
photo of a moose in a forest.
Photo credit: J.B Dawson

Moose seasons

Moose tags are valid only for the Wildlife Management Unit, moose type(s) and season(s) indicated on the tag. For example, a bull tag or a cow/calf tag valid for the bows only season (i.e. a “bow tag”) is valid only during the bows only season. Calf tags are valid for the full length of the moose hunting season(s) in the Wildlife Management Unit they are issued for (e.g. in both the bows only and “gun” seasons).

Rifles, shotguns, muzzle-loading guns and bows
(the "gun" seasons when "gun tags" are valid)

Wildlife Management Unit Resident – open season Non-Resident – open season
1A, 1C, 1D, 16–17, 25 September 18 to December 15 September 20 to November 15
2–4, 18A, 18B October 9 to December 15 October 11 to November 15
5, 6, 7B, 8, 9A, 9B, 11–15, 19, 21A, 21B October 16 to December 15 October 18 to November 15
22, 23, 28–42 October 16 to November 15 October 18 to November 15
24, 27 October 9 to November 15 October 11 to November 15
26 September 18 to October 31 September 20 to October 31
46–50, 53–63 October 18 to October 24 None

Bows and muzzle-loading guns only
(seasons when bows and muzzle-loading guns only tags are valid)

Wildlife Management Unit Resident – open season Non-Resident – open season
7A October 16 to December 15 October 18 to November 15
18B September 18 to October 8 September 18 to October 8

Bows only
(season when "bow tags" are valid)

Wildlife Management Unit Resident – open season Non-Resident – open season
2–4, 18A, 24, 27 September 18 to October 8 September 18 to October 8
5, 6, 7B, 8, 9A, 9B, 11-15, 19, 21–23, 28–33, 35–42 September 25 to October 15 September 25 to October 15
46–50, 53-63 October 2 to October 8 None

Resident seasons with controlled hunter numbers

Wildlife Management Unit Resident – open season Firearm type Restrictions
11B September 25 to October 15 Rifles, shotguns, muzzle-loading guns For hunters with a lower limb disability (see notes below).
65 October 5 to October 7 Bows only For hunters with a lower limb disability (see notes below). See notes on WMU 65 below.
65 October 8 to October 14 Bows only See notes on WMU 65 below.

Moose hunting in WMU 65

In WMU 65 there are no dogs allowed. Any hunter wishing to hunt moose in WMU 65 is required to obtain written landowner permission. Hunters must have a tag specifically validated for WMU 65 or have a partner permit that is associated with the hunter who has a tag validated for WMU 65. Contact Kemptville District office at 613-258-8204 for additional details.

Opportunities for moose hunters with lower limb disabilities

Hunters with disabilities may apply for a moose tag in any WMU, however there are two WMUs (11B and 65) that offer seasons specifically for resident moose hunters with lower limb disabilities. Hunters who qualify for these seasons are people who:

  • are paraplegic or hemiplegic
  • have a single, above the knee, lower limb amputation, or a double, below the waist amputation
  • have a severe disability and cannot hunt without the use of a wheelchair (or similar means of locomotion). These cases require a medical certificate

Qualified hunters wishing to take part should apply for a tag in the points-based allocation process. Such applications will be considered like any other; there are no separate quotas.

For more information regarding WMU 11B, please contact Thunder Bay District office at 807-475-1471. For more information regarding WMU 65, please contact the Kemptville District office at 613-258-8204.

Moose hunting requirements

Anyone wishing to hunt moose in Ontario must have the following:

  • Outdoors Card
  • moose licence listed on your licence summary
  • moose tag (valid for the appropriate season/firearm, area, and type of moose), or be party hunting with a person who has a valid moose tag
  • proof of firearms accreditation if you are hunting with a gun

New for 2021

A moose licence will no longer include a calf tag. WMU-specific calf tags can be applied for through the allocation process described under Points-based moose tag allocation process and at

Tag types are:

  • bull tags valid only for harvest of a bull moose and specific to a WMU and season (e.g. bows only season)
  • cow/calf tags valid for either a cow or a calf moose and specific to a WMU and season (e.g. gun season)
  • calf tags valid only for the harvest of a calf moose and specific to a WMU and all seasons (e.g. both the bows only and gun seasons). There are no longer any seasons for adult moose only (i.e. no shortened calf seasons).

