Multiculturalism and anti-racism

Our diversity is our identity.

Chinese Legacy BC

In 2014, a formal apology was delivered on behalf of all members of the B.C. legislative assembly to Chinese Canadians for historical wrongs committed by past provincial governments. A report was released that outlined 13 recommendations to recognize the social, cultural and economic contributions of Chinese Canadians to the province.


As the most ethnically diverse province in Canada, British Columbia welcomes more than 40,000 new immigrants every year. A rich multicultural society helps nurture inclusiveness, understanding and mutual respect. It is up to all of us to ensure that our multicultural society is supported today and for future generations.


B.C.’s multiculturalism policy states that violence, hatred and discrimination on the basis of racial identity have no place in our society. The province's anti-racism program empowers communities and organizations to maintain partnerships and develop projects to promote multiculturalism, address racism and build inclusive communities.