September 16, 2021

A mythic metal: Some stories of gold coins

By: Krista Broeckx

In 1896, three enterprising men struck gold in the Klondike region of the Yukon. Their story is just one of many that illustrates the allure of gold through the ages.
Content type(s): Blog Subject(s): Collection, History
September 2, 2021

Virtual Worlds. Real Economies.

By: Adam Young

A cartoon astronaut waves in front of a logo of the game.
The economies in modern, complex video games can teach gamers a lot about decision making and financial literacy.
Content type(s): Blog Subject(s): Education
August 19, 2021

Fur Trade Economics

By: David Bergeron, Graham Iddon, Krista Broeckx

Photo collage, yellowed document with writing, tokens, carved stick, silver beaver trinket.
Over its 350-year lifespan, the Hudson’s Bay Company has had an enormous impact on Canada’s economy and how the nation was settled.
Content type(s): Blog Subject(s): History

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