Fisheries Management Zone 2

Zones 1, 2 and 3 includes the majority of northern Ontario from the Manitoba border eastwards to James Bay.

Fisheries Management Zone 2

View Fisheries Management Zone 2 map using Fish ON-line or a PDF.

  • The part of the Berens River that is between Zone 2 and Zone 4, is wholly within Zone 4.

General information

  • See general fishing regulations for more information on how to use this summary.
  • Non-Canadian residents camping on Crown land must follow conservation fishing licence limits.
  • Rainbow smelt may not be used as bait or possessed for use as bait.
  • Live fish may not be used as bait or possessed for use as bait in all waters north of the 11th baseline at latitude 51°48′11″N. and west of longitude 89°00′W.
  • The following waterbodies have regulations that are very different from the Zone-wide season and limits and are only referred to in the waterbody exceptions:
    • Lake St. Joseph
    • Opapimiskan Lake
    • Sydney Lake
  • The following species are not present in this Zone and are closed to fishing all year:
    • Atlantic salmon
    • channel catfish
    • crappie
    • Pacific salmon

Zone-wide seasons and limits

Zone-wide seasons and limits apply to all waters in the Zone except for the specific waters and species listed in the species exceptions, waterbody exceptions and fish sanctuaries.

Aggregate limits for trout and salmon (including splake)

Limits: S-5 and C-2; total daily catch and possession limit for all trout and salmon species combined

Brook trout

Season: January 1 to Labour Day
Limits: S-5 and C-2; not more than 1 greater than 30 cm

Brown trout

Season: open all year
Limits: S-5 and C-2

Lake sturgeon

Season: January 1 to April 30 and July 1 to December 31
Limits: S-0 and C-0

Lake trout

Season: January 1 to September 30
Limits: S-2; not more than 1 greater than 56 cm from September 1 to September 30, no size limit rest of year and C-1; any size

Lake whitefish

Season: open all year
Limits: S-12 and C-6

Largemouth and smallmouth bass combined

Season: open all year
Limits: S-2 and C-1; must be less than 35 cm from January 1 to June 30 and December 1 to December 31, S-4 and C-2; no size limit from July 1 to November 30


Season: third Saturday in June to December 15
Limits: S-1; must be greater than 91 cm and C-0

Northern pike

Season: open all year
Limits: S-4 and C-2; none between 70 cm to 90 cm, not more than 1 greater than 90 cm

Rainbow trout

Season: open all year
Limits: S-5 and C-2


Season: open all year
Limits: S-5 and C-2


Season: open all year
Limits: S-50 and C-25

Walleye and sauger combined

Season: January 1 to April 14 and third Saturday in May to December 31
Limits: S-4 and C-2; not more than 1 greater than 46 cm

Yellow perch

Season: open all year
Limits: S-50 and C-25

Species exceptions

Brook trout

Additional fishing opportunities

Season: open all year

Limits: S-5 and C-2; no size limits

  • Blue Lake (50°20′04″N., 88°56′56″W.)
  • E-206 Lake (50°22′34″N., 86°23′37″W.)
  • Johnny Lake (50°17′35″N., 87°02′52″W.) - Rupert Township
  • Secret Lake (50°18′53″N., 88°58′29″W.)
  • Unnamed Lake (Whiz Lake) (51°38′11″N., 89°58′01″W.)

Lake sturgeon

Season: closed all year

  • All waters located within the portion of Zone 2 from the Ontario/Manitoba interprovincial boundary east along the line of 52°35′N. latitude, to the intersection with 93°50′W. longitude, thence south to the intersection with 52°10′N. latitude, thence east to the intersection with 92°10′W. longitude, thence south to the Zone 2 boundary, including all of the waters within Woodland Caribou Provincial Park; thence in a westerly direction to the Ontario/Manitoba interprovincial boundary, thence northerly to the intersection with 52°35′N. latitude.
  • All waters in Zone 2 draining into Lake Nipigon including the Little Jackfish River beginning at the hydro control dam at Mojikit Lake.

Lake trout

Limits: S-1 and C-0

  • Faircloth Lake (Greytrout Lake) (51°09′20″N., 88°11′24″W.)
  • Merpaw Lake (51°38′53″N., 88°58′13″W.)

Limits: S-1 in one day and possession limit of 2, not more than 1 greater than 65 cm and C-1; any size

  • Echoing Lake

Limits: S-2 and C-1; not more than 1 greater than 56 cm

  • Gordon Reid Lake (South Lake, I-100 Lake) (51°01′14″N., 88°02′37″W.)
  • Luella Lake (51°11′20″N., 88°42′26″W.)
  • Opichuan Lake (51°14′46″N., 87°46′14″W.)
  • O’Sullivan Lake (50°25′00″N., 87°03′00″W.)
  • Superb Lake (50°30′55″N., 86°58′21″W.)
  • Troutfly Lake (51°41′59″N., 88°53′22″W.)

Walleye and sauger combined

Season: January 1 to April 14 and June 10 to December 31

Limits: S-2 and C-2; not more than 1 greater than 46 cm

  • Little Jackfish River - downstream from and including the first rapids upstream of the Pikitigushi Road Bridge to the centre line of the CN railway bridge

Waterbody exceptions

Lake St. Joseph

  • Only one barbless hook may be used
  • Non-Canadian residents require a special tag which is available at no charge from the Lake St. Joseph tourist operators
  • Fish sanctuary - no fishing from March 1 to June 14 in the following areas:
    • Twiname Bay east of a line beginning at the north shore at 51°09’10”N., 90°27’10”W., southeast to 51°08’54”N., 90°25’52”W. and south to 51°08’30”N., 90°25’35”W.

Opapimiskan Lake (52°37′39″N., 90°24′27″W.)

  • All species: S-0 and C-0

Sydney Lake area - North Kenora Pilot Project area - waters south and east of Kilburn Lake in Zone 2, including Sydney and Rowdy lakes

  • Species based regulations for all non-Canadian anglers:
    • lake trout - S-1 and C-1
    • lake whitefish - S-6 and C-6
    • largemouth and smallmouth bass combined - S-1 and C-1; must be less than 35 cm from January 1 to June 30 and December 1 to December 31
    • muskellunge - S-0 and C-0
    • northern pike - S-2 and C-2; none between 70-90 cm, not more than 1 greater than 90 cm
    • walleye and sauger combined - S-2 and C-2; not more than 1 greater than 46 cm
    • yellow perch - S-25 and C-25

Fish sanctuaries

No fishing - closed all year

  • Zeemel Lake - including the Paseminon River upstream to 300 m above the Musselwhite Mine Road

No fishing - from April 1 to June 14

  • Kawashkagama River - from Abamasagi Lake to 100 m above Albert Falls
  • Upper Twin Lake - Pete’s Bay, beginning at the intersection of Shamokan Creek and the Rail Line Road continuing downstream to include all of Pete’s Bay of Upper Twin Lake

No fishing - from March 1 to June 14

  • Esnagami River - from the northern boundary of Esnagami Township (50°21′36″N., 86°46′45″W.) downstream (north) to the second set of rapids (50°25′20″N., 86°40′45″W.)
  • Lake St. Joseph - see waterbody exceptions





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Updated: December 14, 2020