Use the Assembly grounds

The Legislative Precinct Grounds is made up of the land south of Wellesley Street West, between Queen’s Park Crescent East and Queen’s Park Crescent West.

The grounds can be booked ahead of time for permitted activities. Some of the permitted activities include:

  • public assemblies, such as demonstrations, protests, or rallies (application required)
  • ceremonial visits
  • official visits
  • parliamentary or protocol activities
  • special events on behalf of the Legislative Assembly

Book a demonstration, protest, or rally

Peaceful demonstrations or rallies are welcome and expected. We will make every effort to co-operate and help you plan your event.

If you want to book the grounds, please read the application for demonstrations/special events form (PDF) carefully. To inquire about the use of the grounds, contact the Investigative Liaison Unit by emailing the application form to The unit can also be reached by phone at 416-325-2900, or by fax at 416-325-9912.

  • Please complete the entire form. Include any supporting or additional information.
  • Submit by email to
  • Allow at least one week prior to the date of your event to process your application. Please allow for as much time as possible for large events.
  • Officers of the Legislative Protective Service will contact you to arrange a time to meet with you. They will review your application, the rules for using the grounds, and the logistics of your activity.
  • Contact the Investigative Liaison Unit to request detailed guidelines.

Contact information

For information about demonstrations, protests, rallies, etc.:

Legislative Protective Service Investigative Liaison Unit

For information about ceremonies, events, protocol activities, etc.:

Parliamentary Protocol and Public Relations Branch

The Office of the Assembly takes reasonable steps to protect your privacy. For more information, read our privacy policy. Questions can be directed to or to:

Accessibility, Records and Open Parliament
Room 3330
99 Wellesley St. W.,
Toronto, ON M7A 1A2