
Go paperless with digital reminders. They are a free, simple and fast way to get notified when your licence plate sticker, driver’s licence or health card is about to expire.

When you sign up, you can choose to get your reminders by:

  • email
  • text
  • phone call
  • any combination of phone, email or text

You will get your reminders:

  • 60 days before your expiry date
  • 30 days before your expiry date

Check eligibility

You can sign up for digital reminders if you have a:

  • full driver’s licence (for example, G, M or GM)
  • combination licence with one full class (for example, GM2, G1M)
  • green photo health card, and
  • you are 16 years of age or older

You cannot sign up if you have a:

  • jointly owned vehicle
  • fleet or company owned vehicle
  • novice class driver’s licence (for example, G1, M2, G2M1)
  • commercial class of driver’s licence (for example, A, B, C, D, E or F)
  • vehicle registered with the International Registration Plan

Sign up

To sign up, you will need your:

  • driver’s licence —  If you don't have a driver's licence, use your vehicle permit (green ownership paper)
  • licence plate number
  • postal code — if you drive, it’s the one on your driver’s licence or green ownership paper. If you have moved, update your address before you sign up.
  • health card

Sign up for reminders now

Cost and delivery




Subscribing to digital reminders means you will not receive a paper renewal notice.

Change your preferences

To change your contact information or how we send you reminders, you must:

  1. Stop your existing reminders — follow cancellation instructions for text, email or phone.
  2. Sign up again to update your contact information or reminder preferences.

Once you sign up, your reminders will update automatically:

  • when you add a new sticker or vehicle under your name
  • if you own multiple vehicles — just add any of the plates under your name, and you will receive reminders for all your plates

Add a new reminder or sign up again now

Cancel reminders

To cancel reminders, follow the instructions found in the message(s) you receive. If you signed up for multiple types of reminders such as text, email or phone, you have to cancel your reminders in each communication channel separately.

To restart reminders, you will need to sign up again.

What to expect after you sign up

We will:

  • send you the email, text or phone reminders that you signed up for
  • send you updates about the digital reminder service
  • only include a full Ontario.ca or ServiceOntario.ca website link (URL) in our reminders

We will never:

  • include sensitive information in reminders (for example, your date of birth, health card or driver’s licence number)
  • connect you with a real person as the reminders are automated recorded messages
  • demand or ask for any payment by email, text or phone
  • tell you something is wrong and request you call or click a link
  • ask for your credit card information, date of birth or banking details
  • threaten to report fees or fines to police, banks or credit or collection agencies

Your privacy

To process your request, your personal information will be collected to:

  • verify your identity and determine your eligibility with the Ministry of Transportation and Ministry of Health
  • allow ServiceOntario to send you reminders

If you have any questions, please see ServiceOntario’s Privacy Statement.

Updated: September 13, 2021
Published: December 06, 2019