Global market access.
Unparalleled talent.
Low costs.
Reduced risk.

These are just some of the reasons world-leading companies are setting up shop in Canada. Among them, the largest Fortune 500 companies are expanding existing operations or establishing new R&D hubs in Canada.

Canada is the best country for global investment. Period.

In this tumultuous world, it can be difficult to seize opportunities and avoid risk. To grow and succeed, global companies need to find ecosystems offering both stability and vibrancy.

Canada is that place. And investors are taking notice.

Ranked 38th in population, Canada punches well above its weight. As of the end of 2020, Canada had the world’s 13th largest economy (in terms of FDI inflows).

Contact us to learn more

Global Market Access

Canada gives investors preferential market access through 14 trade agreements to 51 countries with nearly 1.5 billion consumers and a combined GDP of US$52 trillion.

Transport infrastructure

Canada is well placed to serve as a central hub for global trade. Our air transport infrastructure is the best in the world and our coastal ports provide direct maritime access to Asia, Europe and South America. The Great Lakes also provide easy access to the U.S.

Combined with secure trade corridors and gateways, our infrastructure facilitates continual supply chain and business operations.


The Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), which took effect in 2020, replaced the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and modernizes continental trade. 


The Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) ensures 98% of EU tariffs are duty-free for Canadian goods and guarantees market access to both the EU and North America. Over the course of the next seven years, a further 1% of tariff lines will be phased out, making 99% of all Canadian goods entering the EU market duty-free.


The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) gives companies operating in Canada preferential access to one of the largest trading blocs in the world, including key markets in Asia and Latin America.

Learn more about Canada's trade agreements

Highly Skilled Talent

Need talent? Canada is the most educated workforce in the world with nearly 59.4% of Canadians aged 25-64 having graduated from tertiary education institutions.

And if you can't find the specialized skills you need in home grown talent, you can quickly bring in top international talent through the Global Skills Strategy. For example, through the Global Talent Stream, eligible workers can receive work permits in as little as two weeks.

Lower costs, lower risk

The Canadian marginal effective tax rate (METR) now stands at 13.7 per cent, which is the lowest in the G7 and below the OECD average.

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Political stability

Canada is second only to Japan among G7 countries in terms of political stability.

Source: The Global Economy, 2019

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Sound Banking System

Canada has the top six safest banks in North America. These same six banks are ranked among the top 35 in the Global Top 50 of the world's safest banks

Source: Global Finance, 2019-2020

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Low Corruption

Canada ranks 2nd in the G7 and 11th globally on the Corruption Perceptions Index 2020

Source: Transparency International, 2019


Innovation and technology

New technologies come to life in Canada thanks to an innovative ecosystem that connects investors with initiatives, incentives and programs.

Scientific Research and Experimental Development Program (SR&ED)

Canada’s largest R&D tax credit program provides billions in tax credits and incentives to businesses conducting R&D in Canada.

Strategic Innovation Fund

The Strategic Innovation Fund bolsters business investments in Canada's most dynamic and innovative sectors by supporting business activities such as:

  • R&D projects
  • Firm expansion
  • Attraction of large-scale investments
  • Collaborative R&D and technology demonstration projects
Innovation Superclusters Initiative

The Innovation Superclusters Initiative connects businesses, academic institutions and not-for-profit organizations to generate bold ideas, drive economic growth, attract top talent, advance innovation and transform regional ecosystems.

Canada's Superclusters

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Digital Technology

Employing digital technologies to improve the health and lives of Canadians.

Supercluster - Protein industry

Protein Industries

Advancing plant proteins to feed the world.

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Advanced Manufacturing

Building up next-gen manufacturing.

Supercluster - SCALE.AI


Constructing intelligent supply chains using AI and robotics.

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Accelerating innovation, commercialization and sustainable economic growth from our oceans.

Matched dollar-for-dollar by the private sector, these five superclusters will infuse nearly $2B in the economy and grow Canada’s GDP by $50B over the next ten years. 

Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy

The first-in-the-world Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy is establishing clusters of scientific excellence, develop global thought leadership on AI’s economic, ethical and legal implications, and support the national AI research community.

Quality of life

#1 Best quality of life

#1 Best for human freedom

Canada has six cities among the world's top 100 best cities:

  • Toronto #13
  • Vancouver #34
  • Montreal #41

  • Calgary #47
  • Ottawa #67
  • Edmonton #76

Searching for the best quality of life? You found it. Home to some of the world’s most impressive sceneries and vibrant cities, Canada offers the perfect space to live, work and play.

Settle in and find out for yourself. There’s no better place to be.

Connect with us

Invest in Canada offers tailored and confidential services that make it easier for global companies like yours to choose Canada for your next business expansion. 

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