopment
    • Long-term care - funding
    • Long-term care - standards of care
      • government funding, 12363
    • Lyme disease
      • Lyme Disease and Tick-Borne Illnesses Task Force
        • report (2018), government response to, 5623
      • prevalence, 5623
    • Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
      • second reading, 9756
    • Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47)
    • Members' statements
      • AboutFace, 5170–5171
      • Airplane tragedy, 6923
      • Bruce Power, 3767
      • Coldest Night of the Year walkathon, 7087
      • Events in Aurora–Oak Ridges–Richmond Hill, 5645
      • Events in Aurora–Oak Ridges–Richmond HIll, 379
      • Global Entrepreneurship Week, 2146
      • GlobalMedic, 11087
      • Harris, Lawren, 9902
      • Holiday season, 11127
      • Maynard, Ken, 12462–12463
      • Nowruz, 3715, 12216
      • Oak Ridges Community Clean Up, 4922
      • Ontario Day, 13916
      • Remembrance Day, 10346
      • Scleroderma Awareness Month, 8176
      • Small Business Week, 1687
      • Walk for homelessness, 3347
      • Yezidi New Year, 4501
    • Members'/ministers' constituencies
    • Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 311–315
    • Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 313–314
    • Members/ministers quoting
    • Mental health and addictions services - funding
    • Military personnel
      • support services, 5841
    • Minimum wage increase
      • indexed to inflation, 1954
    • Minimum wage increase - to $15
    • More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108)
    • Motions
    • Municipal elections
      • ranked ballot procedure
        • general remarks, 9991
    • Municipal property tax assessments
    • Northern Ontario
      • tourism promotion, 2312
    • Nuclear generation facilities - refurbishment
      • general remarks, 3767
    • Ontario College of Trades
      • dissolution of, 1955
    • Ontario College of Trades (OCOT)
      • membership fees, 4917
    • Ontario Day Act, 2021 (Bill 173)
    • Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
      • application administration, 4112
    • Ontario Energy Board (OEB) - governance reform
      • adjudicative vs. administrative functions, 4112–4113
      • modernization review panel, 4113
    • Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
      • billing accountability, 6218
    • Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Act (Interim Period), 2019 (Bill 117)
      • second reading, 5354
    • Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA)
      • enforcement of animal protection legislation
    • Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
      • eligible institutions, 11987
    • Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
    • Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan - refinancing
    • The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
    • Persian community
    • Persian Heritage Month Act, 2021 (Bill 271)
    • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
      • Ontario Together Fund, 12363
    • Personal support workers (PSWs)
      • recruitment, 12363
      • recruitment and retention, 7586
    • Personal support workers (PSWs) - recruitment and retention
      • government funding, 11987
    • Petitions
    • Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
    • Planning Act, RSO 1990, c P.13
      • s.50: Subdivision of land, interpretation
        • contravention has no effect after 20 years, 5383
    • Planning Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 88)
    • Police services - community relations
      • general remarks, 3327
    • Police services - reform
      • general remarks, 3242
    • Private members' public business
      • Algoma University Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 79)
      • Ending Automobile Insurance Discrimination in the Greater Toronto Area Act, 2018 (Bill 44)
        • second reading, 2109
      • Hydro rates
      • Life Settlements and Loans Act, 2020 (Bill 219)
      • Lyme disease
      • No Time to Waste Act (Plan for Climate Action and Jobs), 2020 (Bill 224)
      • Ontario Day Act, 2021 (Bill 173)
      • Persian Heritage Month Act, 2021 (Bill 271)
      • Planning Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 88)
    • Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020 (Bill 229)
    • Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019 (Bill 124)
    • Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 (Bill 184)
    • Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 269)
    • Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
      • third reading, 5151
    • Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 (Bill 136)
    • Public accountants
      • accounting standards
        • alignment with other Canadian jurisdictions, 12255
      • Public Accountants Council
        • dissolution and transfer, 12255
    • Public education campaigns - arts
      • Lawren Harris Day, 9902
    • Public education campaigns - business
