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Black Bay and Black Sturgeon River Environmental Assessment

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is considering removing the existing dam on the Black Sturgeon River and replacing it with a new sea lamprey barrier upstream.

The initial opportunity for public comment closed on January 31, 2013. Next steps are to produce a Draft Environmental Study Report and later provide opportunity for public comment.

Fishing rules

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About this zone

FMZ 9 includes the Canadian waters of Lake Superior. This zone has:

  • the largest surface area of any freshwater lake in the world
  • some of Lake Superior’s most unique aquatic and terrestrial environments
  • provincially and nationally protected features, including the proposed Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area
  • important recreational, commercial and tourism-based fisheries
  • prominent fisheries for native lake trout, walleye, yellow perch and (coaster) brook trout, as well as introduced species such as Chinook salmon, coho salmon and rainbow trout in both open waters and tributaries
  • an active commercial fishery that targets lake whitefish, walleye, cisco, lake trout and yellow perch

FMZ 9 is one of 20 fisheries management zones in the province.


Zone 9 consists of Lake Superior excluding most of the tributaries and the islands of St. Ignace, Simpson and Michipicoten.
View Fisheries Management Zone 9 map using Fish on-Line or a PDF.

FMZ 9:

  • its northwestern boundary is the international border at the Pigeon River
  • bordered to the southeast by the compensating works on the St. Mary’s River in Sault Ste. Marie
  • its southern boundary is the Canada – US border dividing Lake Superior
  • includes the Lake Superior islands other than St. Ignace and Simpson Islands (FMZ 6) and Michipicoten Island (FMZ 10)
  • boundaries extend, in most cases, across river mouths of Lake Superior tributaries
  • cities include Thunder Bay and Sault Ste. Marie, as well as the towns of Dorion, Red Rock, Nipigon, Rossport, Schreiber, Terrace Bay, Marathon and Wawa

Legal boundary map and detail maps

Legal boundary map for FMZ 9 and detail maps 1 - 25 (PDF)

Monitoring reports and management plans

Zone advisory council

The FMZ 9 council provides advice during the development of fisheries objectives and strategies.

Council members represent a broad range of views including:

  • angling and commercial fishing groups
  • scientists and researchers
  • conservation groups
  • interested community members

The advisory council participates in fisheries management by:

  • sharing ideas and expertise with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
  • helping to develop and implement management strategies
  • communicating with the local and angling community

For more information about the Fisheries Management Zone 9 advisory council, please contact the Upper Great Lakes management unit at 519-371-0420.

Environmental assessment for Black Bay and Black Sturgeon

Black Bay is a large bay on the north shore of Lake Superior:

  • it historically supported the largest population of walleye in Lake Superior
  • the walleye population collapsed in 1968 from a combination of factors, including overfishing and habitat loss
  • dam construction on the Black Sturgeon River may have blocked access to spawning areas for walleye, lake sturgeon and other native fish species

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry may remove the dam, replacing it with a new sea lamprey barrier upstream to:

  • readmit native species to important spawning sites
  • continue blocking the invasive sea lamprey from the Black Sturgeon watershed
  • address structural concerns identified by MNRF engineers

Both the dam and the proposed barrier site are inside the borders of Black Sturgeon River Provincial Park. The proposal to decommission the dam is being evaluated under the Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves through:

  • initial opportunity for public comment — closed January 31, 2013
  • a draft environmental study report
  • another opportunity for public comment

Bulletin – Restoring Black Bay fish populations

Black Bay and Black Sturgeon River native fisheries rehabilitation (PDF)

General fishing rules

Updated: May 19, 2021
Published: May 16, 2014