SF – 2021/7

Under the Ontario Fishery Regulations, 2007

Pursuant to the authority vested in me in subsection 13(1) of the Ontario Fishery Regulations, 2007, made under the Fisheries Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. F-14, I hereby authorize and declare the following:

  1. That Sport Fishing Variation Order for Fisheries Management Zone 7 (SF-2020/7) signed by Minister Yakabuski on November 4, 2019 is revoked and replaced by this Sport Fishing Variation Order for Fisheries Management Zone 7 (SF-2021/7).
  2. That the angling close times as set out in Schedule 2 to the Ontario Fishery Regulations, 2007 and the angling quotas and size limits as set out in Part 1 of Schedule 3 to the said Regulations for Fisheries Management Zone 7 are hereby varied as set out in Schedules A, B and C to this Sport Fishing Variation Order.
  3. That the close times for dip netting Lake Whitefish and Lake Herring as set out in Part 1 of Schedule 6 to the said Regulations for Fisheries Management Zone 7 are hereby varied to January 1 to September 30 and December 16 to December 31.
  4. That if there is a conflict between this Sport Fishing Variation Order and a close time for a fish sanctuary, the close time for the fish sanctuary prevails.
  5. That this Sport Fishing Variation Order comes into effect January 1, 2021.

Dated at Toronto this 23rd day of November, 2020.

John Yakabuski
Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry

Schedule A – Zone-wide close times, quotas and size limits for Fisheries Management Zone 7

Subject to Schedules B and C of this Variation Order the following Angling close times, fishing quotas and size limits (measured in total length) apply to all waters in Fisheries Management Zone 7.
Species or combination of species Close time Sport fishing licence quota and size limit Conservation fishing licence quota and size limit
Atlantic salmon No close time 1, any size 0
Black & white crappie January 1 to December 31 N/A N/A
Brook trout Day after Labour Day to December 31 5, not more than 2 greater than 30 cm, of which not more than 1 is greater than 40 cm 2, not more than 1 greater than 30 cm and none greater than 40 cm
Brown trout No close time 5, any size 2, any size
Channel catfish January 1 to December 31 N/A N/A
Lake sturgeon January 1 to December 31 N/A N/A
Lake trout October 1 to December 31 2, any size 1, any size
Lake whitefish No close time 25, any size 12, any size
Largemouth & smallmouth bass No close time 6, any size 2, any size
Muskellunge January 1 to December 31 N/A N/A
Northern pike No close time 6, not more than 2 greater than 61 cm, of which not more than 1 is greater than 86 cm 2, not more than 1 greater than 61 cm and none greater than 86 cm
Pacific salmon No close time 5, any size 2, any size
Rainbow trout No close time 1, any size 0
Splake No close time 5, any size 2, any size
Sunfish No close time 50, any size 25, any size
Walleye & sauger April 15 to the Friday before the 3rd Saturday in May 4, not more than 1 greater than 46 cm 2, not more than 1 greater than 46 cm
Yellow perch No close time 50, any size 25, any size
Any other species No close time No limit No limit

Schedule B – Exceptions to the Zone-wide close times, quotas, and size limits for Fisheries Management Zone 7

Despite Schedule A of this Variation Order the Angling close times, fishing quotas and size limits (measured in total length) set out in this Schedule apply in the following waters. For greater clarity, where this schedule indicates "no change", the Zone-wide requirement in Schedule A applies.
Waters Species or combination of species Close time Sport fishing licence quota and size limit Conservation fishing licence quota and size limit
All tributaries to Lake Superior in Zone 7 described as follows:
  1. Jackfish River downstream from the falls (49°03'N., 88°06'"W.)
  2. Jackpine River downstream from Wilson’s Falls (49°07'N., 87°53'"W.)
  3. Cypress River downstream from falls (48°57'N., 87°50'"W.);
  4. Cypress River West Tributary downstream from the falls (48°57'N., 87°51'"W.)
  5. Gravel River downstream from the falls (48°55'26"N., 87°41'46""W.)
  6. Little Gravel River downstream from the falls (48°56'00.8"N., 87°46'35.9""W.)
  7. Steel River downstream from the Golden Staircase (outflow of Santoy Lake)
  8. McKellar River downstream from the falls 150 m north of Highway 17
  9. Prairie River downstream from the first hydro line north of Lake Superior
  10. From the east shore of the Nipigon River to Camp 81 Road, all tributaries lying downstream from Highway 17, excluding those listed in items 1 to 9 above
  11. From Camp 81 Road east to the Whitesand River (48°50'N., 87°24'"W.), all tributaries lying downstream from the first hydro line north of Lake Superior, excluding those listed in items 1 to 9 above
  12. From and including the Whitesand River to the west shore of the Pic River all tributaries lying downstream from Highway 17, excluding those listed in items 1 to 9 above
  13. All tributaries to Lake Superior in Zone 7 from the Pic River to the Michipicoten River, inclusive, downstream from the first falls, rapids, dam or lake or the entire tributary if there are no falls, rapids, dams or lakes.
Brook trout January 1 to the Friday before the 4th Saturday in April and from the day after Labour Day to December 31 1, must be greater than 56 cm 0
All tributaries to Lake Superior in Zone 7 east of and including the Pic River to the boundary with Zone 10 Rainbow trout No change 2, any size 1, any size
All waters in the townships of Broughton, Atkinson, Cooper, Doucette, Nameigos, McGowan and Mosambik Brook trout No change 2, any size 1, any size
All waters located within the portion of Fisheries Management Zone 7 north of King’s Highway 11 and east of King’s Highway 584 Lake sturgeon May 1 to June 30 0 0
Borealis Lake (49°00'43"N., 86°44'08""W.) Aurora trout January 1 to July 31 and October 16 to December 31 in 2019, 2022, 2025 & 2028 1, any size 0
Buckaday Lake (48°58'52"N., 87°45'06""W.) and headwaters lakes Brook trout January 1 to the Friday before the 4th Saturday in April and the day after Labour Day to December 31 No change No change
Dayohessarah and Little Dayohessarah Lakes (48°47'N., 85°02'"W.) - Odlum and Hambleton Townships Lake trout January 1 to February 14 and March 16 to the Friday before the 3rd Saturday in May and October 1 to December 31 No change No change
Fernow Lake (49°54'52"N., 86°03'18""W.) - Fernow Township Lake trout No change 2, not more than 1 greater than 56 cm 1, any size.
Grehan Lake (49°29'N., 86°37'"W.) Lake trout No change 1, any size 0
Jackfish River - between Nipigon Bay (Lake Superior) and the First Barrier Walleye and sauger January 1 to December 31 N/A N/A
Little Pic Lake (49°22'N., 86°38'"W.) Lake trout No change 1, any size 0
Macutagon Ponds (49°07'24"N., 85°37'19""W.) - Cecil Township Brook trout January 1 to the Friday before the 4th Saturday in April and from the day after Labour Day to December 31 No change No change
Magpie River downstream of Steephill Falls and its tributaries lying west of the Algoma Central Railway and east of Highway 17 and including Catfish Creek downstream of Catfish Lake Brook trout No change 2, any size 1, any size
Magpie River from Mission Falls to Michipicoten River Walleye and sauger April 15 to June 30 No change No change
Maguire, Kapimchigama, Radford, Lund, Lost Sky Pilot, Pashoskoota, Rainbow, Reynolds, and all connecting waters, in the Territorial District of Algoma Walleye No change 2, any size 1, any size
McKay Lake (49°37'14"N., 86°25'19""W.) Lake trout No change 2, not more than 1 greater than 56 cm 1, any size
Michipicoten River (Scott Falls to Lake Superior) Walleye and sauger April 15 to June 30. No change No change
Missing Lake (48°00'N., 82°29'"W.) Brook trout No change 2, any size 1, any size
Nagagami Lake (49°25'19"N., 85°02'31""W.) - Nagagami Township, Foch Bay Walleye March 15 to the Friday before the 3rd Saturday in May No change No change
Obatanga Provincial Park (all waters) including Bogle, Burnfield, Cotton, Knife, Obatanga and Patron Lakes Walleye No change 2, not more than 1 greater than 40 cm. and not more than 1 less than 40 cm 1, must be less than 40 cm
Onaman Lake (50°00'18"N., 87°26'49""W.) All species March 1 to May 31 No change No change
Rock Lake - Tilston Township Brook trout No change 2, any size 1, any size
Sun Lake (49°25'N., 86°34'"W.) Lake trout No change 1, any size 0
Three Finger Lake (48°43'33"N., 86°19'03""W.) - Pic Township Walleye No change 0 0
Wabenung Lake (48°24'09"N., 84°47'37""W.) - Carmody Township Walleye January 1 to December 31 N/A N/A
Waters east of Pukaskwa National Park - within the following boundary: Beginning at the southwest corner of Legarde Township, then west along the projection of the southeast boundary of Legarde Township, to the east boundary of Pukaskwa National Park, then northerly along the Park Boundary to the northeast corner of of Puskaskwa National Park, then in a straight line easterly to the northwest corner of Memaskwash Township, then east along the north boundary of Memaskwash Township, then south along the east boundary of Memaskwash Township and Charbonneau Township, then west along the south of Charbonneau Township, then south along the east boundary of Keating Additional and Legarde Additional to the beginning; and including the waters of Little Beaver Lake, Coronation Creek, Coronation Lake and their tributaries in Keating Township; and the tributaries of Farewell Creek in Legarde Township; but not including the waters of East Pukaskwa Lake (48°06'N., 85°36'"W.) Brook trout No change 2, any size 1, any size
Yucca Lake (49°23'N., 86°37'"W.) Lake trout No change 1, any size 0

