Economic development

Economic development benefits communities, industries and people in regions across B.C. Find funding, tools, resources, best practices and services to support your community’s economic goals, whether you’re urban or rural, large or small, Indigenous or non-Indigenous.

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Search Funding & Grants

Find financial support for your economic development initiatives by easily searching our database. 

Find Support and Make Connections

Find organizations to support economic development in your community. Connect with a regional operations manager in your area. Find services to help recover after an economic downturn.

Learn the Basics, Plan and Measure Your Economic Development Efforts

Learn the basics of economic development. Find out more about how to develop a plan using the Strategic Planning Toolkit. Measure the impact of your activities using the Performance Measurement Toolkit.

Research Economic Activity

Learn about major projects going on throughout the province. Research natural resource and economic data using the BC Economic Atlas. Find B.C. economic development surveys results.

Indigenous Economic Development Resources

Find additional information, resources and support for Indigenous economic development.

Support Business and Sector Development

Find information and resources on how to support a healthy business climate in your community. Learn more about how to support and grow B.C.’s major economic sectors.

BC Ideas Exchange: Webinars and Success Stories

BC Ideas Exchange webinars and success stories share economic development ideas, promising practices and community collaboration happening in B.C. 

Prepare for Business Investment and Land Development

Find out how to position your community to attract investment. Help an existing business to grow or execute your economic development strategy.