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MCFD Supports & Response to COVID-19

MCFD supports for child care, children and youth with support needs, caregivers, and youth and young adults during COVID-19.

Helpline for Children

Are you a child/youth? Need support? Call Helpline for Children 310-1234. Think someone under age 19 is being abused or neglected? Call 1 800 663-9122

Poverty Reduction Strategy

B.C.’s first poverty reduction strategy sets a path to reduce overall poverty by 25% and child poverty by 50% by 2024.

Services and Information Topics

Youth & Family Services

Sometimes families can benefit from a little extra help. Whether you have a child who has support needs, a family going through a rough patch, a teen in foster care, a youth struggling with mental health or substance use, or just looking for tips to best engage with young people. Learn more about the specialized supports available to help you out. how to engage with youth, find specialized support for important transitions, and access useful services to help keep your family together during challenging times. 

Family Benefits

Supports are available to help make life more affordable for families in our province.  Learn about benefits designed to help your family pay for the things you need and the services you rely on.

Childcare BC

To help families get ahead, the province is creating thousands of child care spaces, building better facilities, lowering fees for families and training more people to become early learning professionals.



Foster families in B.C. give needed care, safety and stability to children and teens who are unable to live with their own families.


Welcome to SeniorsBC! This is a place for all older adults in the province to find resources for planning and living a healthy and active life as they age. Seniors' families and caregivers will find great information here, too.

Services for people with disabilities

If you are living with a disability in B.C., there are programs and services available you. These programs and services get funding of more than $5 billion each year. They are offered through government, crown agencies and corporations.

Income assistance

If you are in need and have no other resources, you may be eligible for income assistance. This can help support your transition to employment.

Data, Monitoring & Quality Assurance

The provincial government is committed to providing quality service to children, teens, families and communities. Find detailed information related to service delivery for these areas.



Increasing accessibility and decreasing barriers for people with disabilities.

Learn more about accessibility

Services for Youth

Services for Youth

If you’re a young person struggling with mental health or substance abuse, there are lots of resources available to you.

Find out more about Services for Youth

Single Parent Employment Initiative

Single Parent Employment Initiative

Helping single parents on assistance transition into in-demand jobs.

Single Parent Employment Initiative

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