Jobs and employment

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We’ve got the resource and supports to help connect job seekers with employers.

Find a jobPost a job

Find a job during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

There are important work opportunities in essential jobs across Ontario. You can help us stop the spread by filling roles in our supply chain and increase frontline capacity at hospitals, clinics and assessment centres.

Food and agriculture jobs

Get connected with employers hiring in the agriculture, agri-food and food industry.

Work or volunteer in health care

Match your availability and skills with employers that need assistance.

Jobs in long-term care

Find out where to search for health care and non-health care jobs in long-term care.

Volunteer to help seniors

Volunteer to deliver food or medicine, run errands or check-up on seniors by phone or email.

Find a job

We can help you build your skills, find a job and plan your career. Find full-time or part-time job opportunities anywhere in Ontario — or across Canada.

Post a job

Find the people and talent you need to help your business thrive.


An apprenticeship is formal training for those who want a career in the skilled trades. Apprenticeships offer a world of possibility — for both job seekers and employers.

Get skills, training and support

Learn about and find opportunities for:

Learn more

Updated: May 20, 2021