FAQs - Women's Forum

What is the date of the Women’s Forum?
The Women’s Forum will take place on Monday, April 15th, 2019. It is a full-day program including a dinner reception.

Who can apply to the Women’s Forum?
Women who are permanent residents of Ontario, between the ages of 20-35 may apply.

I live in another province, can I apply?
No, only permanent residents of Ontario may apply.

What is the application process?
The applicant must complete and submit an online application, including a response to the essay question: What does Emily Murphy's quote: "Leaders Today as Never Before" mean to you? Applicants will also need a letter of recommendation written by a teacher, employer, or community contact demonstrating their leadership and active community involvement.

Will any of my transportation costs to Toronto be covered?
Yes, if you live more than 50 km from Toronto, you will be reimbursed for one return trip from your residence in Ontario to Toronto. Please retain all receipts related to travel costs and consider the most cost effective mode of transportation.

I don’t live near Toronto, where will I stay?
It is the responsibility of each participant to find accommodation while in Toronto.

How many participants will be chosen?
124 participants will be selected for this program - one per provincial riding (electoral district) in Ontario.

When will I know if I have been selected?
Applicants will be contacted during the month of March 2019. All applicants will receive a response.

Who can I contact if I have more questions about the Women’s Forum?
Contact us at 416-325-8094 or by email to: pppr@ola.org.