Funding - Culture, history and sport

Supporting Arts and Live Events Workers in Response to COVID-19

The Government of Canada is putting measures in place to support the sectors that have been the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, including live arts and music sectors.

Details on Supporting Arts and Live Events Workers in Response to COVID-19

COVID-19 and support measures for the culture, heritage and sport sectors

Learn about the immediate action the Government of Canada is taking to provide support measures and financial relief for the culture, heritage and sport sectors.

COVID-19: Support for the culture, heritage and sport sectors

Program name Program description
Anti-Racism Action Program The Anti-Racism Action Program helps address barriers to employment, justice and social participation among Indigenous Peoples, racialized communities and religious minorities.
Athlete Assistance Program The Athlete Assistance Program supports high-performance Canadian athletes who are preparing for and participating in international sport.
Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage supports community celebrations, such as festivals, events and projects.
Canada Arts Presentation Fund The Canada Arts Presentation Fund provides financial assistance to organizations that professionally present arts festivals or performing arts series (arts presenters) and organizations that offer support to arts presenters.
Canada Arts Training Fund The Canada Arts Training Fund supports the training of artists with high potential through organizations that offer high-calibre training.
Canada Book Fund The Canada Book Fund promotes a strong book industry that publishes and markets Canadian-authored books.
Canadian Conservation Institute internship programs The Canadian Conservation Institute offers paid post-graduate internships and curriculum internships that provide learning opportunities for the conservation community in Canada and abroad.
Canada Cultural Investment Fund The Canada Cultural Investment Fund encourages private sector investment, partnership and sound business practices to help arts and heritage organizations be better rooted and recognized in their communities.
Canada Cultural Spaces Fund The Canada Cultural Spaces Fund supports the improvement of physical conditions for artistic creativity and innovation.
Canada History Fund The Canada History Fund supports the development of learning materials and activities that contribute to increasing Canadians' knowledge about Canada.
Canada Media Fund The Canada Media Fund encourages the creation of popular, innovative Canadian content and software applications.
Canada Music Fund The Canada Music Fund supports a wide range of musicians and entrepreneurs who create, produce and market original and diverse Canadian music.
Canada Periodical Fund The Canada Periodical Fund provides financial assistance to Canadian print magazines, non-daily newspapers and digital periodicals.
Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program The Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program assists eligible Canadian art galleries, museums, archives and libraries by assuming financial responsibility for loss or damage to objects or appurtenances in eligible travelling exhibitions.
Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit The Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit supports Canadian programming and the development of an active domestic production sector.
Celebrate Canada Celebrate Canada provides funding for activities organized on National Indigenous Peoples Day, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, Canadian Multiculturalism Day and Canada Day.
Commemorate Canada Commemorate Canada provides financial support to initiatives that commemorate Canada's significant people, places, achievements and life events.
Court Challenges Program The Court Challenges Program provides financial support to Canadians to bring cases of national significance related to constitutional and quasi-constitutional official language rights and human rights before the courts.
Creative Export Canada The Creative Export Canada program provides funding contributions to Canadian organizations that wish to carry out an export project.
Destination Clic — French Enrichment Bursary Program Destination Clic is a three-week summer program for francophone students in Grades 8 and 9 who attend a French-as-a-first-language school and live outside of Quebec.
Digital Citizen Research Program The Digital Citizen Contribution Program supports research on countering online disinformation as well as other online harms and threats to Canada’s democracy and social cohesion.
Economic Development Initiative Learn about the funding available for activities related to business and economic development that encourage growth in Northern Ontario's Francophone communities.
Exchanges Canada The Exchanges Canada program helps youth to enhance their knowledge and understanding of Canada, while connecting with other young Canadians.
Explore — Second Language Bursary Program Explore is a five-week, intensive language immersion program.
Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit The Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit promotes Canada as a location of choice for film and video productions employing Canadians.
Joint Initiative for Digital Citizen Research The Joint Initiative for Digital Citizen Research supports the goals of the Government of Canada's approach to protecting democracy and the Digital Citizen Initiative.
Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program The Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program promotes Indigenous languages, strengthens Indigenous cultural identity and increases Indigenous participation in Canadian society.
Listen, Hear Our Voices initiative The Listen, Hear Our Voices initiative can fund Indigenous organizations to help digitize and preserve existing culture and language recordings for future generations.
Local Journalism Initiative The Local Journalism Initiative supports the creation of original civic journalism that covers the diverse needs of underserved communities across Canada.
Movable Cultural Property Grants Movable Cultural Property Grants help designated organizations acquire cultural property of outstanding significance and national importance to Canada.
Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program The Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program aims to eliminate inequalities by building on Canada's strength as a diverse and inclusive society.
Museums Assistance Program The Museums Assistance Program supports heritage institutions and workers in the preservation and presentation of heritage collections.
National Acadian Day A special fund is available to promote the 2020 National Acadian Day.
Official Languages Support Programs Official Languages Support Programs promote French and English languages in Canadian society and enhance the vitality of English- and French-speaking communities in minority situations.
Odyssey — Language-Assistant Program Odyssey – Language-Assistant Program is a bilingual, paid work experience that provides opportunities for post-secondary students to travel to another province.
Sport Canada Hosting Program The Sport Canada Hosting Program assists sport organizations to host the Canada Games and international sports events in Canada.
Sport Support Program The Sport Support Program supports the development of Canadian athletes and coaches.
Young Canada Works Young Canada Works offers a variety of summer job and internship programs to job seekers and employers.
Youth Take Charge Program The Youth Take Charge Program supports youth-led projects that exemplify the ability to strengthen youth attachment to Canada.
Documentary Heritage Community Program The Documentary Heritage Community Program ensures that Canada's continuing memory is documented and accessible to current and future generations by adopting a more collaborative approach with local documentary heritage communities.
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