      • Small Business Week, 1687
    • Public education campaigns - community
    • Public education campaigns - community development
    • Public education campaigns - cultural
    • Public education campaigns - culture
    • Public education campaigns - health
      • Scleroderma Awareness Month, 8176
    • Public education campaigns - national/historical
    • Public education campaigns - occupations
      • Global Entrepreneurship Week, 2146
    • Public sector
      • Voluntary Exit Program, 5660
    • Public sector compensation
    • Public sector compensation increase - cap on
    • Public sector compensation increases - cap on
      • and collective bargaining rights, 5657–5658
      • general remarks, 5735
      • Indigenous organizations, exemption for, 5658
    • Question period
    • Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO)
      • administrative penalties, 6341
    • Regulations
      • compliance costs, 3045
      • enforcement model, 1956
    • Regulations - reduction
    • Regulatory environment
      • environmental compliance approval, 1956
      • general remarks, 1956
      • impact on business environment, 3045–3046, 3789
      • impact on small business, 3791
      • in other jurisdictions, 3789
      • performance measurement, 1956
      • stakeholder consultation, 3047
    • Regulatory reform
      • government strategy
        • general remarks, 5922
    • Remembrance Day, 10346
    • Renewable energy projects
      • municipal consultation, 3140
    • Rental housing - evictions
      • mediation and dispute resolution, 8853
      • no-fault evictions
        • tenant compensation, 8873
    • Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (Bill 195)
    • Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
    • Rural Ontario
      • rural-urban migration, 3736
    • Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
      • third reading, 8150
    • Skilled trades
      • classification process, 1955
      • de-prescription of trades, 1955
      • government strategy, 4917
    • Skills gap
      • general remarks, 3736
    • Small business
    • Small Business Support Grant
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission
      • government funding, 10201
      • support eligibility, 10201
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission - reform
    • Standing Orders by order - 2020
      • I. Conduct of Business
        • S.O. 2: accessibility, 6549
      • III. Meetings of the House
        • S.O. 9: Meeting times
          • (a) weekly meeting schedules
      • IV. Order and Decorum and Conduct of Members
        • S.O. 22: electronic devices, 6551
      • VI. Rules of Debate
        • S.O. 27: questions on speeches, 6550
      • XV. Public Bills
        • S.O. 72: private members' bills
    • Standing orders reform - 2020
    • Statements by stakeholders
      • alcohol retail, 5426
      • Planning Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 88), 5383
      • regulations, 3791
    • Supply Act, 2020 (Bill 181)
    • Supply Act, 2021 (Bill 261)
    • Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
    • Tarion reform
      • general remarks, 6782
    • Taxation - low-income individuals and families tax credit
      • general remarks, 1954
    • Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA)
      • mandate, upholstered/stuffed articles, 3791
      • oversight role, 2887
    • Time allocation motions
      • COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197)
      • Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019 (Bill 124)
      • Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (Bill 195)
    • Tourism industry
      • economic impact, 999
      • government strategy, 999, 2312
    • Transfer Payment Ontario, 7678
    • Transit infrastructure development
      • general remarks, 7128
      • by region
    • Transit infrastructure development by region
    • Tributes
    • Trust in Real Estate Services Act, 2020 (Bill 145)
    • Tuition fees
      • rate reduction, 6312
    • Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 crash (January 8, 2020), 14054
    • Union certification
      • card check vs. secret ballot, 1955
      • employee lists, disclosure of, 1955
    • Wireless services
    • Wireless Services Agreements Act, 2013, S.O. 2013, c. 8
  • Pettapiece, R. (PC, Perth—Wellington)

    • Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
    • Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
    • Agricultural land
      • alternate uses, environmental preservation and services, 1292
    • Agriculture
    • Agri-food facilities
      • biosecurity, 8145
      • trespass on
    • Agri-food industry
      • economic impact, 2833
    • Agri-food premises - security from trespass
    • Agri-food premises - trespass offences
      • entry without consent, 8146
      • interference or interaction with farm animals, 8146
    • Alcohol retail - buck-a-beer
      • availability, 737
      • industry participation, 737
    • Animal protection system - reform