Tourist outfitters will no longer provide clients with moose validation certificates. See Hunting with a tourist outfitter.

The gun hunting season for moose in Southern Ontario (WMUs 46-50, 53-63) has been shifted earlier, starting the third Monday in October, as it did before 2017.

Moose hunting regulations

Tagging and transporting

See the tags section for details on tagging and transporting. Additional information on shipping and exporting can be found in the general regulations section.

Mandatory hunting reporting

There is a mandatory hunter reporting requirement for all moose licence holders. See the mandatory hunter reporting section for details on timelines and how to submit your report.


Big game, including moose, may only be hunted with a firearm (includes bows). When hunting moose, you may only use or carry a firearm of the type (rifle, shotgun, bow or muzzle-loading gun) permitted for hunting moose at that time in that WMU. Specifications on the firearms, bolts and arrows that are permitted when hunting moose are found in general regulations section.

Party hunting for moose

Party hunting is permitted during the open season for moose under a set of specific conditions. The list of conditions is listed in the general regulations section. Party hunting conditions remain unchanged for 2021.

New Points-based moose tag allocation process


In 2019 the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry worked with Ontario’s Big Game Management Advisory Committee (BGMAC) to conduct a Moose Management Review to hear from moose hunters across Ontario. In response to feedback received and BGMAC’s recommendations, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry made improvements to moose management to benefit moose populations and provide a fairer system for allocating moose tags to resident hunters.


  • Moose tags will be distributed to Ontario residents using a points-based process.
  • Most tags will be awarded to applicants with the most points. You will have the option to use your points for your desired tag or build your points for the future.
  • The number of points you start with in 2021 will be based on your draw history from 1993 through 2020. Learn more about your draw history and points.
  • Hunters will apply as individuals. There are no group applications or pools.
  • The process includes two stages with different application periods:
    • the primary allocation stage
    • the second chance allocation stage
  • Hunters awarded a tag in either stage will decide whether to claim it before the respective tag claim deadline.

Primary allocation stage

Review quotas and apply: April 1 to April 30

  • April 1 – the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry publishes tag quotas for the primary allocation stage and the application period opens. Tag quotas and hunt codes are available at or by calling 1-800-288-1155. Hunt codes are also available on Tag allocation process hunt codes.
  • Hunter pays $15.00 application fee
  • Hunter can make up to three choices for a tag type:
    • Wildlife Management Unit
    • moose type
    • season/ firearm type
    • See new for 2021 for information on tag types. You can apply for a point directly by selecting WMU “99Z” as your first choice rather than applying for a tag. You will be allowed to change your mind and apply for a tag in the second chance allocation stage. Complete your application by April 30 for the primary allocation stage. Hunters are encouraged to apply early in the application period and make sure to keep record of their application receipt or confirmation number for reference.
  • You can apply online at Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service, by calling the automated phone line at 1-800-288-1155 or in person at a licence issuer or participating ServiceOntario.
  • See the How to apply to a big game draw section and service options for more information.

How it works

Each tag type is allocated separately in a series of up to three steps.

  1. Each tag type will be allocated to the hunters with the most points who selected that tag type as their first choice.
    • For example, all first-choice applicants for a given tag type will be ordered by their points. Tags will be awarded in descending order from highest to lowest points.
  2. If tags remain available, the applicants with the most points that selected that tag type as their second choice will be awarded tags.
  3. If tags are still available, this process will be repeated for third-choice applicants.

A random draw will be used to break ties when there are more applicants with the same points than the number of tags that remain available.

The points required to be awarded each tag type and whether tags remain available beyond the first choice is not set in advance, but is determined solely by how many hunters choose each tag type relative to the quota and their points.

Check primary allocation results and claim tag: May 16 to June 7

  • Allocation results for the primary allocation will be available May 16.
  • Check if you were awarded a tag online at Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service or by calling the automated phone line at 1-800-288-1155.
  • Claim your tag before the deadline on June 7 by buying your moose licence and purchasing your tag. See section on fees.
  • Your points will reset to zero when you claim a tag awarded in the primary allocation stage.
  • You can claim your tag by purchasing a moose licence and your tag online, by phone or at a licence issuer or participating ServiceOntario.
  • You must claim your tag by June 7 for it to be issued to you. Unclaimed tags will be made available for other hunters to apply for in the second chance allocation stage.
  • There is no penalty for not claiming a tag.
  • Hunters who choose not to claim a tag or who are unsuccessful in the primary allocation stage can apply to the second chance allocation stage without paying a second application fee.

