Multilingual COVID-19 Resources

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed various aspects of our day-to-day lives, from the way we interact with others to how we take care of ourselves and others. PHO has created the following resources to explain various COVID-19 terms and behaviours to the general public. These resources are available in over 20 languages and are complementary to the current public, public health, and health care guidance available on the Ministry of Health's website.

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Français (French)


How to Protect Yourself from COVID-19 – Comment se protéger contre la COVID-19

Preventing COVID-19 in People at Increased Risk of Severe Illness – Prévenir la COVID-19 chez les personnes présentant un risque plus élevé de developper une forme grave de la maladie  

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings – Masques non médicaux et couvre-visage

Non-Medical Masks: Detailed Q&A – COVID-19 : Les masques non médicaux

Mask Use for the Workplace  (Non-Healthcare Settings) – Port du masque dans les milieux de travail ne prodiguant pas de soins de santé

How to Wash Your Hands and How to Use Hand Sanitizer – Comment se laver les mains et Comment se désinfecter les mains

Physical Distancing – Distanciation physique

Cleaning and Disinfection for Public Settings – Nettoyage et désinfection des lieux publics

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – Comment prévenir les lésions cutanées causées par les produits de nettoyage

COVID-19 Vaccine – L’essentiel : Vaccins à base d'ARNm

What You Need to Know About Viral Vector Vaccines – Ce qu’il faut savoir sur les vaccins à vecteur viral


Si votre test de dépistage de la COVID-19 est positif ou si vous avez été exposé

Testing Yourself for COVID-19 – Autodépistage de la COVID-19

How to Self-monitor – Comment s’autosurveiller

How to Self-isolate – Comment s’auto-isoler

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – Auto-isolement : Guide à l’intention des fournisseurs de soins, des membres du ménage et des contacts étroits

How to Care for a Child Who Needs to Self-Isolate – Comment prendre soin d’un enfant qui doit s’auto-isoler

When to Self-isolate for Household Members – À quel moment les membres d’un ménage doivent-ils s’auto-isoler

You Were Tested for COVID-19: What You Should Know – Votre test de diagnostic : ce que vous devez savoir

Take Care of Yourself and Each Other – Prendre soin de soi et des autres

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – Comment s’occuper des animaux de compagnie et autres animaux



العربية (Arabic)

How to Wash Your Hands – كيف تغسلُ يديك

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – كيفية رعاية الحيوانات األليفة والحيوانات األخرى

How to Self-isolate – كيفية ال يعزل 

How to Self-monitor – كيفية المراقبة الذاتية

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – العزلة الذاتية: دليل مقدمي الرعاية وأفراد األسرة وذوي  االتصال القريب

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – كيفية منع الإضرار بالبشرة الناتج عن استخدام منتجات التنظيف

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – قلل خطر إصابتك بفيروس كوفيد 19

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings – الكمامات وأغطية الوجه غير الطبية

中文 (简体) (Simplified Chinese)

How to Wash Your Hands – 如何洗手

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – 如何照顾宠物和其他动物

How to Self-isolate – 如何自我隔离

How to Self-monitor – 如何自我监控

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – 自我隔离:护理者、家庭成员和 密切接触者指南

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – 如何防止清洁产品造成的皮肤破损

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – 降低您染上COVID-19的风险

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings  – 非医用口罩和面罩

中文 (繁體) (Traditional Chinese)

How to Wash Your Hands – 如何洗手

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – 如何照顧寵物和其他動物

How to Self-isolate – 如何自我隔離

How to Self-monitor – 如何自我監控

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – 自我隔離:護理者、家庭成員和 密切接觸者指南

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – 如何防止清潔產品造成的皮膚破損

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – 降低您染上COVID-19的風險

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings  – 非醫用口罩和面罩

Nishnaabemwin (Eastern Ojibwe)

How to Wash Your Hands – Aaniin ge’izhi giziibiigininji’in

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – Aaniin ge-izhi ganawenimindwa bami’aagaansag idash gaye bakaan awakaanag

How to Self-isolate – Aaniin ge’izhi bezhigo’ayaayin

How to Self-monitor – How to Self-Monitor

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – Chi-bezhigo’ayaayin: Gikinoowaabanda’iwewin onji gowe gaaganawenimaawad awiyag, gaa-wiijidamaawad idash apane gaa-waabamaawad

فارسی (Farsi)

How to Wash Your Hands – نحوۀ شستن دست‌ها 

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – نحوۀ مراقبت از حیوانات خانگی و سایر حیوانات

How to Self-isolate – نحوۀ قرنطینه خود

How to Self-monitor – نحوۀ نظارت بر خود

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – قرنطینه کردن خود: راهنمای نزدیکان مراقبان، اعضای خانه و

