Directory of Records

Search this directory for descriptions of the different types of records maintained by provincial ministries covered under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

Due to limited capacity to receive and process Freedom of Information (FOI) requests, we might not be able to respond to requests within the legislated time frames.

If you need assistance, contact the Freedom of Information coordinator at the organization you want information from.

We will try our best to process requests and keep you updated.


The Directory of Records (DOR) provides general descriptions of records covered by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

Directory of Records

The DOR describes what records are created and maintained by ministries, which can assist you when preparing Freedom of Information requests for records. Not all records created by ministries are described within this directory.

A record of information can be:

  • in printed form
  • on film
  • electronic (digital records)

Freedom of Information requests

Some records may already be available to you without making a Freedom of Information request under FIPPA. You can contact the applicable ministry’s Freedom of Information coordinator to find out if you can access the information without submitting a formal request.

Other FIPPA institutions must also make information about their records available, but do so independently, including:

  • hospitals
  • universities
  • some provincial agencies
  • municipal institutions

Learn how to make a Freedom of Information request.

Common records

Common records (for example, legal services, communication services, policy and planning) are created in every ministry within the Ontario government. These records have common requirements for how long a record should be kept and if the record can be destroyed or archived.

Visit our promoting excellence in recordkeeping page for more information on common records and recordkeeping in the Ontario government.

Personal information banks

The directory of personal information banks describes the personal information maintained by ministries within the Ontario government.

Browse the directory of personal information banks.

Related links

Contact us

You can contact us by email or by phone at:

Updated: July 14, 2020