Schedule C – Additional fishing opportunities for Fisheries Management Zone 7

Part A

Despite Schedules A and B of this Variation Order the sport fishing licence size limit for brook trout is "any size" and the conservation fishing licence size limit for brook trout is "any size" and the close time for angling brook trout is "no close time" in the following waters.


  • Ambrose Lake (48°54'58"N., 87°21'46"W.)
  • Angel Lake (48°46'02"N., 86°52'10"W.) - Tuuri Township
  • Arnott #19 (49°35'26"N., 84°39'33"W.) - Arnott Township
  • Ashmore (48°51'50"N., 87°11'09"W.) - Priske Township
  • Atkinson Lake #1 (48°31'07"N., 84°45'55"W.) - Atkinson Township
  • Ault (48°57'56"N., 87°37'32"W.) - Yesno Township
  • Belanger Lake (49°07'47"N., 84°36'12"W.) - Lascelles Township
  • Bews Lake (48°51'31"N., 87°03'18"W.) - Strey Township
  • Big Lake (48°09'50"N., 84°30'04"W.) - Cowie Township
  • Bittern Lake (48°27'31"N., 83°15'11"W.) - Lerwick Township
  • Bluebill Lake (48°56'37"N., 87°40'23"W.) - Yesno Township
  • Bluff Lake (48°57'21"N., 87°14'58"W.)
  • Bob Lake (49°22'23"N., 85°51'13"W.)
  • Boobus Lake (49°28'14"N., 87°09'19"W.)
  • Botham Lake (48°41'44"N., 85°58'08"W.) - Bomby Township
  • Buck Lake (48°38'28"N., 85°23'21"W.) - Cecile Township
  • Cantin Lake (49°37'20"N., 84°37'02"W.) - Arnott Township
  • Centennial Lake (47°54'51"N., 84°42'51"W.) - Naveau Township
  • Chain Lake (49°26'03"N., 85°49'44"W.)
  • Chapman (49°04'53"N., 87°18'21"W.)
  • Charlotte Lake (48°57'41"N., 87°16'07"W.)
  • Claire Lake (49°37'00"N., 84°36'46"W.) - Arnott Township
  • Clearwater Lake (48°40' 19”N., 85°13' 53” W.) - Common Township
  • Cruise Lake (48°13'25"N., 84°54'26"W.) - Lalibert Township
  • Curry Lakes A (47°55'55"N., 84°03'01"W.) - Recollet Township
  • Curry Lakes B (47°55'31"N., 84°03'08"W.) - Recollet Township
  • Curry Lakes C (47°55'23"N., 84°03'26"W.) - Recollet Township
  • Dead Lake (48°37'40"N., 85°23'10"W.) - Cecile Township
  • Deadman Lake (49°25'13"N., 86°15'48"W.)
  • Deep Lake (48°56'09"N., 87°15'06"W.)
  • Dew Lake (48°49'14"N., 86°58'45"W.) - Syine Township
  • Disappointment Lake (48°08'38"N., 84°27'27"W.) - Cowie Township
  • Doran Lake (49°06'55"N., 84°37'57"W.) - Larkin Township
  • Dragline Lake (48°38'04"N., 85°24'21"W.) - Cecile Township
  • Drop Lake (48°49'43"N., 86°59'15"W.) - Syine Township
  • Dycie Lake (47°56'11"N., 84°45'28"W.) - McMurray Township
  • East Shell Lake (48°27'23"N., 85°07'17"W.) - Vasiloff Township
  • Echo Lake (48°47'07"N., 86°54'07"W.) - Syine Township
  • Emerald Lake (49°09'09"N., 85°36'17"W.) - Nickle Township
  • Emond Lake (49°36'41"N., 84°39'36"W.) - Arnott Township