Second chance allocation stage

Apply: June 15 to July 7

  • On June 15 the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry publishes the remaining number of tags available for the second chance allocation stage and the second chance application period opens.
  • Numbers of tags remaining available can be accessed at or by calling 1-800-288-1155. Hunt codes for remaining tag types will remain unchanged between stages.
  • Tags available will include those that weren’t applied for or went unclaimed in the primary allocation stage.
  • Hunters can submit a new application to the second chance allocation stage unless they already claimed a tag in the primary allocation stage. Your previous choices will not automatically carry forward to the second chance allocation.
  • Hunters can again make up to three choices for a tag type.
  • Hunters can select WMU “99Z” as their first choice if they do not wish to be awarded a tag based on points. They can also enter a second or third choice for a tag awarded by random draw.

How it works

  • Like the primary allocation stage, tags will be awarded to the first-choice applicants with the most points.
  • If tags remain available, a random draw will be used to allocate tags among hunters who applied for that tag type as their second choice.
  • If tags are still available, a random draw will be used to allocate tags among hunters who applied for that tag type as their third choice.

Check second chance allocation results and claim tag: August 1 to end of season

  • Allocation results for the second chance allocation will be available August 1.
  • You can choose to claim your tag after August 1 and before the end of the relevant season by buying your moose licence and paying for your tag.
  • You can claim your tag by purchasing a moose licence and your tag online or at a licence issuer or participating ServiceOntario.
  • Your points reset to zero if you claim a tag you were awarded from your first choice in the second chance allocation stage. If you applied to WMU “99Z” or you chose to claim a tag from your second or third choice you will retain your points and gain a point.

Draw history and points

Your points in 2021

Initially, points will be calculated based on a hunter’s draw history from 1993 through 2020.

Hunters will start with one point for each year they applied for the moose draw since last receiving an adult tag, or since they began applying if they have never received an adult tag. This is the case whether the adult tag was received directly through the draw or by tag transfer. Having made a tag transfer or having received a calf tag or a surplus tag will not have reset your points.

You will have gained a point in any year you applied to WMU “99Z” because you did not want a tag and wanted to be in pool 1 the following year.

Consecutive applications are not required. This means that if the last time you were issued an adult tag through the draw or a tag transfer was in 2010, and you have applied 6 times since then you will have 6 points in 2021 regardless of whether you may have transferred an adult tag or been issued a calf tag or surplus tag since 2010.

Your points are available through your online account at Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service or by calling the automated phone line at 1-800-288-1155. Please note ServiceOntario and licence issuers are not able to access your points for you.

Your points beyond 2021

Under the points-based allocation process, a hunter will accumulate a single point in any year they apply to one or both allocation stages, if they don’t claim a tag awarded based on points.

If you claim a tag awarded based on points from the primary allocation or the first choice of the second chance allocation, your points will reset to zero (early next year).

You will retain your points and will gain a point (early next year) if you claim a tag awarded to you on either your second or third tag choices in the second chance allocation.

You can accumulate a single point per year without being considered for a tag by selecting WMU “99Z” with your first choice in either the primary or second chance allocation.

Obtaining a moose tag from a tourist outfitter will not affect your points. You cannot hold more than one moose tag per year.

Northern Ontario preference point

Northern Ontario resident hunters will continue to receive a small preference by receiving one additional point (non-accumulating) in choices they enter for a northern WMU (WMUs 1-42). This small preference replaces the northern resident draw.

Important dates for moose hunters

Dates subject to change beyond 2021.

  • April 1 to April 30: apply to the primary allocation stage
  • May 16 to June 7: claim tags awarded in the primary allocation stage
  • June 15 to July 7: apply to the second chance allocation stage
  • August 1 to end of season: claim tags awarded in the second chance allocation stage
  • August 17: tags available to print until the end of season

image of important dates calendar. Text version is above image.

