Reporting your earnings each month

It is important for you to tell us about any earnings you or your family members receive each month.

To help you report your earnings, you get the Statement of Income form with your Ontario Works cheque or your direct bank deposit statement each month.

Why do I report my earnings?

The amount of money you are paid in your job or training program in one month will be used to calculate the amount of money you receive from Ontario Works in the following month. We want to make sure that you receive the right amount. You can help us do that by filling out the Statement of Income Report form accurately and submitting it on time.

What information do I report?

It is important for you to tell us about any earnings you, your spouse, or adult dependants received.

Please report your:

  • Gross pay - This is the amount you get paid before all deductions like income tax, EI and CPP, etc.
  • Net pay - This is the amount you get paid after all deductions like income tax, EI and CPP, etc.

Note: If you receive tips or gratuities, you must include it in the net pay amount. If there are no deductions on your paystub/cheque, your net pay will be the same amount as your gross pay.

And if applicable, enter the deductions for:

  • Child or spousal support payments
  • Other garnishments to repay a debt

How will my earnings impact my Ontario Works financial assistance?

If you are receiving Ontario Works and earning money from a job or a training program, you may still get help from Ontario Works.

You can earn up to $200 a month without having your financial support reduced. For every $1.00 you earn after that, Ontario Works will deduct $0.50 from the amount of money you receive from us.

This will continue until you become financially independent and no longer need assistance. If you have a child, you can claim some of your child care costs. This means you can work while your child is being cared for. You may also continue to receive other benefits.

Reminder: You will need to submit a copy of your pay stubs and receipts when reporting your earnings and child care expenses.

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