The Ministry of Community and Social Services helps Ontario families and individuals in need. The programs and supports funded by the ministry work to remove obstacles that stand in the way of opportunity or limit Ontarians' ability to participate in their communities.

These programs and services include:

Social assistance

Ontario's social assistance programs help residents of Ontario who are in financial need. There are two different social assistance programs:

  • Ontario Works provides income and employment support to people who are in temporary financial need. This program is delivered by municipalities and First Nations.
  • Ontario Disability Support Program provides income and employment supports to people with disabilities. This program is delivered directly by the ministry.

Programs for adults with a developmental disability

These programs are funded by the ministry and delivered through community agencies. Contact Developmental Services Ontario to apply for services and supports.

Community services

These programs are funded by the ministry and delivered through community agencies and municipalities.

These include:

  • domestic violence prevention programs for women and children
  • services for people who are Deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or deaf blind

To find out what services may be available, contact your local Regional Office of the Ministry of Community and Social Services.

Child and spousal support orders

Through the Family Responsibility Office, the ministry enforces court-ordered child and spousal support orders to help Ontario families get the money they deserve.