Service options for moose hunters

Primary allocation stage service options

Service Online Automated phone line: 1-800-288-1155 Participating ServiceOntario or licence issuer
Learn tag quotas Yes No
Apply for a moose tag Yes Yes
Check results Yes No
Claim your moose tag Yes Yes
Print your moose tag No Yes

Second chance allocation stage

Service Online Automated phone line: 1-800-288-1155 Participating ServiceOntario or licence issuer
Learn tags remaining Yes No
Apply for a moose tag Yes Yes
Check results Yes No
Claim your moose tag No Yes
Print your moose tag No Yes

For step-by-step instructions

  1. Visit Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service
  2. Go to Helpful links
  3. Go to Tips to get started
  4. Choose:
    • how to set up your online account
    • how to view your draw entry and results (includes draw history)
    • how to view your moose points
    • how to apply to the moose tag allocation process
    • how to claim your moose tag

Learn more about what to consider when you apply and at

For inquires contact the Natural Resources Information and Support Centre by email or phone 1-800-387-7011 or 1-800-667-1940.

New Tag transfers

Moose tag transfers are no longer permitted. In exceptional circumstances such as injury, illness or death of the tag holder or an immediate family member; or redeployment by the Canadian Armed Forces, a tag transfer may be considered with written request and documentation. If necessary, please contact the Natural Resource Information and Support Centre at

New Changes to moose hunting fees

The new approach to moose fees is fairer by allowing hunters to purchase only the products they need. Hunters will pay an application fee to apply to the allocation process, instead of having to purchase a licence to apply. This approach shifts costs from unsuccessful applicants to those that claim a tag. Hunters may choose to share tag fees amongst party members. Hunters are expected to pay about the same cost per year as they formerly did for a moose licence ($50.29) when averaged over time. See the new application fee, licence fee and tag fees. Learn more about the benefits of fee changes at

Additional moose hunting regulations for non-residents

Starting in 2021, non-resident landowners and immediate relatives of Ontario residents are only able to acquire their own tag to hunt moose by purchasing a hunt from a tourist outfitter.

A non-resident who is an immediate relative of an Ontario resident who holds a valid moose tag may purchase a non-resident moose hunting licence to party hunt with their relative during an open non-resident season. Immediate relative means grandparent, parent, spouse, child, sibling or grandchild (including equivalent step-family relationships). An attestation statement verifying the immediate relative relationship must be completed by the non-resident online or in-person at a licence issuer or participating ServiceOntario location at the time the non-resident moose licence for an immediate relative is purchased.

Non-residents are required to have hunter accreditation that is recognized by Ontario – refer to the Hunting licence information section for more details.

Non-residents must employ one licensed guide for each two hunters when hunting moose in the Territorial District of Rainy River. WMUs with moose hunting seasons in the Territorial District of Rainy River are: 9B, 11A and parts of 7B and 12B (see WMU 3 map).

Hunting with a tourist outfitter

Residents and non-residents can acquire a hunt that includes a tag from a tourist outfitter. A hunter can only acquire a tag through an outfitter if they haven’t already been issued a tag for that year. You must have a valid Outdoors Card before a tourist outfitter can request the moose tag on your behalf. Outfitters will provide further instruction to prospective clients on the steps that must be taken to purchase a moose licence and separate tag from the MNRF before arriving at the outfitter. The outfitter can only provide the tag once the client has paid for the tag. The moose tag fees apply to both residents and non-residents.

Any hunter who receives a tag from an outfitter or is hunting in a party with another hunter who receives a tag from an outfitter must be a registered guest of the outfitter and carry documentation provided by the outfitter to verify this (in addition to their Outdoors Card, moose licence and tag if applicable).

    How can you tell the difference between a calf and a cow moose?

    A calf moose is a moose that is less than one year old at the time of the hunt.

    An adult moose (cow or bull) is a moose that is at least one year old at the time of the hunt.

    black and white diagram comparing moose cow and moose calf.

    Short face

    Calf moose appear to have a small nose and a “short face”

    Seldom alone

    Calf moose are seldom alone

    Body proportions

    Calf moose appear to have more leg than body and their hindquarters appear slender

    Shoulder height

    Shoulder height of cow moose is 2 m (6 ft., 7 in.) and of calf moose is 1.3 m (4 ft., 3 in.)

