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Caution: The Integrated Business Services Application does not support the Browser's Back button. Changes to information can be done at the Summary Screens.

Client Consent

The information that you provide in this application is collected by ServiceOntario/Ontario Business Connects under the Business Regulation Reform Act (Business Names Act, Employer Health Tax Act, Retail Sales Tax Act, Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997). Your information will be shared with the Ministry of Government Services, the Ministry of Finance, and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. This information is collected, used and disclosed for the purpose of administering these programs including research into and formulation of future service improvements.

If you select the "YES, I Consent" option, you are consenting to the collection, use and disclosure of your information by and to the Ministry of Government Services, Ministry of Finance, and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.

If you select the "NO, I do not Consent" option you cannot proceed with this application process. Please contact the individual Ontario program(s) as necessary for alternate service delivery options.

For further details please press 'Help with this page'.

I consent (Required)

This site maintained by the Government of Ontario