  • Empire Lake (49°36'56"N., 87°56'15"W.) - Summers Township
  • Eric Lake (49°36'57"N., 84°38'60"W.) - Arnott Township
  • Eric Lake (48°51'11"N., 86°54'56"W.) - Syine Township
  • Evelyn Lake (49°37'26"N., 84°36'04"W.) - Arnott Township
  • Fire Hill Lake (49°01'20"N., 88°07'40"W.) - Corrigal Township
  • Flats Lake (48°56'54"N., 87°40'27"W.) - Yesno Township
  • Fog Lake (48°54'40"N., 87°07'40"W.)
  • Francoise Lake (48°28'56"N., 84°17'22"W.) – St. Julien Township
  • Furnival Lake (48°13'04"N., 84°55'40"W.) - Knicely Township
  • Gagnon Lake (49°37'36"N., 84°34'45"W.) - Arnott Township
  • Gaug Lake (49°08'22"N., 85°51'48"W.) - Leslie Township
  • Gordon Lake (48°51'14"N., 86°54'11"W.) - Syine Township
  • Half (Chapleau) Lake (48°16'42"N., 84°04'53"W.) - Copenace Township
  • Hartley Lake (49°28'43"N., 87°08'40"W.)
  • Hilder Lake (49°46'51"N., 86°58'46"W.) - Fulford Township
  • Hob Lake (49°30'12"N., 86°30'03"W.)
  • Hook Lake (49°33'33"N., 84°37'15"W.) - McEwing Township
  • Igloo Lake (47°57'35"N., 83°20'33"W.) - D Arcy Township
  • Jason Lake (48°50'42"N., 87°21'11"W.) - Killraine Township
  • Jerrards Lake (48°29'16"N., 85°11'07"W.) - Vasiloff Township
  • Lake Jo-Jo (Minnow) (50°10'34"N., 86°46'25"W.) - Exton Township
  • Jubilee Lake (47°58'50"N., 84°44'53"W.) - McMurray Township
  • Kabossakwa Pothole Lake (48°51'30"N., 85°24'23"W.) - Mikano Township
  • Klein Lake (48°56'35"N., 85°15'25"W.) - Welsh Township
  • Nickle (#34) Lake (49°11'17"N., 85°35'50"W.) - Nickle Township
  • Nickle (#35) Lake (49°11'26" N., 85°35'24"W.) - Nickle Township
  • Nickle (#36) (49°10'54"N., 85°36'09"W.) - Nickle Township
  • Lake E-11(50°06'05"N., 86°26'41"W.) - Nettleton Township
  • Lamont Lake (48°48'28"N., 87°14'07"W.) - Priske Township
  • Lena Lake (49°49'56"N., 86°20'47"W.)
  • Leo’s Lake (48°33'48"N., 85°12'36"W.) - Hunt Township
  • Lewis Lake (49°37'26"N., 84°36'29"W.) - Arnott Township
  • Limestone Lake (49°06'40"N., 88°09'40"W.)
  • Little Flood Lake (48°45'47"N., 85°24'24"W.) - Flood Township
  • Little Hart Lake (49°43'29"N., 84°17'56"W.) - Gill Township
  • Little Harvie Lake (49°01'12"N., 87°11'17"W.)
  • Lovely Lake (49°07'21"N., 84°36'02"W.) - Lascelles Township
  • Lower Ross Lake (48°53'57"N., 87°20'18"W.)
  • Manton (Chapleau) (48°06'55"N., 84°07'01"W.) - Echum Township
  • McAvay Lake (49°18'48"N., 88°06'33"W.)
  • Mercury Lake (48°29'18"N., 85°33'23"W.)
  • Mickey Lake (48°59'45"N., 85°52'30"W.)
  • Middleton Lake (49°30'23"N., 86°29'30"W.)
  • Mikano Pothole Lake (48°50'38"N., 85°20'07"W.) - Mikano Township
  • Mile 30 Lake (50°05'14"N., 86°28'16"W.) - Raynar Township
  • Mileage 10 Pothole Lake (48°29' 02”N., 85°09' 08”W.) - Vasiloff Twp.