    Tag allocation process hunt codes

    WMU Bull gun Cow/calf gun Calf all seasons Bull bow Cow/calf bow
    1A 400 401 402 N/A N/A
    1C 403 404 405 N/A N/A
    1D 406 407 408 N/A N/A
    2 409 410 411 412 413
    3 414 415 416 417 418
    4 419 420 421 422 423
    5 424 425 426 427 428
    6 429 430 431 None None
    7A1 N/A N/A 434 None None
    7B 437 438 439 None None
    8 442 443 444 445 446
    9A 447 448 449 450 451
    9B 452 453 454 455 456
    11A 457 458 459 460 461
    11B 462 463 464 465 466
    12A 467 468 469 470 471
    12B 472 473 474 475 476
    13 477 478 479 480 481
    14 482 483 484 485 486
    15A 487 488 489 490 491
    15B 492 493 494 495 496
    16A 497 498 499 N/A N/A
    16B 500 501 502 N/A N/A
    16C 503 504 505 N/A N/A
    17 506 507 508 N/A N/A
    18A 509 510 511 512 513
    18B1 514 515 516 517 518
    19 519 520 521 522 523
    21A 524 525 526 527 528
    21B 529 530 531 532 533
    22 534 535 536 537 538
    23 539 540 541 542 543
    24 544 545 546 547 548
    25 549 550 551 N/A N/A
    26 552 553 554 N/A N/A
    WMU Bull gun Cow/calf gun Calf all seasons Bull bow Cow/calf bow
    27 555 556 557 558 559
    28 560 561 562 563 564
    29 565 566 567 568 569
    30 570 571 572 573 None
    31 575 576 577 578 579
    32 580 581 582 583 584
    33 585 586 587 588 589
    34 590 591 592 N/A N/A
    35 593 594 595 596 597
    36 598 599 600 601 None
    37 603 604 605 606 None
    38 608 609 610 611 612
    39 613 614 615 616 617
    40 618 619 620 621 622
    41 623 624 625 626 627
    42 628 629 630 631 632
    46 633 634 635 636 637
    47 638 639 640 641 642
    48 643 644 645 646 647
    49 648 649 650 651 652
    50 653 654 655 656 657
    53 658 659 660 661 662
    54 663 664 665 666 667
    55A 668 669 670 671 672
    55B 673 674 675 676 677
    56 678 679 680 681 682
    57 683 684 685 686 687
    58 None None 690 None None
    59 None None 695 None None
    60 698 699 700 701 702
    61 703 704 705 706 707
    62 708 709 710 711 None
    63 713 714 715 716 717
    65 N/A N/A 718 719 720


    • 1For these WMUs, “bow tags” are for the bows and muzzle-loading guns only season.
    • “N/A” indicates the WMU does not have the applicable season.
    • “None” indicates the tag quota is zero.

    Last year's bull gun tag applicants

    WMU Quota Applied choice 1 Applied choice 2 Total applied per tag
    1A 25 6 3 <1
    1C 250 264 141 2
    1D 48 46 34 2
    2 72 172 113 4
    3 153 878 524 9
    4 113 838 456 11
    5 64 734 499 19
    7B 1 27 15 42
    8 6 100 73 29
    9A 8 178 95 34
    9B 8 126 77 25
    11A 12 147 77 19
    11B 15 252 184 29
    12A 28 337 239 21
    12B 91 1,188 657 20
    13 18 568 423 55
    14 13 117 80 15
    15A 62 889 547 23
    15B 339 2,483 1,493 12
    16A 125 281 154 3
    16B 115 690 383 9
    16C 79 252 124 5
    17 65 458 180 10
    18A 200 716 343 5
    18B 85 155 100 3
    19 184 1,099 390 8
    21A 278 1,839 1,068 10
    21B 131 1,784 1,269 23
    22 29 449 337 27
    23 66 717 464 18
    24 144 1,596 917 17
    25 53 191 104 6
    26 26 395 196 23
    WMU Quota Applied choice 1 Applied choice 2 Total applied per tag
    27 93 1,229 670 20
    28 89 2,762 1,275 45
    29 11 761 508 115
    30 7 636 405 149
    31 45 1,079 523 36
    32 37 622 339 26
    33 11 249 157 37
    34 17 264 149 24
    35 17 710 396 65
    36 2 267 132 200
    37 16 349 139 31
    38 18 858 470 74
    39 21 995 459 69
    40 23 1,150 404 68
    41 26 1,388 583 76
    42 26 1,031 421 56
    46 36 479 259 21
    47 21 1,296 427 82
    48 14 908 484 99
    49 26 2,290 823 120
    50 10 1,427 622 205
    53 53 1,111 488 30
    54 40 1,973 775 69
    55A 13 442 169 47
    55B 3 183 76 86
    56 49 1,488 601 43
    57 22 673 267 43
    60 47 2,022 778 60
    61 36 1,471 548 56
    62 2 259 128 194
    63 30 1,208 391 53
    Total 3,767 51,552 25,625 20

