2017 Update to the Federal Child Support Tables

The Federal Child Support Tables set out the basic monthly amounts of child support under the Federal Child Support Guidelines. The tables have been updated to reflect more recent tax rules. The updated tables came into effect on November 22, 2017. Use the 2011 tables to calculate child support for a period before that date.

The official legal version of the updated Federal Child Support Tables, as well as additional information about the amendments, are found in the Canada Gazette. The official version of the 2017 Federal Tables is also available on the Department of Justice website.

Tools to help calculate child support amounts include:

While you may find the simplified tables and the online look-up easier to use than the official Federal Tables, you should be aware that only the official version is a legal document. The simplified tables and the online look-up simply provide general information.

You should also be aware that the results you get using the simplified tables may not be exactly the same as the results you get using the online look-up or the official tables. That is because child support amounts in the simplified tables are based on incomes rounded to the nearest $100. But the results will be very close.

Before you use the tables, you may find it helpful to consult the Department of Justice Canada's publication called Federal Child Support Guidelines: Step-by-Step. This guide provides 8 easy steps to help you determine child support under the Federal Guidelines.


  • If you need to determine how much child support is owed for a period between December 31, 2011 until November 21, 2017, use the 2011 Tables to find that amount. The updated 2017 Federal Tables should be used to determine child support owed from November 22, 2017 onward.
  • If you need to calculate child support for a period of time before December 31, 2011, use the 2006 tables.
  • The updated tables will not automatically apply to a child support order made before November 22, 2017. However, if the updated child support amount is different from the amount in your current order, it could be considered a "change in circumstances." You could ask a court to change your order.


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