People first - Policing excellence - A safer Canada

People first
Policing excellence
A safer Canada

The RCMP is more than just a police service. We're part of the fabric of Canada, made up of people who care about their work, their communities and each other. As the RCMP moves toward its 150th anniversary in 2023, we're working to renew, refresh and modernize our organization. We've built a plan and identified initiatives to support our shared vision. Learn more about each initiative and follow our progress.

Strategic plan  Track results

Racism, discrimination and harassment have no place in the RCMP. We're taking concrete actions to advance equity, accountability and trust in our organization. Learn about the actions we're taking to make meaningful change.

Our way forward

Modernizing our RCMP

Vision150 is our plan to modernize the RCMP. It's about putting people first, so we can provide the best service we can to communities, to keep Canadians safe and secure.

Our vision responds to the expectations set out in the Commissioner's 2018 mandate letter and forms the core of our strategic direction.

Our Vision150 plan is centred on four themes, each focused on a key area where we see opportunities to modernize and transform the way we work. We have launched specific change initiatives under each theme:

  • Our people
  • Our culture
  • Our stewardship
  • Our policing services

Learn more about each theme below.

Putting people first
Our people

We're building a healthy, diverse and professional workforce. By focusing on our people, we can better serve our communities. Initiatives under this pillar will help the RCMP recruit and retain a diverse, skilled workforce. We're:

  • Changing how we attract and hire diverse people
  • Providing more training for employees
  • Removing hidden barriers in our policies, programs and initiatives
  • Improving employee wellness and mental health support services

Empowering employees
Our culture

We're forging a modern, trusted and inclusive RCMP. Culture change is long-term and requires leadership on all levels. Initiatives under this pillar are about shifting norms so that we ensure we treat people fairly, and develop the leaders who will take us into the future. We're:

  • Improving our harassment resolution process
  • Emphasizing character traits when hiring and promoting
  • Establishing transparent and accountable governance
  • Using Gender-Based Analysis+ in policy development

Practicing sound management
Our stewardship

We're supporting good governance and sound decision-making at all levels. With guidance from experts, initiatives under this pillar focus on streamlining our governance structures, improving our business management and enhancing transparency and accountability. We're:

  • Listening to external advice from members of our Management Advisory Board
  • Hiring experienced public servants to guide internal management
  • Appointing senior leaders to spearhead modernization and change initiatives
  • Reviewing how we make decisions, and boosting transparency

Working with partners and communities
Our policing services

We're keeping Canadians safe through leading-edge policing. Ensuring employees are equipped with the right tools and resources is key. Initiatives under this pillar include leveraging technology to connect partners, communities and front-line responders. We're:

  • Developing new strategies to work effectively in the digital world
  • Acquiring modern technologies and tools
  • Implementing pilot projects and programs to test new ways of operating
  • Working together with partners to combat emerging crimes

Our goals

The RCMP is a healthy and inclusive organization that provides modern policing services.

The RCMP's culture is characterized by respect for diversity and the contributions of all employees.

The RCMP has the trust and confidence of employees, communities, partners and other stakeholders.

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