      • consultation process, 5352–5353
      • general remarks, 5353
      • interim period
        • enforcement entities, 5352
        • ministerial authority
          • appointment of chief inspector, 5352
    • Animal welfare - livestock
      • general remarks, 6102
      • standards of care, 5353
      • during transportation, 5351, 5353
    • Appreciation
    • Arts and culture industry - COVID-19
      • Stratford Festival, 11723
    • Boating, recreational
      • economic impact, 6515
      • government funding, 6516
    • Broadband infrastructure development
      • government funding, 11949
      • government strategy, 11773
    • Broadband infrastructure development programs
      • Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN), 11948
      • Improving Connectivity for Ontario (ICON), 11948
      • Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT) project, 11948–11949
    • Broadband services
      • in northern and rural Ontario, 11948
    • Budget
      • pre-budget consultations, 11247
    • Budget speech 2019 (April 11, 2019)
    • Building construction, truss and lightweight (TLC)
    • Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021 (Bill 288)
    • Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171)
      • second reading, 7111
    • Business - COVID-19
    • Business - COVID-19, government response
    • Business environment
    • Cap-and-trade
      • general remarks, 11
    • Certificates of birth, marriage and death
      • birth certificates
    • Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
    • Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
    • COVID-19
    • COVID-19 - essential service workers
    • COVID-19 - financial supports
      • federal
        • Safe Restart Agreement
          • allocation, municipal transit agencies, 9116
          • allocation, municipalities, 9456–9457
    • COVID-19 - government response
    • COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency
    • COVID-19 - public response to, 11410
    • Curriculum
      • reform, consultation, 2393
    • Curriculum - math
    • Data strategy
      • privacy, 5955
      • and service delivery, 5955
    • Driver education
    • Driving - dangerous
    • Driving - stunt driving and street racing
    • Economic development - northern Ontario
    • Education
    • Election offences
      • administrative monetary penalties
    • Electoral process
      • voting technology
    • Electoral process - COVID-19
    • Electricity rates
    • Electricity rates - impact by area
      • industrial consumers
    • Electricity supply - surplus
      • sale to other jurisdictions, 1744
    • Estate administration
      • reform
    • Family law reform
    • Farmers
    • Farming
      • mycotoxin contamination
        • general remarks, 5352
    • Farms
      • and biosecurity, 8145
      • trespass on
        • impact on mental health, 8145
      • trespassing incidents, 6795–6798
    • Farms - security from trespass
    • Firefighters
      • safety
        • truss and lightweight construction, 532
    • Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
    • Forest industry
      • economic impact, 9167
      • forest management and sustainability
        • general remarks, 9166
      • Sustainable Growth: Ontario's Forest Sector Strategy, 9166
    • Forestry industry
    • Gasoline prices
      • impact of cap-and-trade cancellation, 1082
    • Government notices of motion
      • Extension of emergency declaration
    • Government orders
      • Standing orders
        • amendment to the amendment (lost)
    • Government record
    • Green Energy Act, 2009, SO 2009, c 12, Sched. A
      • impact on provincial debt, 1229
      • repeal of, 1230
    • Green Energy Act, 2009, S.O. 2009, c. 12, Sched. A
      • provisions to be re-enacted, 1745
    • Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
    • Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
      • second reading, 9300
    • Horse racing industry
      • slots
        • reintroduction, 1889
    • Hospital construction by site
      • Markdale Hospital, 11770
    • Human trafficking - survivor services
      • Indigenous services, 11703
    • Hunting and angling
    • Jurors
      • protection of privacy, 7005
    • Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
      • municipal consultation, 11975
    • Legislative procedure
      • speaking to the topic of debate, 3391
      • speech should relate to matter being discussed, 1755
    • Legislative process
    • Livestock transport
      • biosecurity, 6796
      • interference with, 6796
    • Livestock transportation
      • protest activity
    • Livestock - welfare
    • Long-term care
    • Long-term care - administration
      • performance metrics, 11411
      • performance reporting, 11411
    • Long-term care - beds
      • availability, 40
      • development
        • geographic allocation, 9256
      • new, 11411
      • shortage, 3578
    • Long-term care - COVID-19 review commission
      • interim reports
