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Ontario's Pesticide Classification Process

OPAC's 2016-2017 Annual Report Released

Welcome to the home of the Ontario Pesticides Advisory Committee (OPAC), which was established in May, 1971. This makes OPAC one of the longest standing Advisory Agencies in the Province. OPAC is enabled by the Pesticides Act and its attendant Regulation 63/09.The mandate of OPAC, as set out in subsection 10 (3) of the Act is to:

a) review annually the content and operation of this Act and the regulations and recommend changes or amendments therein to the Minister;

b) inquire into and consider any matter the Committee considers advisable concerning pesticides and the control of pests, and any matter concerning pesticides and the control of pests referred to it by the Minister, and report thereon to the Minister;

c) review publications of the Government of Ontario respecting pesticides and the control of pests, and report thereon to the Minister; and

d) perform such other functions as the regulations prescribe.....such as recommending the classification of pesticide products for sale and use in Ontario.  See Ontario's Pesticide Classification Process.


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