
Pathways to Sport

British Columbia’s sport system includes – and should welcome – people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. B.C.’s new Pathways to Sport - a Strategic Framework for Sport in British Columbia 2020-2025 sets out a clear vision for a prosperous and sustainable sport sector in British Columbia.

Pathways to Sport guides B.C.’s path forward to increase participation, strengthen high performance sport and enhance hosting opportunities while ensuring the sport system meets the highest safety and ethical standards.

B.C. is also committed to implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples through the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act and is committed to ensuring Indigenous people and communities have equal opportunity to participate and compete in sport in a manner that recognizes and respects Indigenous culture and traditions.

Sport Participation

B.C.'s sport system welcomes participants of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. Explore the many ways to be involved in sport in your community.

Athlete Development

British Columbia has a proud tradition of establishing B.C. athletes on the national or international stage.

Sport Hosting

From local tournaments to international competitions, B.C. plays host to many sport events. These events showcase the natural beauty of B.C., our people, hospitality and amenities and provide tourism and economic benefits. They also give our athletes home field advantage and reduce training and competing costs.

Sport Funding

Provincial government funding for sport is generally targeted to province-wide sport and multi-sport organizations (such as Basketball BC, BC Wheelchair Sports and Canadian Sport Institute Pacific) which receive grants for participation and/or performance initiatives.

Sport Safety

Sport can provide important health and social benefits to all those involved. Life-long learning, enjoyment and participation in sport comes from a culture which is fun, positive, ethical and safe. These resources can help create a safer environment for sport.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Review the key questions that cover across the topic areas of government support in B.C. sports.