“Inclusion is not bringing people into what already exists; it is making a new space, a better space for everyone.”

– George Dei

 The Planning Process

  • Who is included in the event or activity’s planning leaders, audience and presenters? What about event/activity materials like posters, videos, books and music?
  • Does the event or activity include discussion of topics with which participants identify? How can you ensure safe and respectful discussion?

The Space

  • Is it physically accessible space? Is it easily and safely reached by public transport? If not, are you subsidizing or arranging for safe and easy transport?
  • Are there all-gender access washrooms? If not, can you designate a single stall washroom as an all-gender washroom?

Language and Tone

  • Ensure event/activity leaders are comfortable with LGBTQ language and definitions.
  • Use gender inclusive language e.g. “everyone” or “folks” instead of “ladies and gentlemen.” Aviod making assumptions by not addressing individuals with gendered titles “sir” and ma’am.”
  • Provide opportunities for people to specify preferred pronouns before and during the event (e.g. nametags that include pronouns).

Communication and Promotion Materials

  • Clearly communicate to ALL stakeholders that the event /activity is LGBTQ-inclusive.
  • Include LGBTQ-themed flyers, posters, videos and other media.
  • If you need to collect information about gender for your event/activity make sure you do so in a way that allows people to properly identify their gender. Examples include:

Check off all that apply:

Man           Woman          Transgender               Self-identify:                    

Or simply: Gender identity: