Ontario Fishing Regulations Summary

An annual guide to the rules and regulations for recreational fishing in Ontario. It contains information about recreational fishing licences, open seasons and catch limits, as well as up-to-date fishing regulations for each fishing zone. Effective January 1, 2021

Young girl wearing a lifejacket holding a fish on a boat.
Cover photo: Bass fishing is a great way to introduce kids to fishing. Starting this year in Zone 20 (Lake Ontario and the St Lawrence River) there will be a new early season opportunity for catch and release bass fishing.
  • FMZ 20 regulation changes for largemouth and smallmouth bass
  • Free fishing opportunities on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Weekends, as well as Family Fishing
    Weekend and Ontario Family Fishing Week
  • Go to Fish ON-Line for easy access to regulations

All proceeds from the sale of advertisements appearing in this summary support fish and wildlife management programs in Ontario. The Province of Ontario and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry neither endorse products or services offered in advertisements nor accept any liability arising from the use of such products or services.

This summary is meant as a convenient reference only, and is neither a legal document nor a complete collection of the current laws. For details on the current rules, see the federal Fisheries Act, Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations, Ontario Fishery Regulations and Variation Orders, and Species at Risk Act, as well as the provincial Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act and regulations, Invasive Species Act, and Endangered Species Act. The maps in this summary are intended as a guide only, with more detailed maps of Zone boundaries available at ontario.ca/fishing or local MNRF offices.

MNRF #5439 (English version)
ISSN 1911-6276 (250.0 k.P.R., 12/14/20)





NDMNRF - nrisc@ontario.ca - Natural resources


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Updated: March 11, 2021