Draw The Line Against Transphobic Violence was previously offered as an in-person half day workshop to both students and educators. To comply with safety and best practices during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new iteration of DTL has been adapted into a new webinar to go along with new lesson plans and resources. Click here to learn more about the updated iteration.

90% of trans students hear negative or demeaning comments daily or weekly from other students. 

Draw-The-Line on Transphobia in your School

Below are a number of resources that students, educators and others can use to help prevent and intervene in instances of transphobia, anti-trans bullying, trans discrimination and transphobic violence.

Training and Workshops

Egale offers FREE in-person Draw-The-Line training and workshops. Available to all secondary schools (educators and students) in Ontario.

Short Videos

Hallway Harassment

Bathroom Panic

Postcards and Posters

The Draw-the-Line – Against Transphobic Violence postcards and posters provide accessible, scenario-based approaches for preventing and intervening in common instances of transphobic violence in schools.

Societal Norms

A friend confides in you that his new girlfriend is trans. Do you support him?

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Sports Culture

Your friend is worried about transphobic comments made by teammates. Do you help her?

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Degrading graffiti about a trans student appears on a washroom stall. Do you report it?

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Social Media

Someone posts on Facebook that Daniella is “actually a dude.” Do you share it?

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A classmate tells you the new trans girl in school is “just asking for it.” Do you ignore it?

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Complete Educators Guide


For more information on the Draw-The-Line project and partners, visit the website.