COVID-19 resources for youth, students and young adults

Ready for your COVID-19 vaccination?

How to get vaccinated

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Reduce the spread of COVID-19

Young people play a critical role in reducing the spread of COVID-19. You can have COVID-19 and spread it to others, even if you aren't showing any symptoms.

Efforts continue across Canada to increase overall vaccine coverage and decrease the spread of COVID-19. During this time, public health measures remain an important part of the response to COVID-19 in Canada.

Individual public health measures are actions you can take to help protect yourself and others from getting sick. These measures are most effective when used together in a layered approach.

It's important for everyone, including youth aged 12 and older to:

Learn more about:


COVID-19 vaccines can help protect you and those around you from COVID-19. Getting fully vaccinated also helps everyone get back to what they love and need for their physical and mental health, including:

Provincial and territorial governments have developed reopening plans with specific advice on schools and workplaces. It's important that you become familiar with these plans to prepare for the year ahead.

Make sure to follow your provincial or territorial government guidelines if you're considering social gatherings.

Learn more about:

Help promote individual public health measures

Protect yourself and others by reminding each other of the importance of individual public health practices, such as:

Be part of a growing virtual community of video gamers who are doing their part to reduce the spread of COVID-19. You don't have to be a gamer to help us spread the message. This campaign is a partnership between the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Entertainment Software Association of Canada.

Learn more about how you can help #CrushCOVID.

Stay healthy

It's okay not to be okay, especially when it feels like the world has been turned upside down. Many people are feeling lonely and isolated, and may be experiencing anxiety, grief, frustration, sadness and irritability. But there are things we can do to take care of ourselves and support each other through this difficult time. It's important to remember to take care of your mental and physical health by:

Stay connected with your friends and extended family through:

You can also take care of your physical and mental health by keeping healthy habits and a regular routine, such as:

Learn more about:

Youth mental health links

If you need someone to talk to in confidence, reach out to a youth organization like:

Taking care of your sexual health

Know the risks for COVID-19 transmission during sex, so you're able to protect yourself and others.

Vaping and COVID-19 risk

New research is showing that vaping and cigarette smoking among young people may greatly increase their risk of getting COVID-19. The risk is 5 to 7 times higher.

Vaping can cause damage to the lungs. This means that coughing or difficulty breathing can worsen if you get the virus, as these are also symptoms of COVID-19.

Vaping may also increase the risk of spreading COVID-19 due to:

If you vape, clean your hands before and after using vaping devices.

Don't vape when you're around others. If you do vape when other people are around, make sure you:

Learn more about:

Get financial help

Look into suspending your student or apprentice loan interest and repayments.

Be safe online

We've seen an increase in reports of harmful phishing campaigns and malware scams related to COVID-19. These tend to be emails or calls from people pretending to be from the government. They're attempting to steal your money or private information.

Misinformation about COVID-19 can also be harmful. Check your sources before reading and sharing articles with others.

Learn more about:

For youth experiencing family violence

The COVID-19 outbreak has been linked with an increase in family violence across the country. Families are faced with increased stress and are spending more time at home due to teleworking, e-learning and physical distancing.

Everyone deserves to feel safe. If you're experiencing violence or abuse at home, contact your local police. There are also other services available to help keep you safe:

For Indigenous youth


Learn how you can help keep your family and community healthy and safe:

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