About B.C.'s Health Care System

Ensuring that the right information and services are available to B.C.'s health care consumers and providers at the right time is a tall order. It requires cooperation between many different groups focusing on different aspects of care.


Ensuring that everyone receives appropriate health-care services isn't as easy as you might think. From government officials and agencies to regulatory bodies; health-care service providers to the vendors whose products and services support the delivery of health care, the following individuals and organizations all work towards this common goal.

Aboriginal Health

The Office of Indigenous Health (the Office) aims to improve the health and well-being of Indigenous peoples in B.C. The Office provides an Indigenous lens to strategic priorities, legislation, policy and program development in the Ministry of Health, as well as other ministries where appropriate.

Explore Within

Office of the Provincial Health Officer

The Provincial Health Officer is the senior public health official for BC, and is responsible for monitoring the health of the population of BC and providing independent advice to the ministers and public officials on public health issues.

Health Priorities

The B.C. Government’s overarching goal is to deliver accessible and responsive health-care services guided by the needs of patients, while achieving the best value for the health care dollar.


Legislation supports the B.C. Government in its delivery of health care services to B.C. residents. It serves to protect the health, safety and rights of all British Columbians.

Health Care Complaints


Despite everyone's best efforts, there may be times when your experience navigating B.C.'s health-care system does not meet your expectations. If this happens, you can rest assured that there are people who are able to help find a solution to the problem.