        • government response to, 11411
      • mandate and terms of reference, 11410–11411
    • Long-term care - reform
    • Long-term care - standards of care
      • average hours of care, 11410
    • Long-term-care facilities
      • design standards
      • facility inspections
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19
      • facility access
      • facility outbreaks, 8320, 11411
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, government response
      • facility inspections, 11411
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, infection control
      • outbreak management teams, 11411
      • specialist staff, 11411
      • testing
    • Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
    • Manufacturing industry
    • Math skills, 2383
    • Members' statements
    • Members'/ministers' constituencies
    • Members'/ministers' personal narrative, 4526, 8296
    • Members/ministers quoting
      • committee presentations
        • agri-food facilities, trespass on, 8145
    • Mining industry
    • Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021 (Bill 282)
    • Moving Ontario Family Law Forward Act, 2020 (Bill 207)
    • MUSH sector
      • as non-construction employers
        • and labour rights, 3990
    • Natural gas
      • conversion to
        • impact on heating costs, 2832
    • Natural gas - access to
      • general remarks, 2832
    • Natural gas expansion
    • Natural Gas Grant Program (NGGP)
    • Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
      • new detachments, 2767
    • Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Act (Interim Period), 2019 (Bill 117)
    • Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA)
      • enforcement of animal protection legislation
        • withdrawal from role, 5352
    • Opposition day motions
    • Organ and tissue donation
      • donor registration declaration
        • completion during drivers' license and health card issuance or renewal, 1102
    • Palliative care facilities by site
      • Stratford Perth Rotary Hospice, 21
    • The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
    • Petitions
    • Pipelines
    • Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
    • Police officers
      • general remarks, 3306
    • Police services funding
      • infrastructure, 2767
    • Police services oversight
      • general remarks, 3222
    • Private members' public business
      • Alternate Land Use and Services Program for Agricultural Land Act, 2018 (Bill 28)
      • Food Day Canada in Ontario (in Honour of Anita Stewart) Act, 2021 (Bill 163)
        • second reading, 7056
      • Health care funding
      • Organ donation
      • Rea and Walter Act (Truss and Lightweight Construction Identification), 2018 (Bill 33)
      • Road safety
    • Prostate cancer
    • Protecting Ontario Elections Act, 2021 (Bill 254)
    • Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
      • second reading, 4526
    • Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 (Bill 136)
      • second reading, 6102
    • Public education campaigns - agriculture
    • Public education campaigns - community
      • Food Day Ontario, 7056
    • Public sector
      • employee expenditure restrictions, 6659
    • Question period
    • Rea and Walter Act (Truss and Lightweight Construction Identification), 2018 (Bill 33)
    • Regulations
      • interprovincial harmonization, 12944
    • Renewable energy contracts
      • cost of, 4198
      • effect on electricity rates, 4365
      • feed-in-tariff (FIT), 1747
    • Renewable energy projects
    • Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
    • Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57)
      • second reading, 2590
    • Road safety
      • public consultation, 13692
    • Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
    • Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
    • Service animals - in schools
      • policies governing, 2383
    • ServiceOntario
      • 5-in-1 Newborn Bundle, 11778
    • Skilled Trades Ontario
      • services, centralized, 13465
    • Skilled tradespeople - recruitment
    • Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
      • second reading, 7005
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
    • Special Ability Riding Institute Act (Tax Relief), 2019 (Bill Pr14)
      • first reading, 6013
      • second reading, 6902
      • third reading, 6902
    • Statements by stakeholders
      • agri-food facilities
      • agri-food security, 6797
      • broadband services, 11948–11949
      • natural gas expansion, 2834
    • Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
    • Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
    • Taxation
      • corporate tax rate, 6161
    • Throne speech debate
      • participation, 40
    • Time allocation motions
      • Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
      • streetcars
        • illegal passing, camera enforcement, 13823
    • Tourism industry - COVID-19
      • Ontario Tourism and Travel Small Business Support Grant, 12650
