Committee speaker index

Letter: Y

  • Yakabuski, J. (PC, Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke)

    • Aggregate
      • use in infrastructure development, E452
    • Aggregate extraction
      • air particulates released from, E453
    • Aggregate industry
    • Aggregate sites
      • community relations, E453
      • lands open to, E452
      • rehabilitation
        • general remarks, E453
      • and water source protection, E453
    • Aggregate sites - by site
      • Fowler township
        • operations and road use, E641
    • Aggregate sites - licences and permits, E650
      • agricultural impact assessments, E453
    • Aggregate sites - vertical zoning
      • general remarks, E453
    • Aggregate transportation
      • environmental impact, E453
    • Algonquin Provincial Park
    • Animal control
      • wild pigs
        • sightings, reporting of, E450
    • Aquaculture industry
      • ministerial oversight, E427
    • Bridge construction
      • framing materials, E410
    • Broadband infrastructure - expansion
    • Campgrounds and campsites - crown land
    • Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC), E404
    • Cancer
      • regional rate studies
    • Cervid populations
      • chronic wasting disease, E439
    • Climate change
      • provincial impact assessment
        • general remarks, E442
    • Conservation authorities
      • capital projects
        • development permits
          • approval process, E404
        • funding allocation, E425
      • financial management
        • funding sources, E425
      • general remarks, E404
      • mandate and responsibilities, E451
    • Conservation authorities - programming
      • mandatory programs
    • Conservation authorities - reform
    • Conservation officers
      • recruitment
        • government funding, E658
      • role of, E633
    • Construction industry
      • building materials
    • COVID-19 - financial supports
      • general remarks, E432
    • COVID-19 study - small and medium enterprises, F2435–F2436
    • Crown land
      • policy review, E440
    • Durham Live development, E419–E420, E451
    • Economic development
      • northern Ontario, E407
    • Economic policy
      • interdependent economies, E432
    • Electricity generation - biomass facilities
      • Calstock power plant
      • construction
    • Emergency management - environmental
      • ministerial budget allocation, E404
    • Environmental policy
      • general remarks, E441
      • regulatory frameworks, E643
    • Far North Act, 2010, SO 2010, c 18
      • revision of, consultation process
    • Fisheries - commercial
    • Flood management
    • Flood management - by region
      • Ottawa Valley, E676
    • Flood management - flooding events
    • Flood management - government strategy
      • consultation process, E405
      • governance
      • preparedness
        • stream gauge network, E405
      • public education, E405
      • special adviser
    • Flood management - prevention
    • Forest industry
    • Forest industry - COVID-19
      • essential business classification, E403, E410
      • government supports, E634
        • health and safety funding, E403
        • rapid reimbursement
          • infrastructure expenses, E403
        • stumpage fee deferrals, E403
      • mill closures, E416
      • product demand, E410
      • supply and demand, E416
    • Forest industry - economic development
    • Forest industry - forest management plans
    • Forest industry - Sustainable Growth: Ontario's Forest Sector Strategy
      • consultation process, E396, E627
      • general remarks, E396, E686–E687
      • product innovation
      • recruitment and retention
      • sustainable forest policy framework, E396, E687
      • tree-planting reforestation, E689
    • Forest Sector Investment and Innovation Program
    • Foresters
      • professional certification
        • inclusion of arborists, E638
    • Forests
      • biodiversity protection, E449
      • growth rate, E409
      • loss due to environmental factors, E448
      • pest management
      • wood quality, E409
    • Home heating
    • Home renovation
    • Housing development
      • and population growth projections, E451
    • Hunting and angling
      • activity reporting, E431
      • and COVID-19
        • fee waivers, E432
        • licence rebates, E440
      • hunting parties
        • size and location restrictions, E443
      • lures and baits
        • baitfish regulation, E427
        • restrictions on, E439
      • moose populations
      • promotion of
        • government funding, E666
      • regulation, E723–E724
      • Special Purpose Account
        • allocation by category, E732
    • Hunting and angling - licensing
      • digital service delivery, E431
      • enforcement
        • complaints process, E642
      • fee assessment, E447–E448
    • Indigenous communities - economic development
    • Infrastructure development - maintenance and repair
      • dams
        • assessment process, E446
    • Invasive species
    • Invasive Species Centre
      • government funding, E455
    • Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) - program streams
    • Lake Simcoe Protection Plan
    • Land use planning
      • development restrictions
        • flood risk areas, E414
    • Land use planning - environmental assessments
    • Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
    • Manufacturing industry - COVID-19
      • operational reconfiguration
        • Ontario Together Fund, F2436
      • promotional campaigns
        • Ontario Made program, F2436
    • Members/ministers - former
      • military service, E444
    • Mills
      • closure, E416
      • sale and product allocation, E417
    • Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
    • Municipal Disaster Recovery Assistance Program
      • general remarks, E442
      • infrastructure replacement, E405
    • Municipal finances - revenue generation
      • general remarks, E451
    • Policy development
      • Indigenous consultation
        • duty to consult, E430
      • Indigenous participation, E433–E434
    • Provincial Forest Access Roads Funding Program.
    • Rabies
      • domestic animals, E437
      • human cases
      • prevalence, E438
      • prevention programs
        • bait vaccination, E438
        • cost of, E438
        • general remarks, E728
        • revenue generation, E438
    • Regulations - reduction
      • government strategy, F2436
    • Ring of Fire
      • ministry responsible for, E401
      • revenue sharing agreements
        • negotiation timeline, E430
    • Temagami Forest Management Corp.
      • general remarks, E738
    • Tourism industry
      • economic impact by sector
    • Tourism industry - COVID-19
      • economic impact by sector
      • promotion of
        • general remarks, E432
        • government campaigns, E433
      • resource-based
        • government supports, E653
          • stakeholder consultations, E655
    • Tourism industry - COVID-19, government response
    • Trucking industry
    • Water protection
    • Watersheds and wetlands
      • designation of, E442, E454
      • development on
      • inflow and outflow levels
        • intergovernmental management, E415, E442
      • International Joint Commission, E415, E442
      • reallocation of, E454
    • Wildfire management
      • Aviation Forest Fires and Emergency Services
        • flooding response assistance, E425
      • community evacuations
        • general remarks, E421
      • community partnerships, E403–E404
      • general remarks, E403
      • government assets
        • water bombers, E421
      • mutual aid agreements, E403–E404, E423
      • operational funding
    • Wildfire management - COVID-19
    • Wildfires
      • 2018 season
        • general remarks, E406
        • government response, E404
      • forest loss due to, E421
    • Wildlife management
      • Big Game Management Advisory Committee (BGMAC), E443
        • general remarks, E431
      • general remarks, E406
      • population management
    • Wildlife protection
      • caribou
        • conservation and recovery strategy, E652
      • chronic wasting disease, E439, E671
      • invasive species, E450, E455
  • Yarde, K. (NDP, Brampton North)

Last updated