Open Data

In July 2011, the B.C. Government introduced its Open Information and Open Data Policy, becoming the first province in Canada to publish its data under an open license.

Opening up government data is key to enabling engagement with citizens by using new technologies to connect the public to government and to one another. Making government data available online invites individuals, businesses and organizations to use this data in creating new innovative opportunities and solving problems for the betterment of all British Columbians.

The B.C. Government produces and maintains thousands of datasets that represent a broad range of information about natural resources, the economy, justice, education and social programs.  Over 1000 datasets in the B.C. Data Catalogue are free for anyone to use or re-purpose under the Open Government Licence - British Columbia.

For questions about the B.C. Government Open Data Initiative, please contact DataBC

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Open Data Nationally and Globally

B.C. is in good company with many public bodies around the world providing Open Data.