Geographic data and services

B.C.’s investment in Spatial Data Infrastructure provides government agencies, businesses and citizens with direct access to authoritative, geographic data through a wide variety of web applications and services.

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View and analyze hundreds of map data layers compiled from across the B.C. Government and other public sector agencies.

B.C. Address Geocoder

The Geocoder can be used to resolve the physical locations and correct, standardized form of civic and non-civic addresses.

Topographic Map Viewer

The Topographic Map Viewer allows users to view and download PDF maps for free from a web browser.

Data Distribution Services

B.C. Government data can be downloaded for local use.

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Web-based Mapping

Visualize and analyze the wealth of B.C. geographic information using a variety of web-based map tools and map services.


LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is an active remote sensing technology used to map the earth's surface.

Location Services

A suite of web services that locate civic addresses and place names, enable sharing areas of interest and road network routing.

Topographic Data

Topographic data provides detail on British Columbia's terrain, elevation and land features. The topography of B.C. is used to create maps of the provincial landbase.

Land Use

The Provincial Government develops, manages and maintains the fundamental datasets for determining land ownership, rights and jurisdiction in British Columbia.

Digital Imagery

Imagery provides a sense of the current state of a place, as well as a view into its past condition. Visual data is critical to measuring cumulative effects on the land of British Columbia.

Geo-Spatial Referencing

The emergence of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) technology is playing a major role in the development and management of the geospatial reference system in British Columbia.

B.C. Spatial Data Infrastructure

The B.C. Government Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) centres on the B.C. Geographic Warehouse and its suite of data access tools and services.