
Protect yourself from scams and fraud

Scammers can target any Canadian or Canadian business. Here are some tips and tricks to protect yourself or your business from scams and fraud.

Remember, if it seems too good to be true, it is.

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Don't be afraid to say no

Don't be intimidated by high-pressure sales tactics. If a telemarketer tries to get you to buy something or to send them money right away:

Watch out for urgent pleas that play on your emotions.

Do your research

Always verify that the organization you're dealing with is legitimate before you take any other action:

If you've received a call or other contact from a family member in trouble, talk to other family members to confirm the situation.

Watch out for fake or deceptive ads, or spoofed emails. Always verify the company and its services are real before you contact them.

Don't give out personal information

Beware of unsolicited calls where the caller asks you for personal information, such as:

If you didn't initiate the call, you don't know who you're talking to.

Know how to protect your Social Insurance Number (SIN).

Know what to expect if the real Canada Revenue Agency contacts you.

Beware of upfront fees

Many scams request you to pay fees in advance of receiving goods, services, or a prize. It's illegal for a company to ask you to pay a fee upfront before they'll give you a loan.

There are no prize fees or taxes in Canada. If you won it, it's free.

Protect your computer

Watch out for urgent-looking messages that pop up while you're browsing online. Don't click on them or call the number they provide.

No legitimate company will call and claim your computer is infected with a virus.

Some websites, such as music, game, movie, and adult sites, may try to install viruses or malware without your knowledge. Watch out for emails with spelling and formatting errors, and be wary of clicking on any attachments or links. They may contain viruses or spyware.

Make sure you have anti-virus software installed and keep your operating system up to date.

Never give anyone remote access to your computer. If you are having problems with your system, bring it to a local technician.

Be careful who you share images with

Carefully consider who you're sharing explicit videos and photographs with. Don't perform any explicit acts online.

Disable your webcam or any other camera connected to the internet when you aren't using it. Hackers can get remote access and record you.

Protect your online accounts

By taking the following steps, you can better protect your online accounts from fraud and data breaches:

Learn more about securing your accounts by visiting Get Cyber Safe.


Know who you're dealing with

Watch out for invoices using the name of legitimate companies. Scammers will use real company names like Yellow Pages to make the invoices seem authentic. Make sure you inspect invoices thoroughly before you make a payment.

Compile a list of companies your business uses to help employees know which contacts are real and which aren't.

Don't give out information on unsolicited calls

Educate employees at every level to be wary of unsolicited calls. If they didn't initiate the call, they shouldn't provide or confirm any information, including:

Limit your employees' authority

Only allow a small number of staff to approve purchases and pay bills.

Watch for anomalies

Beware of:

These orders may be fraudulent.

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