    • Transit
      • and COVID-19
        • government supports
          • general remarks, 9116
    • Transit funding
      • in northern and rural Ontario
        • Community Transportation Grant, 6518
    • Transit infrastructure development
      • project delays, 7111
    • Trespass to property
      • offences
        • application
          • agri-food premises, 8146
        • enforcement, 8146
        • maximum fine, 8146
    • Truck drivers
      • livestock transportation
    • 2063434 Ontario Limited Act, 2018 (Bill Pr2)
      • first reading, 1125
      • second reading, 2871
      • third reading, 2871
    • Veterans
    • Volunteers
    • Wind turbine projects
      • Conestogo Wind Energy project
    • Wind turbines
      • environmental impact, 1745
      • impact on health, 1745
  • Phillips, Hon. R. (PC, Ajax)

  • Piccini, Hon. D. (PC, Northumberland—Peterborough South)

    • Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
    • Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
      • second reading, 1865
    • Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
    • Agricultural land
    • Agriculture industry
      • government funding
    • Alcohol retail - expansion
    • Animal protection system - reform
    • Animal welfare inspectors
    • Animal welfare - livestock
    • Animal welfare offences
      • offenders
        • and interpersonal violence, 6109
    • Appreciation
    • Apprenticeship training programs
      • general comments, 386
    • Apprenticeships
      • general remarks, 3354
      • journeyperson-to-apprentice ratio, 3354
    • Automotive industry
      • government strategy, 2732
    • Automotive industry - employment
      • recruitment and retention
        • work-integrated learning placements, 3354
    • Better Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 5)
    • Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115)
    • Broadband infrastructure development
    • Broadband infrastructure development programs
    • Broadband services
    • Budget 2021
    • Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021 (Bill 288)
    • Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171)
      • second reading, 7201
    • Business
      • multinational corporations, 12025
    • Business - COVID-19
    • Business - COVID-19, government response
      • general remarks, 9062
    • Business environment
      • government strategy, 693
    • Canada Christian College
    • Cancer treatment
      • government funding, 2483
    • Cancer treatment - take-home medication
      • administration of, 2484
      • government funding, 2484
    • Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
    • Cap-and-trade - economic impact
      • cost of living, 146
    • Child care - COVID-19
      • reopening of, 7879
      • summer camps
    • Civil liability - COVID-19
      • contractual standard, 9937
      • general remarks, 9937
    • Civil liability exemptions - COVID-19
    • Climate change mitigation
    • Colleges and universities
      • enrolment, 3951
      • government funding, 11520
      • micro-credentialing, 11413
      • nursing programs
        • degree-granting authority, 11413
    • Colleges and universities - COVID-19
    • Colleges and universities - degree-granting authority
    • Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
    • Community Building Fund, 11177
    • Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
      • second reading, 3313
    • Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
    • Conservation authorities
      • mandatory programs, 7504
    • Conservation authorities - reform
    • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Support and Protection Act, 2020 (Bill 189)
    • Correctional services - staff
      • appreciation for, 4865
      • violence against, 4865
    • COVID-19
      • fatalities, 13059
      • Ontario Together portal, 8623
    • COVID-19 - economic impact
    • COVID-19 - government response
    • COVID-19 - provincial reopening
      • health and safety
        • general remarks, 8724
    • COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency
      • declaration of, 8622
    • COVID-19 - public response to, 7875, 8622–8623, 9935–9936
    • COVID-19 - testing
      • capacity, 8622
      • testing locations
    • COVID-19 - travel restrictions
    • COVID-19 - vaccination
      • administration locations
      • rollout strategy
      • target populations
        • health-care workers, 12827
    • COVID-19 - vaccination by population
    • Curriculum
      • financial literacy, 3494
      • food literacy, 9822
      • reform, consultation, 3494
    • Debates re answers to question period
    • Driving - stunt driving and street racing
    • Economic development
    • Education - COVID-19
    • Education - COVID-19, school reopening
      • general remarks, 8624
      • testing and contact tracing, 11807
    • Education funding - post-secondary
    • Education - post-secondary
    • Elections/by-elections
