About FireRangers

Being a FireRanger can be a rewarding job, but it is physically demanding and can involve weeks away from home.

While training and certification are required, they do not guarantee a firefighting job.

Ontario FireRangers are trained and certified at the Type I crew level, the highest level. This means they can carry out all aspects of firefighting, including initial attack, sustained attack and mop-up.

As well as fighting forest fires, Ontario FireRangers participate in:

  • resource management projects
  • training
  • equipment maintenance
  • fire prevention

Who is eligible

You are eligible if you:

  • are 18 years of age or older
  • speak English

You also need to successfully complete the following training:

If successful, you will receive additional on-the-job training in:

  • workplace hazardous material information system (WHMIS)
  • transportation of dangerous goods
  • chainsaw use
  • workplace discrimination and harassment prevention training (WHDP)

How to apply

To apply:

  • download and complete the Ontario FireRanger Employment Application Form
  • To submit your application form by email, please follow the instructions on the bottom of the Ontario FireRanger Application Form or send a printed form by mail to:

    Dryden Fire Management Centre
    95 Ghost Lake Rd
    P.O. Box 850
    Dryden ON P8N 2Z5
    Attention: Applications Officer


Applications are accepted between November 1 and April 15.

Hiring usually takes place between February and May.

Selection process

Step 1:  Your application is entered into a central data bank, which all Fire Management Headquarters have access to. You can update your application at any time.

Step 2:  Each Fire Management Headquarters reviews the submitted applications.

Your application is reviewed to determine:

  • if you meet the mandatory hiring requirements
  • if you have included your references

You will have an opportunity to provide us with more information, such as your work history, education and any specialized certifications you possess, on the FireRanger employment application.

Step 3:  Leading candidates are contacted by telephone for follow-up interviews.

Step 4: Successful candidates are notified. If you receive a follow-up interview, but fail to get a position, you can be put on a supplementary firefighter list. You will receive additional training and be eligible for on-call work.

About 370 FireRanger positions are filled each year in Ontario. Of those, roughly 30 per cent, or 120 positions, are new recruits and the rest are returning staff.

Fire crews usually work from late April or early May to the end of August, with some staff working into September depending on fire activity.

Type II firefighter

If you are not hired as an Ontario FireRanger, you may be able to get a job as a Type II firefighter with a private company. You will need to apply directly with each company.

Type II crews conduct sustained attack and mop-up. Crews are hired as needed during the summer when fires are active.

About 240 positions are filled each year in Ontario, with the number of new recruits varying each year.

During periods of escalated fire activity, supplemental firefighters to increase FireRanger crews, extra contract firefighters, as well as service and support staff, are hired.

Type II firefighter service providers

Type II contracts have been awarded for the next fire season to the following fire crew service providers.

Southern Zone Contractors

Geraldton Community Forests Inc.
P.O. Box 400
Geraldton ON P0T 1M0
Contact: Cory Nephin

Outland Camps Inc.
627 Squier St
Thunder Bay ON P7B 4A7
Tel: 807-345-3534 ext. 222
Fax: 807-346-4212
Contact: Jennifer Morrison

Northern Zone Contractors

Geraldton Community Forests Inc.
P.O. Box 400
Geraldton ON P0T 1M0
Contact: Cory Nephin

Geraldton Community Forests provides support in Eabametoong (Fort Hope) and Webequie.

Outland Camps Inc.
627 Squier St
Thunder Bay ON P7B 4A7
Tel: 807-345-3534 ext. 222
Fax: 807-346-4212
Contact: Jennifer Morrison

Outland provides support in Sandy Lake, Polar Hill, Nibinamik (Summer Beaver), Pikangikum and Wunnumin Lake.

Updated: June 02, 2021
Published: March 26, 2014