Find available wood

The Ontario Available Wood Report:

  • identifies potential wood supply opportunities for forest industry
  • identifies the annual wood supply estimated to be potentially available over 10 years
  • provides contact information for unit managers who can market available wood supplies
  • is updated monthly

The report is intended as a guide only. Wood supplies are subject to approved forest management plans for each forest and available wood supplies change as unit managers enter arrangements with mills.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry works with forest management unit managers and existing industry stakeholders to estimate the available wood supplies on each management unit in Ontario.

An updated Ontario Available Wood Report is no longer available on this page. The report including management unit contacts is now available  via the Ontario Open Data Catalogue.

How to get available wood

If you’re interested in available wood supply, you need to:

  • independently verify the source, species and volume of forest resources you need for your facility
  • contact the management unit contact(s) to help identify opportunities or challenges related to accessibility, fibre quality and cost
  • make arrangements with the management unit contact(s)

Ontario Open Data Catalogue – Available Wood Report

Updated: June 02, 2021
Published: May 26, 2014