  • Minnow Lake (48°51'12"N., 87°05'21"W.) - Strey Township
  • Minto Lake (47°58'18"N., 84°45'00"W.) - McMurray Township
  • Mole Lake (49°33'41"N., 84°34'50"W.) - McEwing Township
  • Murphy Lake (49°37'32"N., 84°36'51"W.) - Arnott Township
  • Myrtle Lake (49°38'09"N., 84°34'46"W.) - Arnott Township
  • Mystery Lake (48°19'42"N., 84°43'30"W.) - Dumas Township
  • Nik Lake (48°08'37"N., 84°45'22"W.) - Musquash Township
  • Norn Lake (49°07'16"N., 84°37'29"W.) - Larkin Township
  • North O'Brien Lake (48°32'31"N., 85°08'25"W.) - Abraham Township
  • North Oganek Lake (48°33'55"N., 85°07'46"W.) - Abraham Township
  • North Twin Lake (48°38'09"N., 85°23'53"W.) - Cecile Township
  • Norwalk Lake (47°55'33"N., 84°44'57"W.) - Rabazo Township
  • O'Brien Lake (48°32'41"N., 85°08'13"W.) - Abraham Township
  • Other Man’s Lake (49°05'29"N., 84°45'19"W.) - Larkin Township
  • Pearkes Lake #10 (48°31'48"N., 84°25'18"W.) - Pearkes Township
  • Pointing Lake (49°31'11"N., 84°42'21"W.) - Frost Township
  • Post Lake (49°29'48"N., 86°36'06"W.)
  • Rice Lake (49°44'46"N., 84°17'15"W.) - Gill Township
  • Rod and Gun Lake (47°59'51"N., 84°50'03"W.) - Lendrum Township
  • Rootcellar Lake (48°24'38"N., 85°00'08"W.) - Ashley Township
  • Rope Lake (49°02'21"N., 87°19'30"W.)
  • Sand Lake (49°07'32"N., 85°54'02"W.) - Leslie Township
  • Setting Duck Lake (49°40'49"N., 87°32'53"W.) - Leduc Township
  • Shaw Lake (49°07'34"N., 84°36'47"W.) - Larkin Township
  • Sider Lake (49°37'01"N., 84°35'07"W.) - Arnott Township
  • Slim Lake (49°34'15"N., 84°40'44"W.) - McEwing Township
  • Souloup Lake (48°19'12"N., 84°43'04"W.) - Dumas Township
  • Souter Lake (49°35'22"N., 84°35'59"W.) - Arnott Township
  • South O'Brien Lake (48°32'07"N., 85°08'39"W.) - Vasiloff Township
  • South Shell Lake (48°26'58"N., 85°07'49"W.) - Alanen Township
  • South Twin Lake (48°37'56"N., 85°24'11"W.) - Cecile Township
  • Southpine Lake (49°01'57"N., 87°13'17"W.)
  • Spectacle Lake (48°50'15"N., 87°17'37"W.) - Killraine Township
  • Spring Lake (49°41'00"N., 87°31'44"W.) - Leduc Township
  • Square Lake (47°52'01"N., 83°43'32"W.) - Gilliland Township
  • That Man’s Lake (49°05'42"N., 84°44'58"W.) - Larkin Township
  • Tricorn Lake (49°30'43"N., 86°31'35"W.)
  • Trodd Lake (49°36'15"N., 84°39'35"W.) - Arnott Township
  • Turtle Lake (48°45'20"N., 85°22'12"W.) - Flood Township
  • Upper Ross Lake (48°54'49"N., 87°20'12"W.)
  • Violet Lake (48°33'53"N., 84°30'11"W.) - Cudney Township
  • West (Chapleau) Lake (48°06'20"N., 84°07'58"W.) - Echum Township
  • West Shell Lake (48°27'31"N., 85°07'43"W.) - Vasiloff Township
  • Wilson Lake (49°07'37"N., 84°36'29"W.) - Lascelles Township

