Practitioner & Professional Resources

Providing your patients with optimal care and running a successful practice are much easier with access to the right resources. These resources can help you to achieve these goals.


The policies and procedures for enrolling with MSP and receiving payment for the medical services provided to patients vary from one type of practitioner to the next. Find resources and information related to your specific type of medical practice.


PharmaCare is a publicly funded program that helps B.C. residents with the cost of eligible prescription drugs, certain medical supplies and specific pharmacy services.

Professional Regulation

In British Columbia, there are 26 regulated health professions, of which 25 are governed by 18 regulatory colleges under the Health Professions Act. The act provides a common regulatory framework for health professions in British Columbia.

Physician Compensation & Recruitment

There are two main physician compensation models in B.C: fee-for-service and the Alternative Payment program. Physicians can also receive funding through rural practice programs, which focus on recruiting and retaining physicians in rural practice, and through the Medical On-Call Availability program, which compensates physicians for being on call.

Health Information Standards

Making clinical information available electronically to clinicians and patients offers the potential to transform how care is delivered. In particular, it is critical for continuity of patient care and advanced clinical decision support within hospital and primary care systems.

Health Information Exchange (HIE) Systems

The Province operates a number of health information exchange services, which allow point-of-service applications to exchange patient information with the clinical information repositories and registries.