Reporting when something changes in your life

When something changes in your life, it could affect whether you still qualify for ODSP or the amount of income support you receive. If you have any changes to your or your family’s situation, you must report them to us every month along with the appropriate verification.

Here are examples of changes you need to report to your local ODSP office:

  • You have changes to your present living arrangement (e.g. moved, changes in housing costs)
  • You have any family changes (e.g. someone moved out, finished school, new baby, or new person living in the home)
  • You start working or attending post-secondary school
  • You or someone in your family are admitted to hospital or any other institution
  • You or someone in your family is being detained in custody
  • Your or your family’s assets change (bought or sold or changed in value). Assets include:
    • money in bank accounts
    • property or real estate that you own
    • trust funds
    • investments such as Registered Retirement Savings Plans, stocks, and bonds
    • cars and other vehicles
  • You have changes in your or your family’s income (e.g. Employment Insurance, received any cash gifts, CPP)
  • You or another family member is leaving Ontario for more than 30 days

You can report changes to your local ODSP office in person, by phone or by mail.

Note: when you submit any information to your local office, please include your nine digit member ID. This number can be found on your monthly statement.

Need more information?

For more information, please contact your local ODSP office.

Learn about reporting work and training income.