      • administration of
        • procedural consistency, 9939
    • Elections/by-elections - municipal
      • October 22, 2018, 2690
    • Electoral process
      • flexibility of, 11807
      • voting technology
        • advisory committee, 11808
    • Electoral process - COVID-19
      • general remarks, 11806
      • in other jurisdictions, 12629
    • Electoral process - polling stations
    • Electoral process - ranked ballot system
      • implementation cost, 9939
    • Electricity rates - COVID-19
      • COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program, 11347
    • Electricity rates - impact by area
      • business environment, 4251
    • Electricity rates - reduction
      • business
        • renewable energy contract subsidy, 11178
    • Electricity supply
      • supply mix
        • nuclear energy, 7499
    • Employment - COVID-19
      • infection control, 11272
      • Ontario Jobs Training Tax Credit
      • sick days
        • Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB), 12933
        • paid, 11272
      • training and retraining programs, 11360
    • Employment creation
      • and business regulations, 6831
      • government strategy, 5905
    • Farms
    • Firefighters
    • Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
      • time allocation motion
      • third reading, 4689
    • Food banks - COVID-19
      • in NorthumberlandPeterborough South, 9902
    • French-language debates
      • Débat sur la motion d'ajournement
        • Subventions destinées à l'éducation, 12019
      • Période de questions
    • Gasoline prices
      • impact of cap-and-trade cancellation, 1025
    • General Motors (GM) - Oshawa plant closure
      • government response, 2732
    • GO Transit
      • privatization, 7201
      • service expansion, 7201
    • Government debt
    • Government downsizing
      • as fiscal policy, 693
      • general remarks, 413, 693
    • Government finances
    • Government notices of motion
      • Natural gas pipeline
      • Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
    • Government orders
      • Standing orders
    • Government record
    • Greenhouse gas emissions
    • Health care
      • access to, 146
      • government strategy, 11179
      • prevention model, 2483
      • rural and remote communities, 12828
    • Health care funding
      • Canada Health Transfer, 12886
    • Health care system
      • general remarks, 3458
    • Home and community care - reform
    • Hospital beds
      • transitional beds, 11175
    • Hospital funding
      • small- and medium-sized, 6006
      • small and medium-sized, 8548–8549
        • funding formula, 8624
      • for small and medium-sized, 6164
      • transitional beds, 12826
    • Hospital funding by site
    • Hospitality industry - COVID-19
    • Hospitals
    • Hospitals - overcrowding
      • general remarks, 152
    • Hospitals - small and medium-sized
    • Human trafficking
      • general remarks, 11123
      • post-secondary students, 11699
    • Indigenous communities - education
    • Indigenous communities - living conditions
    • Indigenous communities - water and sewage infrastructure
      • government funding, 12828
    • Indigenous institutes
    • Infrastructure development
      • regulatory reform, 12932
    • Infrastructure funding, 11937
    • Infrastructure - telecommunications
      • government funding, 8624
    • Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP)
      • general remarks, 8624
    • Judicial appointments - Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee
      • diversity data collection and reporting, 11482
    • Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
      • infrastructure development, 12929
      • infrastructure development acceleration, 11939
    • Laurentian University
    • Legislative procedure
      • closure motions, 1657
      • time allotment, proportionality of, 1135
    • Legislative procedure - independent members
      • participation in proceedings
        • ministerial statements, 1657
    • Legislative procedure - private members' public business
      • time allotment, 1657
    • Legislative procedure - proceedings
      • opposition days, 1657
    • Legislative procedure - sessional day
      • night sittings, 1657
    • Legislative process
      • debate
      • House schedules
        • changes to, notice, 1658
      • time allocation, 5487
    • Long-term care
      • government strategy
        • general remarks, 9938
    • Long-term care - beds
    • Long-term care - by region
      • NorthumberlandPeterborough South, 9937
    • Long-term care - COVID-19 review commission
    • Long-term care - government funding
    • Long-term care - staff
      • recruitment and retention
    • Long-term care - standards of care
      • average hours of care, 11413
    • Long-term-care beds
      • new
        • general remarks, 12819
        • geographic distribution, 12827
    • Long-term-care facilities
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, infection control