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products –  نحوۀ پیشگیری از آسیب به پوست در براب محصوالت تمیزکننده

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – کاهش ریسک ابتال به کووید-19

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings  – ماسک‌های غیرپزشکی و پوشش‌های صورت

Deutsch (German)

How to Wash Your Hands – Anleitung zum Händewaschen 

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – Pflege von Haustieren und anderen Tieren

How to Self-isolate – Anleitung zur Selbstisolierung

How to Self-monitor – Anleitung zur Selbstüberwachung

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – Selbstisolation: Leitfaden für Pflegepersonal, Haushaltsmitglieder und enge Kontakte

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – Wie man Hautschäden durch Reinigungsprodukte vorbeugt

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – Verringern Sie Ihr Risiko für COVID-19

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings  – Nichtmedizinische Masken oder Gesichtsbedeckungen

Italiano (Italian)

How to Wash Your Hands – Come lavarsi le mani

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – Come prendersi cura di animali domestici e altri animali

How to Self-isolate – Come auto-isolarsi

How to Self-monitor – Come auto-monitorarsi

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – Auto-isolamento: Guida per caregiver, membri della famiglia e contatti stretti

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – Come evitare danni alla pelle derivanti dai prodotti per la pulizia

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – Ridurre il rischio di contrarre il COVID-19

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings  – Mascherine non mediche e protezioni per il viso

日本語 (Japanese)

How to Wash Your Hands – 手の洗い方

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – ペットやその他の動物のケアをする方法

How to Self-isolate – 自己隔離の方法

How to Self-monitor – 自己監視の方法

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – 自己隔離: 介護者、家族、 および密接接触者へのガイド

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – クリーニング製品から 皮膚の損傷を防ぐ方法

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – COVID-19 のリスクを減らす

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings  – 非医療用マスクとフェイスカバー

한국어 (Korean)

How to Wash Your Hands – 손 씻는 방법 

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – 반려동물 및 기타 동물을 돌보는 방법

How to Self-isolate – 자가 격리 방법

How to Self-monitor – 자기 관찰 방법

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – 자가 격리: 돌봄 제공자, 가족 구성원 및 밀접 접촉자를 위한 안내

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – 세정 제품에 의한 피부 손상을 방지하는 방법

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – 코로나19 위험성 줄이기

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings  – 비의료용 마스크 및 얼굴 가리개

Kanien’kéha (Mohawk)

How to Wash Your Hands – Tsi nie’n:sere ne enhsatsohare

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – Tsk nenhshe’:re ne Te’ntsnie Ne Satie’:nen

How to Self-isolate – Tsi nikaianerenhsero’:ten entsie’reh t`oka’ ont`a:on sano’nhskon enhsatatehno’:ton.

How to Self-monitor – Tsi niio’t tsi tenhsata’:tsnie

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – Tsi ne’nhsere ne enhsatatehno’:ton

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – Tsi Se’nh she re ne to’has aie sahtsahn`o:ke Neienohare’ta’hkhwa iontsta’so’n:a

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – Tsi Nah’tén:shon entese’serón:nete ne Tóhsa’ aiseanonhwà:kten Ne Covid-19

Polski (Polish)

How to Wash Your Hands – Jak myć ręce 

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – Jak opiekować się zwierzętami domowymi i innymi zwierzętami

How to Self-isolate – W jaki sposób odizolować się od innych

How to Self-monitor – Jak monitorować swój stan zdrowia

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – Samodzielna izolacja: Przewodnik dla opiekunów, członków gospodarstwa domowego i osób przebywających w bliskim kontakcie

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – Jak zapobiegać podrażnieniu skóry spowodowanemu środkami do dezynfekcji

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – Zmniejsz ryzyko zachorowania na COVID-19

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings  – Niemedyczne maski i osłony twarzy

Português (Portuguese)

How to Wash Your Hands – Como lavar as mãos 

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – Como Cuidar dos Animais de Estimação ou de Outros Animais

How to Self-isolate – Guia de Autoisolamento

How to Self-monitor – Guia de Automonitorização

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – Guia de Autoisolamento para prestadores de cuidados, membros da mesma casa e contactos próximos

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – Como prevenir danos na pele provocados por produtos de limpeza

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – Reduza o Risco de Contrair o COVID-19

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings  – Máscaras sociais e outras proteções faciais

Română (Romanian)

How to Wash Your Hands – Cum să vă spălați mâinile 

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals –  Cum să îngrijiți animalele de companie și alte animale

How to Self-isolate – Cum să vă autoizolați

How to Self-monitor – Cum să vă automonitorizați

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – Autoizolarea: Îndrumări pentru îngrijitori, membrii gospodăriei și contactele apropiate

