
You can help us make REAL impact

Please support our work to improve the lives of 2SLGBTQI people in Canada through our COVID-19 response and ongoing programming.  With your help, we can achieve this by informing public policy, inspiring cultural change, and promoting human rights and inclusion through research, education, and community engagement.

We are also delighted to tell you that we have partnered with Will Power, a national campaign to educate those across Canada on the power they have to make a difference through their Wills and Estates. By leaving a legacy gift to Egale in your Will, you can have a greater impact than you thought possible, while still supporting loved ones. 

We are a proud partner in the Will Power movement and you can visit our Will Power page at 

Through our partnership with You Can Play, we strive to ensure the safety and inclusion of all in sports – including 2SLGBTQI athletes, coaches and fans.

Together, we work to guarantee that athletes are given a fair opportunity to compete, judged by other athletes and fans alike, only by what they contribute to the sport or their team’s success.

Please support our 2SLGBTQI seniors initiatives. The Egale National Seniors Advisory Council (NSAC) is a group of 2SLGBTQI seniors and allies working to improve the quality of life of 2SLGBTQI seniors in Canada by advising on seniors’ issues and activities, fostering nation-wide partnerships and collaboration, and identifying opportunities for Egale to support the work of local organizations across Canada. You can make a difference by donating today! 

Need to speak to someone about your donation? Contact us at