Mineral Exploration & Mining


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British Columbia Geological Survey

The British Columbia Geological Survey integrates active research programs with historical data and, drawing on continuously advancing concepts and technologies, provides information to guide societal decisions centered on the Earth sciences.

Mineral Titles

The Mineral Titles Branch administers the legislation governing the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral, placer mineral, and coal rights in the Province.

Mineral & Coal Exploration

Exploration carried out by prospectors and companies leads to discoveries of valuable deposits.

Mining Health & Safety

Mining is one of British Columbia's safest heavy industries, and the Province is committed to ensuring that B.C. remains a world leader in mine health and safety practices.

Mining Compliance & Enforcement

The Province is committed to ensuring that B.C. remains a leader in mining regulation and oversight, while enhancing responsible resource development and strengthening First Nations involvement in the B.C.'s mining sector. 

Mine Audits Unit

The Mine Audits Unit is a dedicated team in the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation. This team evaluates the effectiveness of mining regulation in British Columbia and makes public recommendations to government for continuous improvement.

Further Information

Learn more about mineral exploration and mining statistics, directives, alerts, incident information, legislation, policies, reports and publications.

BC Mine Information Website

The BC Mine Information website profiles metal and coal mines across the province. Authorizations issued under the Mines Act, Environmental Assessment Act and Environmental Management Act, inspection records, and recent annual reclamation and annual dam safety inspection reports are available for these mines.