Agriculture and the environment

Information on weather and climate relevant to the agricultural sector, Drought Watch, interactive maps, geospatial data and tools, soil data and land resource information, water quality and supply related to farming.


Most requested

Services and information


Drought Watch and agroclimate

Maps, reports and data, historical and current weather and climate, drought, yield forecasts and impacts

Soil and land

CanSIS, geospatial products, national soil database, realtime in-situ monitoring

Agriculture and water

Quality indicators in an agricultural context

On-farm biodiversity

Wildlife habitat capacity on farm land, soil covers, international conventions and collections

Agricultural Climate Solutions

Scientists and farmers working together to adopt farming practices to tackle climate change

Climate change and air quality

Greenhouse gases, climate change scenarios, weather effects on agriculture

Living Laboratories Initiative

Agricultural innovation, practical technologies, sustainable farming practices

Environmental indicators

Measures of key environmental conditions, risks, and changes

Pest Management

Crop protection information

Related information

Open data