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – Cum să preveniți leziunile cutanate cauzate de produsele de curățare

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – Reduceți-vă riscul pentru COVID-19

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings  – Măști și protecții faciale nemedicale

Soomaali (Somali)

How to Wash Your Hands – Sida loo dhaqo gacamahaaga  

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – Sida Loo Daryeelo Xayawaannada Rabbaayada ah iyo Xayawaannada Kal

How to Self-isolate – Sida Gooni-la-isu-Sooco

How to Self-monitor – Sida Loola Socdo Naftaada

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – Gooni-isu-soocid:Hagid loogu talagalay daryeelayaasha, xubnaha reerka iyo xiriirrada dhow

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – Sida looga Hortago Dhaawaca Maqaarka Ka Soo Gaara Waxyaabaha La Isku Nadiifiyo

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – Yaree Halista aad Ugu Jirto Cudurka COVID-19

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings  – Weji Xirka iyo Af-xirka Aan Kuwa Caafimaadka Ahayn

Español (Spanish)

How to Wash Your Hands – Cómo lavarse las manos 

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – Cuidado de mascotas y otros animales

How to Self-isolate – Cómo autoaislarse

How to Self-monitor – Cómo automonitorearse

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – Autoaislamiento: Guía para cuidadores, miembros de la familia y contactos cercanos

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – Cómo prevenir dañar la piel con productos de limpieza

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – Reduzca el riesgo por COVID-19

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings  – Mascarillas no médicas y tapabocas

ᓀᐦᐃᓇᐍᐏᐣ(Swampy Cree)

How to Wash Your Hands – ᑫᑐᑕᒪᐣ ᐁᑲᓯᒋᒉᔭᐣ

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – How to Care for Pets and Other Animals

How to Self-isolate – ᑫᑐᑕᒪᐣ ᐁᑭᐳᐅᑎᓱᔭᐣ

How to Self-monitor – How to Self-Monitor

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – ᑭᐸᐅᑎᓱᐧᐃᐣ ᐁᐧᐃᑕᒪᑲᐧᐃᔭᐣ ᑫᑐᑕᒪᐣ ᑭᑭᐠ ᐅᒋ ᑲ ᐃᑕᒋᐠ

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – ᑫᑐᑕᒪᐣ ᐁᑲ ᑭᒋ ᒪᐢᑲᐊᐟ ᑲᔑᑲᔾ ᑲ ᑲᓯᓂᑲᑲᓂᐧᐊᐠ

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – ᑯᒋᑕᐠ ᐁᑲ ᑭᒋ ᑲᒋᑎᓇᒣᐠ ᐅᒪ ᐊᑯᓯᐧᐃᐣ ᑯᐱᐟ 19


How to Wash Your Hands – Paano maghuhugas ng kamay 

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – Paano Mangalaga ng mga Alagang Hayop at ng Iba Pang mga Hayop

How to Self-isolate – Paano Magbukod ng Sarili

How to Self-monitor – Paano Subaybayan ang Sarili

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – Pagbubukod ng sarili: Gabay para sa mga tagapag-alaga, mga miyembro ng sambahayan at mga close contact

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – Paano Maiiwasan ang Pagkasira ng Balat mula sa mga Produktong Panlinis

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – Pababain ang Iyong Panganib laban sa COVID-19

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings  – Mga Hindi Medikal na Mask at Takip sa Mukha

українська мова (Ukrainian)

How to Wash Your Hands – Як мити руки

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – Як правильно подбати про тварин і домашніх улюбленців

How to Self-isolate – Як самоізолюватися?

How to Self-monitor – Як контролювати свій стан?

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – Самоізоляція: Посібник для доглядачів, членів сімей та близьких контактів

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – Як попередити пошкодження шкіри миючими засобами

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – Як зменшити ризик зараження COVID-19

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings  – Немедичні маски та прикриття обличчя

Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)

How to Wash Your Hands – Cách rửa tay

How to Care for Pets and Other Animals – Cách thức Chăm sóc Vật nuôi và các Động vật khác

How to Self-isolate – Cách thức Tự Cách ly

How to Self-monitor – Cách Thức Tự Theo Dõi

Self-isolation: Guide for Caregivers, Household Members and Close Contacts – Tự Cách Ly: Hướng dẫn cho người chăm sóc, thành viên trong hộ gia đình và những người tiếp xúc gần.

How to Prevent Skin Damage from Cleaning Products – Cách Ngăn ngừa Hư Da do các Sản phẩm Lau chùi

Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 – Giảm Nguy Cơ COVID-19

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings  – Khẩu Trang Không Phải Y Tế Và Vải Che Mặt

Updated 3 Aug 2021