    • Long-term-care facilities - private vs. public
    • Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
    • Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47)
    • Manufacturing industry
    • McClintic, Terri-Lynne
    • Members' statements
    • Members'/ministers' constituencies
    • Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 151–153
    • Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 151
    • Members/ministers quoting
      • other members
        • time allocation, 5485
    • Members'/ministers' remarks
    • Mental health and addictions
      • prevalence of, 235
    • Mental health and addictions services funding
      • general remarks, 694
    • Mental health and addictions strategy, 6273–6274
    • Mental health conditions and addictions
      • prevalence of, 6273
    • Mental Health Engagement and Response Team (MHEART), 11176
    • Midwifery
      • education programs, 12702
    • Military personnel
      • Highway of Heroes, 12034
    • Minimum wage increase - to $14
      • impact on business, 546
    • Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021 (Bill 282)
    • Multiple myeloma
    • Municipal elections
      • nomination and registration forms
        • electronic submission, 11808
      • ranked ballot procedure
        • restrictions on use, 9939
    • Natural gas
      • conversion to
        • impact on heating costs, 1865
    • Natural gas expansion
      • target communities, 1865
    • Northern Ontario
      • transportation and transit development, 12890
    • Northern Ontario School of Medicine
    • Nuclear energy
      • as environmental policy, 7499
      • general remarks, 739
    • Nuclear energy industry
      • community impact, 7499
      • economic impact, 7499
    • Nuclear generating facilities
      • economic impact, 739
      • Pickering
        • decommissioning date, 739
      • small modular reactor development
    • Nuclear generation facilities
      • small modular reactor development
    • Nurses
      • accreditation, 11175
      • education and training
        • through college programs, 11413
    • Nurses - education and training
    • Ontario Food Terminal
    • Ontario Health teams
      • Northumberland, 6837
    • Ontario Health Teams
    • Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
    • Opposition day motions
    • Organ and tissue donation
      • donor registration declaration
        • completion during drivers' license and health card issuance or renewal, 1098–1099
      • public awareness campaigns, 3970
      • registration, 12599
      • shortage, 1098, 1102–1103
    • Palliative care facilities
    • Paramedics
    • The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
      • second reading, 3458
    • Personal protective equipment
    • Personal support workers (PSWs)
    • Personal support workers (PSWs) - education and training
    • Pet ownership
    • Petitions
    • Pipelines
      • Enbridge Line 5 closure
    • Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
      • second reading, 6164
    • Police record checks
      • by third-party, 1924
    • Police services oversight - reform
    • Political advertising - third-party
    • Political fundraising - personal donations
      • annual contribution limits, 11807
    • Pre-apprenticeship training programs
    • Private members' public business
      • Combatting Litter for the Environment and Nature Act, 2019 (Bill 130)
        • second reading, 5814
      • Cutting Red Tape for Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2018 (Bill 50)
        • second reading, 2545
      • Food Literacy for Students Act, 2020 (Bill 216)
        • second reading, 9822
      • Great Lakes Protection Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 166)
      • Human Rights Code Amendment Act (Genetic Characteristics), 2018 (Bill 40)
      • Human trafficking
      • Nuclear energy
      • Organ donation
      • Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 147)
      • Skilled trades
      • Student assistance
      • Youth employment
    • Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020 (Bill 229)
    • Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
    • Protecting Ontario Elections Act, 2021 (Bill 254)
    • Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 (Bill 184)
      • third reading, 8742
    • Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 269)
    • Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 (Bill 136)
    • Public education campaigns - business
      • Small Business Week, 1525
    • Public education campaigns - community development
      • Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign, 3479
    • Public education campaigns - education
      • School Bus Driver Appreciation Day, 1840
    • Public education campaigns - environment
      • Provincial Day of Action on Litter, 5814
    • Public education campaigns - health
    • Public education campaigns - violence, sexual violence, and harassment
      • Woman Abuse Prevention Month, 1595
    • Question period
