The Ontario Works program strives to balance client needs with individual responsibility.

Your rights

If you are applying for or are eligible for Ontario Works, you have the right to:

  • be told about your eligibility in writing, and
  • appeal a decision about your eligibility that you do not agree with.

Your responsibilities

If you are receiving Ontario Works, you are required to:

  • meet with us every 3 months to review your Participation Agreement and every 12 months to review your financial information
  • take part in employment assistance activities that will help you find a job
  • report any income you receive from a job, a training program or other source of income, such as Employment Insurance, pensions, etc.
  • keep your receipts and statements in order to verify your income, assets and expenses. For example, keep your pay stubs, bank account statement, child care receipts, etc.
  • tell us about any changes in your situation such as getting a job, opening or closing a bank account, having a baby, moving, etc.
  • provide documents or information that we ask for
  • obtain any other income that you are entitled to. For example, child support, Ontario Child Benefit, Employment Insurance, other tax benefits, etc.
  • repay any Transition Child Benefit money you received if you get a retroactive Ontario Child Benefit and/or National Child Benefit Supplement payment that applies to the same month(s) you received the Transition Child Benefit, and
  • repay any money you received that you were not entitled to.

For more information, please contact your local Ontario Works office.

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