Topographic maps

How to make a topographic map of any part of Ontario.

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A topographic map is a detailed, accurate graphic representation of features that appear on the Earth's surface, including:

  • human-made (e.g., roads and railways, provincial and national parks, place names, municipal and township boundaries, lots and concessions)
  • natural (e.g., lakes and rivers, falls, rapids and rocks, wooded areas, wetlands)

How to make a topographic map

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has a web map application that you can use to make a topographic map of any area of Ontario that interests you. Like other web map browsers, you can:

  • zoom in and out
  • find places
  • turn satellite imagery on or off
  • add your own text
  • print the map you make

Make a topographic map now

To find out more about how this web map was created and how current the data is, please view the metadata record.

View metadata record

How to order topographic data

You cannot download data directly from this web map, but you can order a lot of it from the Land Information Ontario website.

Order data now

Updated: May 20, 2021