    • Real estate industry
      • regulatory reform
        • as economic policy, 7233
    • Recycling programs
      • general remarks, 12930
      • producer responsibility
        • municipal savings, 5814
    • Regulatory environment
    • Renewable energy
      • government strategy, 4251
    • Renewable energy projects - siting
      • municipal jurisdiction, 4251
    • Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (Bill 195)
      • second reading, 8724
      • general remarks, 8623
    • Restaurant industry
      • dogs on food premises, 6088
    • Ryerson University
      • Brampton campus
    • Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
    • Safer Ontario Act, 2018, SO 2018, c 3
      • general remarks, 3313
    • School bus drivers
    • Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
      • reporting requirements, 8623
    • Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions (2009-2011)
      • recommendations
        • general remarks, 8624
    • Senior citizens
      • Seniors' Home Safety Tax Credit, 11177
    • Service animals - in schools
      • general remarks, 3632
      • policies governing, 3494
    • Sexual violence and harassment
      • on campus
        • prevention and services, 11256
    • Skilled tradespeople
    • Skills gap
    • Small business
    • Small Business Support Grant, 11276, 11362
    • Snow removal industry
      • liability insurance
    • Social assistance recipients
      • employment services, 7160
    • Solar panels
      • on agricultural land, 554
    • Special Advisor on Healthcare and Ending Hallway Medicine
      • appointment of, 155
    • Sports - amateur
      • and COVID-19
        • liability insurance, 9936
        • season cancellations, 9936
    • Sports and recreation - COVID-19
    • Standing Orders
      • amendment (2018)
    • Standing Orders (2009-2020) by order
      • S.O. 6(b): meetings of the House, motion to extend hours of meeting towards the end of the Fall and Spring meeting periods, 1657
      • S.O. 35: ministerial statements
        • (e) opposition comments, 1657
      • S.O. 47(b): time allocation motions, vote and 10 minute bell, 1657
      • S.O. 98: private members' public business
        • (e) suspension, 1656
    • Statements by stakeholders
      • budget 2021, 12823
      • COVID-19
        • civil liability, 9936
      • tuition fees, 3951
      • university expansion project cancellations, 1945
    • Students
      • technological skills, 11176
    • Students - post-secondary
    • Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
    • Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
    • Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
    • Teacher candidates
      • math proficiency assessment, 3632
    • Throne speech debate
    • Time allocation motions
      • Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115)
      • Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
    • Toronto City Council
      • expenditures, 692
    • Toronto City Council downsizing
      • alignment with provincial ridings, 694
      • general remarks, 690
      • public response to, 695
    • Toronto City Council - election (2018)
      • nomination period, 693
    • Toronto city councillors
      • impact of council downsizing
        • on council diversity, 696
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
      • impact on other communities, 7201
    • Toronto ward boundary review (2016), 690, 694
    • Tourism industry
    • Transportation
    • Tributes
      • Patchett, Bill, 4981
    • Trillium Gift of Life
      • general remarks, 3970
    • Trucking industry
    • Trust in Real Estate Services Act, 2020 (Bill 145)
      • third reading, 7233
    • Tuition fees
      • ancillary fees, 3950
      • rate reduction, 3950
    • Université de Hearst
      • as independent institution, 12802
    • Urgent Priorities Act, 2018 (Bill 2)
    • Vehicles
      • digital dealer registration, 2545
    • Victim Services Awards of Distinction, 12700
    • Violence against women
      • general remarks, 1595
    • Volunteers
    • Waste diversion
    • Waste management
    • Water protection
      • Great Lakes, 5814
      • plastics and micro-plastics, 5814
    • Watersheds and wetlands
      • International Joint Commission (IJC)
        • adaptive management committees, 7504
    • White Pines Wind Project
      • notice to proceed, 86
    • White Pines Wind Project - cancellation
      • retroactive effect, 86
    • Wilfred Laurier University
      • Milton campus
    • Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 238)
    • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - COVID-19
    • York University
      • Markham campus
    • York University strike
      • economic impact, 214
      • labour market impact, 216
      • negotiation history, 215
      • reputational impact, 216
      • student financial assistance, 216
      • student impact, 214, 216
    • York University strike - back-to-work legislation
      • general remarks, 216
Last updated