Employment Ontario

We help job seekers, workers and employers with advice, grants and other services around public and private sector employment.

Find a job Find, hire and train workers

Find a job

Build skills and retrain

Learn what financial, mental health and other supports are available during COVID-19

Resources to prevent COVID-19 in the workplace

Get help from a counsellor

Workers and job seekers can make a free appointment to speak with an employment counsellor to help you develop career goals, prepare for interviews or start a job.

Speak with an employment counsellor in:

Man at a desk on a laptop, currently joined in a virtual meeting with his employment counsellor.


Employers can make a free appointment to speak with an employment counsellor to get advice about attracting and recruiting the right employees and find financial incentives to offset on-the-job training costs. You can also get advice about managing your workforce during restructuring.

Speak with an employment counsellor in:

Business man in a suite talking on the phone with colleague standing next to him, outside an office building.


Free online health and safety training

Use our online tool to find an Employment Ontario partner in your area to sign up for one of ten online courses about health and safety in the workplace.


Updated: September 8, 2021