Some of our Condominium Forms on will be moving over to the Condominium Authority of Ontario website January 1, 2020. Here is where you can find them.

What to know before buying a home

Information for homebuyers on choosing a real estate agent, buying a newly built home and hiring a home inspector.

Owning a condo

Learn about your rights and responsibilities as a condominium owner.

Hiring a mover

Learn about your rights when signing a contract for moving services and get advice on hiring a mover.

Door-to-door sales and home service contracts

Know your rights when you sign a contract at your door. Learn how to avoid common door-to-door scams for water heaters, home heating/cooling, and other services.

Your rights when starting home renovations or repairs

How to hire a reliable contractor and what you need to include in your contract with them.

Updated: August 12, 2021
Published: May 04, 2018