
By law, you need a mill licence if:

  • you want to construct and/or operate a mill, and
  • your mill consumes more than 1,000 cubic metres of forest resources in one year (regardless of the source)

If you have a mill licence, you will need to get a new one before your mill:

  • changes ownership
  • changes productive capacity
  • is converted to another mill type

A mill licence is not a guarantee of wood supply for a mill.

Source law

You can find the legislation related to mill licences in the:

How to apply for a mill licence

To apply for a mill licence, you need to:

Step 1: Contact your Regional Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) Forestry Specialist

Applicants should begin by discussing their facility proposal with Ministry staff.

Regional MNRF Forestry Specialists

Northwest Region
Gwenyth Foley
Phone: 807-475-1429

Northeast Region
Brad Jennings
Phone: 705-235-1188

Step 2: Submit a business plan to your Regional MNRF Forestry Specialist

  • discuss the development of your business plan with Ministry staff to ensure that all the business plan requirements are addressed
  • your business plan is required to:
    • demonstrate your ability to finance, operate and, manage the facility
    • include an analysis showing the source, species and volume of the forest resources that will supply the facility

Step 3: Submit the business plan, along with an application form and licence fee to your Regional MNRF Forestry Specialist. The submission will be evaluated by MNRF and you will be informed of the decision.

Facility Annual Returns

If you have a mill Licence, you need to complete a Facility Annual Return.

The Facility Annual Return provides information on:

  • the use of all forest resources, regardless of source, for each licensed mill
  • the sharing of forest resources between mills
  • the products manufactured by each mill

This information helps the Ministry to:

  • maintain a record of how Ontario wood is utilized and manufactured
  • monitor the capacity of Ontario mills
  • support and promote a healthy forest industry in Ontario
  • track trends, wood flow and the products manufactured in Ontario

How to submit a Facility Annual Return

You can submit your Facility Annual Return by using the electronic Facility Annual Return (eFAR) web based application:

Step 1: Get a user account for eFAR by contacting your Regional MNRF Forestry Specialist

Step 2: Login to the eFAR application and fill out all sections of the electronic Facility Annual Return form. Contact your Regional MNRF Forestry Specialist if you have any questions while filling out the form.

Step 3: Electronically submit the completed form to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for review.

If this is your first time filling out the form, you need help or you are unable to submit your form electronically, please contact your Regional MNRF Forestry Specialist.


September 30th for the previous fiscal year (April 1st to March 31st) of operations.

Privacy Statement

Information contained in the Annual Return is considered confidential and commercial in nature. Requests for information from Annual Returns will be reviewed to determine whether disclosure should occur under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Updated: July 20, 2021
Published: June 20, 2014