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Mint Talk

We believe that collecting coins can fill a lifetime with interest and inspiration. What begins as a pastime can easily become an absorbing pursuit - indeed, a passion.

Shopping around: Finding a coin on the secondary market

Shopping around: Finding a coin on the secondary market

Looking for an older coin to fill a gap in your collection? The secondary market is where collectors go to buy and sell a wide variety of coins.

Living big: Life with diabetes

Living big: Life with diabetes

Thanks to the discovery of insulin 100 years ago by researchers Frederick Banting, Charles Best, John MacLeod and James Collip, millions of lives have been saved, and people living with diabetes can be whatever they wish to be.

Circulating keepsakes: The design process of a commemorative circulation coin

Circulating keepsakes: The design process of a commemorative circulation coin

For more than 75 years, we’ve issued special circulation coins to help Canadians celebrate, remember, honour or reflect upon the events and/or people who have shaped our nation’s history and heritage.

100 years after the discovery of insulin: The road to a cure

100 years after the discovery of insulin: The road to a cure

One hundred years ago, four researchers made a discovery that changed the conversation about diabetes forever. Thankfully, because of this discovery, diabetes is no longer about a diagnosis; it is now about quality of life. This discovery not only changed Canadian medicine, but the treatment of diabetes for millions of people throughout the world – making it one of Canada’s greatest gifts.

A serendipitous quartet: The discoverers of insulin

A serendipitous quartet: The discoverers of insulin

An old adage states the key to success is being in the right place at the right time. Well the story of the discovery of insulin is a prime example of the rare, yet undeniable truth behind that phrase. Four great minds came together in the right place, the University of Toronto, at the right time, 1921, and achieved the most revolutionary medical breakthrough of the 20th century.

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