The B.C. government and its agencies collect and create a vast amount of data. This data represents an incredible resource for detecting trends, identifying issues and developing even better programs and services for British Columbians. Government provides many ways for you to explore, access and reuse this data – including the B.C. Data Catalogue, a central registry for ministry data, web applications and web services. In 2011, B.C. became the first province to publish its data under an open license.

Popular Topics

Data Innovation Program

B.C.'s data integration and analytics program that supports population-level research.

Integrated Land & Resource Registry

The Integrated Land & Resource Registry provides a single source of reliable information on B.C. Crown land legal interests and land status.

Highlight on Technology

Industry report: statistics on B.C.'s High Technology sector.

Services and Information Topics

B.C. Data Catalogue

Explore the Province's extensive collection of data sets, applications and web services.


Search for statistics on topics including: business, industry and trade; the economy; employment and labour market; nature and the environment; people, population and communities; and government.

Geographic data

Explore geographic data through various web applications and services including iMapBC, LiDAR, Integrated Land & Resource Registry, B.C. Address Geocoder, Topographic Map Viewer and more. 

Open Data

Learn more about B.C.'s Open Information and Open Data Policy which gives citizens, businesses and organizations access to over 1,500 data sets in the B.C. Data Catalogue.

Data management and research

Learn how B.C. collects, manages and supports the use of data through programs such as BC Stats, GeoBC, DataBC and the new Data Innovation Program.

iMapBC Application

iMapBC Application

View and analyze hundreds of map data layers compiled from across the B.C. Government and other public sector agencies.

More about iMapBC