    Last year's cow gun tag applicants

    WMU Quota Applied choice 1 Applied choice 2 Total applied per tag
    1A 20 2 6 <1
    1C 100 71 127 2
    1D 40 8 18 <1
    2 105 49 118 2
    3 225 333 558 4
    4 132 341 611 7
    5 93 453 526 11
    6 1 13 9 22
    8 6 48 77 21
    9A 9 78 130 23
    9B 13 35 96 10
    11A 7 42 92 19
    11B 12 142 194 28
    12A 20 140 195 17
    12B 72 545 821 19
    13 21 237 388 30
    14 17 56 88 8
    15A 57 385 540 16
    15B 410 1,163 1,690 7
    16A 85 63 145 2
    16B 282 174 282 2
    16C 75 42 132 2
    17 229 61 171 1
    18A 150 297 435 5
    18B 160 84 122 1
    19 119 409 720 9
    21A 486 891 1,403 5
    21B 169 1,323 1,338 16
    22 30 373 401 26
    23 59 379 521 15
    24 109 690 1,214 17
    25 42 79 127 5
    26 37 153 262 11
    WMU Quota Applied choice 1 Applied choice 2 Total applied per tag
    27 114 599 958 14
    28 73 1,058 2,144 44
    29 27 398 591 37
    30 8 213 451 83
    31 32 304 749 33
    32 36 256 383 18
    33 12 115 211 27
    34 17 130 179 18
    35 16 220 490 14
    36 3 73 203 92
    37 7 66 165 33
    38 15 268 610 59
    39 15 237 699 62
    40 9 127 624 83
    41 20 449 908 68
    42 9 163 441 67
    46 21 212 332 26
    47 26 456 799 48
    48 8 360 567 116
    49 10 671 1,617 229
    50 9 490 985 164
    53 33 355 782 34
    54 11 376 1,210 144
    55A 4 91 214 76
    55B 4 67 111 45
    56 20 388 917 65
    57 9 193 326 58
    60 24 571 1,429 83
    61 15 396 1,005 93
    62 2 117 177 147
    63 10 267 839 111
    Total 4,011 18,845 34,673 13

    Last year's bull bow tag applicants

    WMU Quota Applied choice 1 Applied choice 2 Total applied per tag
    2 42 39 35 2
    3 17 102 63 10
    4 27 116 53 6
    5 13 81 47 10
    7A2 1 1 3 4
    8 2 7 3 5
    9A 2 8 8 8
    9B 4 24 11 9
    11A 2 27 12 20
    11B 5 82 24 21
    12A 7 101 69 24
    12B 12 160 114 23
    13 5 58 58 23
    14 8 66 28 12
    15A 31 322 97 14
    15B 24 290 164 19
    18A 33 220 87 9
    18B2 7 56 30 12
    19 100 677 313 10
    21A 21 286 193 23
    21B 32 519 197 22
    22 9 127 110 26
    23 20 357 245 30
    24 81 530 333 11
    27 13 80 29 8
    28 12 214 114 27
    29 14 374 212 42
    30 3 67 61 43
    WMU Quota Applied choice 1 Applied choice 2 Total applied per tag
    31 10 122 83 21
    32 5 65 51 23
    33 3 29 24 18
    35 3 28 17 15
    36 3 32 13 15
    37 3 32 21 18
    38 6 137 86 37
    39 5 92 42 27
    40 3 63 59 41
    41 8 134 50 23
    42 5 81 50 26
    46 5 30 16 9
    47 3 117 56 58
    48 26 1,082 347 55
    49 3 117 84 67
    50 3 56 55 37
    53 7 88 34 17
    54 3 32 45 26
    55A 7 207 130 48
    55B 6 164 52 36
    56 5 85 66 30
    57 16 255 83 21
    60 8 180 134 39
    61 3 81 48 43
    63 3 74 54 43
    65 42 304 188 12
    Total 741 8,678 4,601 18


    • 2For these WMUs, tags are for the bows and muzzle-loading guns only season.