Part B

Despite Schedules A and B of this Variation Order the close time for angling lake trout is "no close time" in the following waters.


  • Arnott Lake (49°35'53"N., 84°36'24"W.) - Arnott Township
  • Beaton Lake 65 (Loon) (48°58'51"N., 84°47'51"W.) - Beaton Township
  • Big Skunk Lake (49°35'25"N., 84°33'33"W.) - Arnott Township
  • Corine Lake (49°33'21"N., 84°35'44"W.) - McEwing Township
  • McLeod Lake (49°31'39"N., 86°33'28"W.)
  • Raynar Lake (49°58'27"N., 86°29'49"W.) - Raynar Township 
  • Redpine Lake (49°38'02"N., 84°32'30"W.) - Arnott Township
  • Young Lake (49°35'27"N., 84°40'02"W.) - Arnott Township

Part C

Despite Schedules A and B of this Variation Order the sport fishing licence quota for rainbow trout is "5" and the conservation fishing licence quota for rainbow trout is "2" in the following waters.


  • Arnott #47 - Arnott Township
  • Balancing Lake (49°49'59"N., 86°18'18"W.)
  • Boobus Lake (49°28'14"N., 87°09'19"W.)
  • Frost #68 (Ronald) Lake (49°29'23"N., 84°42'38"W.) - Frost Township
  • Hart Lake (49°43'53"N., 84°18'27"W.) - Gill Township
  • Hartley Lake (49°28'43"N., 87°08'40"W.)
  • Hilder Lake (49°46'51"N., 86°58'46"W.) - Fulford Township
  • Humberstone Lake (49°30'04"N., 84°42'26"W.) - Frost Township
  • Leana Lake (49°49'56"N., 86°20'47"W.)
  • Lukinto Lake (49°49'02"N., 86°18'40"W.)
  • Margo Lake (49°49'24"N., 86°21'03"W.)
  • Pamela Lake (49°47'15"N., 86°19'36"W.)
  • Tricorn Lake (49°30'43"N., 86°31'35"W.)
  • Unnamed Lake A-620-A (49°47'13"N., 86°58'02"W.) - Fulford Township
  • Unnamed Lake A-717 (49°53'59"N., 86°49'17"W.)
Updated: May 21, 2021
Published: December 19, 2018