Egale has analysed the results and found the following. There were 100 incumbents endorsed – 84 Conservative, 11 Liberal, 4 Bloc and 1 Independent. There were 109 non-incumbents endorsed – 104 Conservative, 4 Christian Heritage Party and 1 independent. No new Liberal candidates were endorsed.


In 10 cases, new Conservative candidates were endorsed rather than incumbent Liberals who had actually voted against Bill C-38. This occurred 6 times in Ontario, 3 in New Brunswick and once in Nova Scotia.


In a rather strange turn of events, Bloc MP Serge Cardin was endorsed in the riding of Terrebonne-Blainville, even though he’s actually running in Sherbrooke. In Sherbrooke, Conservative candidate Marc Nadeau was endorsed.


“Three things can be gleaned from this analysis,” said Laurie Arron, Egale’s Director of Advocacy. “First, Conservatives obtained 90% of endorsements to the Liberals’ 5%. Second, not a single new Liberal was endorsed, meaning only the Conservatives and Christian Heritage Party accepted extreme anti-equality people as candidates. And third, Vote Marriage Canada believes it’s important that Stephen Harper be Prime Minister. How else do you explain all those endorsements of new Conservative candidates over Liberal incumbents who voted against Bill C-38?”


“Vote Marriage Canada is an organization whose sole purpose is to rob gay and lesbian people of their hard won equality,” added Mr. Arron. “It’s run by people like Elsie Wayne, who think their religious beliefs should be enshrined in law. The vast majority of Canadians don’t support such a narrow and exclusionary view of society.”


“The idea that the Conservative Party is moderate just doesn’t square with the endorsements of this anti-equality group,” said Gilles Marchildon, Executive Director of Egale. “Mr. Harper wants to take Canada in a direction that the majority of Canadians do not want to go. Canadians should think twice before voting for him.”


A survey released November 29 by CBC and Environics found that two-thirds of Canadians say the issue of same-sex marriage is settled and should not be addressed again. A consensus of over 100 law professors say passing a law that is almost certainly unconstitutional would be irresponsible.


Egale Canada advances equality and justice for LGBT people, and their families, across Canada. Founded in 1986, Egale’s work includes political action, legal interventions and public education and awareness.
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For more information:

Helen Kennedy

416-964-7887 ex 21