    Last year's cow bow tag applicants

    WMU Quota Applied choice 1 Applied choice 2 Total applied per tag
    2 50 1 0 <1
    3 50 5 14 <1
    4 46 5 7 <1
    5 30 7 20 <1
    9B 10 3 1 <1
    11A 10 0 2 <1
    11B 10 3 32 4
    12A 10 5 15 2
    12B 40 10 20 <1
    14 36 7 31 1
    15A 80 15 35 <1
    15B 80 35 67 1
    18A 40 10 31 1
    18B2 20 25 35 3
    19 110 52 124 2
    21A 40 44 84 3
    21B 80 60 131 2
    22 20 26 31 3
    23 80 48 72 2
    24 130 74 112 1
    27 33 1 38 1
    28 27 18 103 4
    29 40 215 239 11
    WMU Quota Applied choice 1 Applied choice 2 Total applied per tag
    31 13 7 47 4
    32 13 16 19 3
    33 7 2 2 <1
    35 7 2 8 1
    37 1 4 8 12
    38 6 18 61 13
    39 7 8 37 6
    40 7 6 22 4
    41 7 15 66 12
    42 7 6 23 4
    46 7 3 19 3
    47 7 23 55 11
    48 30 278 480 25
    49 7 32 71 15
    53 7 9 38 7
    54 7 8 18 4
    55B 8 48 69 15
    56 7 12 53 9
    57 21 69 135 10
    60 7 24 95 17
    61 7 14 56 10
    65 63 192 231 7
    Total 1,325 1,465 2,857 3


    • 2For these WMUs, tags are for the bows and muzzle-loading guns only season.

    Last year's calf tag applicants

    WMU Quota Applied choice 1 Applied choice 2 Total applied per tag
    37 27 58 105 6
    40 43 158 325 11
    41 73 325 570 12
    42 67 367 531 13
    47 53 414 644 20
    48 23 216 398 27
    55A 7 94 232 47
    55B 3 31 94 42
    57 23 171 307 21
    Total 319 1,834 3,206 16

    Note: WMUs not listed did not have a quota of that type last year. Quotas include the Northern Resident Draw. Applicant numbers include Pools 1 and 2. The Northern Resident Draw and Pools are not parts of the new tag allocation process.

    Tags in far Northern Ontario (e.g. WMUs 1A, 1C, 1D, 2, 16A, 16C, 17, 18B and 25) may be in relatively low demand and awarded to hunters with few points, but moose in all or large parts of these WMUs cannot be accessed by road. Any road-accessible areas of such WMUs may have higher than expected hunter numbers and lower hunter success rates. Please consider these aspects when planning a moose hunt in such WMUs.

    What to consider when you apply

    • Tag types with high total applicants per tag last year are likely to also be in high demand in the primary allocation stage of the new process in 2021.
    • High demand tag types are likely to only be awarded to first-choice applicants with relatively many points.
    • You are more likely to be awarded "low demand" tag types with a low total applicants per tag last year with your first choice if you have relatively few or zero points.
    • In some WMUs calf tags may also be low demand.
    • Low demand tag types are also the tag types most likely to be available to be awarded to second and third choices.
    • Your second and third choices are unlikely to result in you being awarded a high demand tag type, regardless of how many points you have. For second (and third) choices to be considered all of the first (and second) choice applicants for that tag type need to have been awarded tags.
    • Low demand tag types are also those most likely to be available in the second chance allocation, although some high demand tag types that were awarded but were not claimed may be available.
    • Your second (and third) choices in the second chance allocation are best made for low demand tag types that may remain available after all first (and second) choice applicants are awarded tags.
    • You should only enter a choice for a tag in the primary allocation stage and the first choice of the second chance allocation stage that you are willing to claim and forfeit your points for.
    • Parties that would like to hold at least one tag so that they can go moose hunting may choose to have one or more members with fewer points apply for a low demand tag type as their first choice in the primary allocation stage.
    • If you are awarded a tag in an earlier choice, such as your first choice, then your second and third choices are not considered in that allocation stage.
    • There is no benefit to applying for the exact same tag type more than once within a stage.
    • Starting in 2022, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry will publish the minimum points that a hunter needed to be awarded each tag type in the previous year. The required points will not be set by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and may change between years based on tag quotas and the points of applicants. This won’t guarantee future success based on the same number of points, but it will help hunters predict when they are likely to have enough points for their preferred tag type and to apply strategically.
    • Learn more about what to consider when you apply at





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    Updated: May 19, 2021